Scariest moment for me was a few years ago. I generally know where my stands are and don't use a flashlight walking in for morning hunts. I was walking in an overgrown field, similiar to a crp field, about waist heigh. It was about about a half moon that morning, and I heard something in front of me rustling around so I stopped. Next thing I no it's growling and snarreling and running towards me. It was just bright enough for me to see the tall grass parting and moving my way. It got to about 10 feet from me and I didn't know what the heck it was, or what to do. I started stomping my feet and barking (I have no idea why, but this my first instinct lol), and at about 3 feet away it veered to my left and ran into the woods. The sounds it made reminded me of a wild pig, but they're aren't any around here. I put my camera out hoping to get a pic of whatever it was, but no luck. Still don't know what it was, but it was loud and sounded ticked off. Coon, badger, rabbid coyote, hog....who knows? never happened again though.