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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER


    sad day

    I'm not really a big fan of country music, but I do like some of his older stuff. If they would play more of the older music like that I would probably listen to it more.
  2. I drive about an hour and 15 minutes one way to my hunting spot. I've driven up there for a three or four hour morning hunt several times.
  3. Congrats to you and your wife!
  4. I don't use scents as much as I used to. After I'm up the tree I give it a few squirts of coon pee for a cover scent. As for the estrous scents, I mostly do scent drags. I've had quite a few bucks pick up on them and come right in.
  5. Better luck next time Tim. Early season hunts can be tough, especially when it's in the 80's.
  6. Agreed Muggs. Three lock outs under supervision is unacceptable. There's something wrong with the guy. Like I said ,it amazes me that they haven't even been negotioating what so ever. Their last meeting was the 12th. I just read that they are meeting today to discuss last years revenue, but not a new CBA. Being that hockey is my favorite sport, it ticks me off to no end.
  7. Nothing new to report from here. Still another week before our season gets going. Unfortunately it starts on a Monday, so I have practically two more weeks before I'm able to get a sit in. I'll be taking my 8 year old daughter for a few of the early hunts. The two person stand is up and we got her safety harness in the mail last week, so she is ready to go. I still have two stands in the garage I need to get up, but I'm a little undecided on where to put them. I'll probably wait till a few more leaves fall and I can get a few more trail cam pics before deciding.
  8. Congrats on the doe! I usually wait till mid October to start rattling. Even then it's pretty light tickling. Around Holloween I start hammering them pretty hard. I never have had a lot of luck rattling though. Grunts and bleats have been my most effective calls by far.
  9. It's not looking too good right now. After everything that happened with the last lock out, I was sure they would have an agreement before the season started this year. No dice doesn't even sound like they have been in any serious negotiations yet, which amazes me. I hope they all pull their heads out of their rear ends soon so we can get some hockey this year.
  10. Yea, it's winding down here too. This weekend is championship night at the local track, but there are a few special shows into October for some other tracks in the area.
  11. I tried a scope on my slugger a few years ago and couldn't get used to it. I shot $40 worth of slugs dialing it in and went home with a cut over my eye lol, and I actually shot better with open sights. I ended up putting a cheap red dot and a b square mount on it and so far so good. I've had it on for about 5 years now without a problem.
  12. Congrats on your first deer! Not too shabby!
  13. Scariest moment for me was a few years ago. I generally know where my stands are and don't use a flashlight walking in for morning hunts. I was walking in an overgrown field, similiar to a crp field, about waist heigh. It was about about a half moon that morning, and I heard something in front of me rustling around so I stopped. Next thing I no it's growling and snarreling and running towards me. It was just bright enough for me to see the tall grass parting and moving my way. It got to about 10 feet from me and I didn't know what the heck it was, or what to do. I started stomping my feet and barking (I have no idea why, but this my first instinct lol), and at about 3 feet away it veered to my left and ran into the woods. The sounds it made reminded me of a wild pig, but they're aren't any around here. I put my camera out hoping to get a pic of whatever it was, but no luck. Still don't know what it was, but it was loud and sounded ticked off. Coon, badger, rabbid coyote, hog....who knows? never happened again though.
  14. I would like to see Jr. or Harvick win it. I do like Keselowski though. I don't follow NASCAR as much as I used to...give me a dirt track over asphalt any day.
  15. Cool pics! That's some amazing scenery.
  16. Welcome to the team Tedicast! I think we'll be right up there with the top teams this year. Thanks for taking care of it for us Redneck! Maybe next year a rule can be added that everyone on the team needs to check in within three weeks of teams being picked, or they will be replaced. I think I've had no-shows on my team almost every year.
  17. I never really bought into the carbon clothes. I'm not saying that carbon doesn't work, but I from what I've read it will not re-charge in a dryer. On top of that it's overpriced. I haven't studied up on silver that much, but it seems to be cheaper, and doesn't need re-charged, so I would give it a shot.
  18. Good luck Tim! Get after 'em! Hopefully they get a nice cold front and the temps aren't too bad for you.
  19. Glad to hear it wasn't anything more serious.
  20. Sounds like a nice trip! The worst part of a vacation is knowing you have to go back to work when it's over lol.
  21. It's supposed to be 85 and sunny here today. Pretty easy to take after such a miserable summer. Cold front is supposed to move in tonight with a few showers, and temps for the weekend are only supposed to be in the mid 70's.
  22. Great news Chris! Glad to here things went as planned!
  23. Sounds good Rhino! Maybe he can get us an alternate or two if they don't show. I thought there was a minimum post requirement?
  24. Good luck Chris! Hope the surgery goes as planned. We'll be praying for you bud.