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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Re: QDM Doe and coyote.... Sounds like a pretty good morning,congrats! Keep wackin them yotes.
  2. Re: Team 1 Sweet!Way to go Craig,congrats!
  3. Re: My November 2006 deer. Boy,that's quite a month!Congrats on an awesome season and a new baby boy!

    Secondary Rut

    Re: Secondary Rut This past weekend we found all the scrapes in the area were recently freshened up,and seen some small bucks chasing a few younger does like crazy.Hopefully it sticks around one more week.
  5. Re: Team 1 Well,I didn't fill a tag last weekend,but did see a few deer.Saturday morning I had a couple of does pass by on a diffreent trail just south of my stand,and a pretty nice shooter buck came down the same trail a little later and bedded down.Yesterday I went out and moved both of my stands so we'll see what happens this weekend.I did see a little 4 pointer chasing three young does hard yesterday,and all the scrapes were freshened up within the past few days,so it looks like the second rut is pretty hot around here,I hope it stays that way through next weekend.
  6. Re: Scent Free Deoderant, other the HS Scents The H.S stuff works fine for me,but is useless for my cousin.I'm not sure if he just sweats more or what the deal is,but at deer camp he has to go into town almost every night to take a shower or he gets pretty ripe.I'll have to tell him about the Speed Stik,Ban,and Sure to try out.
  7. Re: how do I go about... I was just thinking about this this morning! I plan to try and get permission to hunt some new land myself this off season. I would probably go talk to them in person. My question is how do I find out who owns a piece of property I would like to hunt?Is there an online source or do I have to go to the library and look at plat maps?

    mount or not

    Re: mount or not If it was my deer and my biggest so far I would go ahead and mount it,especially since you found someone to do it for a reasoneable price.
  9. Re: Theres no reason not to manage!!!!!!! [ QUOTE ] I do prefer to shoot does, would much rather do that than shoot a small buck. But I also DO realize that others hunt for different reasons, and don't feel that I should impede on them, just because I may want to see more and bigger bucks......... Does that make ANY sense? [/ QUOTE ] Me and you are on the same page Gator,that's the point I was getting at too. I'm with you Dando!I wish Illinois would go to a one buck rule for a year or two just to see what happens.It would make someone think twice about shooting a small buck if they are only allowed one per year,but it would also let people that are meat hunters take whatever size buck they want and encourage taking does,which would bring the buck to doe ratio a little closer to what it should be.
  10. Re: The deer are moving extremely well.... That's what I've been hearing too.Hopefully they're moving good tomorrow morning.I just talked to my cousin and he shot a doe yesterday morning at about 7:30,and in about an hour he saw 6 deer.
  11. Re: Hiking with my girlfriend Looks like a blast!That is some amazing country.

    Season opens Sunday

    Re: Season opens Sunday Go get 'em Craig!Sounds like it should be a great time!

    7 legged deer

    Re: 7 legged deer That is crazy stuff. Wtnhunt,you may be thinking of a 5 legged deer someone killed just this season somewhere in Illinois.I believe it was shot in November.
  14. Re: 10 shopping days left Time for me to get started! Actually I just have to buy for my wife and Grandpa,she takes care of the rest.
  15. Re: Did you know this?? HMMMM,Maybee I'll try it when I get off work just to see what happens.
  16. Re: What are your goals? Goal #1 for me is to try and talk the landowner into letting me put in a strip of food plot along the edge of the bedding area that makes up most of his property.It's a square piece that has crops to the north and east,and timber to the west,which is where my stands are.It looks like a nice spot to put in about a 15x100 foot plot. #2 would be to trim all the limbs that fell from ice storm a few weeks ago.Almost every trail is nearly blocked off,and hopefully I can stack some brush in a way that the deer funnel by close to one of my stands. #3 would be to take at least two does off this property next season.My cousin I are the only ones with permission,and we only bowhunt this piece.Over the past 4 years we've taken 1 buck and 6 does,but neither of us has scored yet this year.We've actually seen more 1 1/2 old bucks than mature does this year,which is pretty odd for this property.
  17. Re: Scent Blocker Dream Season I have the ScentBlocker/Dream Season suit.I won it from Drury,and I probably wouldn't spend the $300 for the suit personally,but a lot of guys swear by them. It is a nice suit...I like the number of extra pockets,and the velcro starps that wrap around your ankles and wrists to hold your scent in.When I go to deer camp for 4 or 5 days it's impossible to re-activate though.
  18. Re: buck growl This was a huge topic when it first came out,and A ton of people bought them,but not sure who had it work and who didn't.I haven't heard but a few people say it worked.
  19. Re: \"Treestandbowhunter offical 2006/7 NHL thread\" Pretty good game between the Pens and Caps last night. The Blue fired head coach Mike Kitchen and are replacing him with former Kings coach Andy Murray.Now they need to get a few solid players.
  20. Re: When to use a grunt I've had the best luck using an estrous bleat followed up with a few grunts.Usually once the heart of the rut is over I put the grunt tube away.I try not to do it to often,and usually only call once ot twice an hour.
  21. Re: are they legal? [ QUOTE ] Kirk is right, but it is illegal to kill any all White Deer in Illinois, Albino or not. [/ QUOTE ] Yep,but piebalds are fair game,they just need a little brown somewhere on the deers body.I've never seen either,but a buddy shot a piebald a few years ago down south.
  22. Re: Took my daughter on her first deer hunt That's pretty awesome!It's tough to top a day in the woods like that. If it's warm this weekend I may take my little girl out with me one afternoon.
  23. Re: how big was your HS? I graduated with around 350,so the whole HS must have had close to 1000 kids at hte time.
  24. Re: Theres no reason not to manage!!!!!!! [ QUOTE ] I have a great idea for Gator and mudrunner. Let's just eliminate all laws and shoot all the deer which move. No holds barred. In a short time we won't have to be concerned with poachers or anybody else. [/ QUOTE ] Yea,yea,yea....I have an authority problem.I hate being forced to do something new that I'm not used to...just ask my wife. For years I didn't wear my seat belt just because it was a new law and I was being forced to wear it or get a ticket.I guess I've always been like that. I never said anything about eliminating laws,everyone here knows that hunting laws are for conservation and safety.I do disagree that we need more laws made just so it's easier for you to shoot a big buck every year. Like I said,I have a self imposed restriction that I don't shoot anything that's not at least 2 1/2,which leaves a limited number of deer that fall into that catagory on the small propeties I hunt.Like I said before,I don't expect all the other hunters in the area to use the same rule just so I can bring one to the taxidermist every year.
  25. Re: Squirrel Proof Seats [ QUOTE ] Have you ever sat in it without the cushion? Is it somewhat comfortable? Also where did you get it? [/ QUOTE ] No,but I don't see any reason you couldn't sit on it without the cushion.It may be a little cold in the winter time though. I actually bought the stand from Rural King,it's kinda a fleet and farm store.The stand is really a pretty good for the money.I think I paid like $40 bucks for it after last hunting season was over and the left overs were on sale.