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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Went out bowhunting yesterday. Talk about a nice morning! It was a frosty 24 when we got there with calm winds. Seen a few does, but no bucks.
  2. Same here. They hurt like heck coming in, but no problems now. Everytime I go to the dentist he harps on me about having them taken out. Hope it's a little better today.

    20 Years

    Congrats to you and the Mrs. We just had our 11th. Man, time sure flies by after the kiddies come along.
  4. That's still a nice buck Fly! I wouldn't beat myself up over it. We've all experienced a little ground shrinkage at one time or another. Like others have said, some people hunt their whole lives and don't get an opportunity to take a buck that nice. Congrats! What matters most is you got a quick, clean kill and he's going to feed a lot of family of friends.
  5. Congrats! He has some nice 2's on him.
  6. Man, that's a shame. He didn't look like much at 1 or 2 years old, but really turned out to be hack of a deer.
  7. Congrats on the bruiser! That's quite a story.
  8. Looks like he's headed west to Anaheim. Cards supposedly offered 220 million for 10 years, and apparently that wasn't good enough. He went to the Angels for 254 million for 10 years with a no-trade clause. I loved his time in St. louis, but now they have some money freed up to fill some holes for next season. 254 million is way to much for a mid market team to tie up in one player. I just can't see a guy of his size playing top notch baseball into his 40's consistently without injuries, but we'll see. I was hoping he would do the right thing and stay in St. Louis for a little less money, but he chose the path of other sports stars and went were the money is.
  9. Too bad they're sold out. That stand looks like it would be pretty comfortable. I know Millennium stands get good reviews and have a similiar style seat, but never sat in one myself. My most comfortable lock on stand is an old API.
  10. Nice buck! Congrats! A little redemption is nice once in a while.
  11. That's a cool buck! Congrats to your cousin.
  12. Busted up or not he's a heck of a nice buck! Congrats!
  13. If there is anything I don't like, my taxi takes care of it. Most of his business comes from word of mouth, and he would rather make sure you're getting exactly what you want so that he keeps your business.
  14. I never used boiling water with the Extreme shrink fletchings I used. Don't know if maybe yours are getting too hot, but it could be a possibility. I actually ran the water through the coffee maker and that seemed to be the perfect temperature for the Extreme's to shrink down. They actually held up way better through my biscuit than regular fletchings.
  15. Congrats on the six Snake! The weather was good Thursday and Friday, warm and windy Saturday, and rainy Sunday. Unfortunately the deer just weren't around. I seen three does Thursday, and that was it for the whole weekend. That makes for some long sits. I may get out bowhunting a few more times this year, but things are starting to wind down for me. It's been a weird season for me, only seeing about half the number of deer I normally do.
  16. He turned out nice! Good looking trophy wall William! For some reason, to me it looks better with just the two on the wall there. It may be because the other one has a plaque, and the two don't.
  17. Wow, that thing's a toad! He's got crazy mass. It didn't say how many points he had, unless I missed it.
  18. Whoo! Dang Dosse...heck of a buck! He's got some nice mass. Congrats! I'm heading out tomorrow for our second shotgun season. The weather here is quite a bit cooler now, so hopefully the deer will be on their feet a little more than they have been.
  19. That's the kind of buck most hunters dream about! Congrats!
  20. Heck of a nice deer! Very cool rack.
  21. A successful archery season for me is harvesting a deer with my bow. Even though a successful hunt is not always about the kill, ultimately that's the main goal of the hunting season. If I can spend a decent amount of time in the woods, pass a few small bucks that are in close, and harvest a doe, then that's a successful season for me.
  22. Glad you got it taken care of! I had to change a few of those myself.