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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Pat Quinn to sign Dream Act for scholarship money - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star The long and short of it is our turd of a governor signed a bill that creates a panel to raise scholarship money for illegal immigrants. Unbelievable! I've worked and paid taxes since I was 15, and will have to pay who knows how much to send my kids to college. Am I missing something here? Isn't it against the law to be an illegal immigrant? Yet they get free schooling...somethings wrong here.
  2. All my hang on stands have 20' climbing sticks. I usually use a climber during gun season and tend to go a little higher then.
  3. Not too late at all. I usually try to get my fall plots in around Labor day weekend. In fact I'll probably spray round up this weekend so I can start working the ground in a few weeks. Hopefully by then the weather will break a little.
  4. At home I shoot 5 arrows at 20, 30, and 40 yards, then finish with 5 more at 20. Not sure why I do it that way. I keep it short at home, but when i'm at the bow shop I'll shoot quite a few more arrows.
  5. Just mowing it. I even mowed it with a riding mower a few times when the tractor wouldn't start. I cut it down to about 6" 3 or so times a year.
  6. I had good luck with the Evolved Harvest clover and chicory mix. I got 5 good years out of it with little maintanance other than mowing a few times a year.
  7. I need to get one more climbing stick, some Slick Trick broadheads, and going to try out a set of Muck boots this year.
  8. You got it Chris. Hoping for the best and that he makes a quick recovery.
  9. Looks great! The color looks perfect.
  10. It's supposed to be 102 here today and tomorrow. Today will be our 4th straight day in the 100's.:48: The low tonight is only supposed to be 85. I absolutely hate summer....fall can't get hear quick enough.
  11. I've used the 4" Extremes with Duravanes for years. They're a little pricey, but easy to use and I've had good luck with them. They worked especially well when I had a whisker biscuit.
  12. It seems like it's been upper 90's and 100's for two weeks straight around here. High of 102 in the forecast for today. I'm going to start going to the bow shop and shoot at their indoor range. After spending all day working in a hot fabrication shop the last thing on my mind when I get home is going out back shooting. I haven't even touched my bow for about two months now...I need to get on the ball.
  13. Yea, I think that was part of my problem to begin with. My swing would get sloppy and I would open up trying to crush the ball just to keep up with the guys I was playing with. That's probably where my slice came from. With the new club my distance is just a fuzz more than with my old driver, but I don't have to try and kill the ball to get it out there, making my swing more consistent. I played with a guy in his 70's a few years ago. He beat me by like 6 or 7 strokes and never hit the ball more than about 150 yards, but every shot he made was right down the middle of the fairway. So yea, I'm with you..I would take straighter over longer.
  14. Well, I brought my new twig to the driving range last night for the first time. My distance didn't really improve much...maybe a few yards. What I did notice is that my ball control is way better. I still hit a slice every few balls, but for the most part my drives straightend out tremendously and I was more consistent. All in all I'm pretty happy with my new purchase. Hopefully I can get out this weekend for a few holes and see if my score improves at all.
  15. Nice! Looks like a pretty good deal and the reviews on it are decent enough. Now you have me wanting to go T.V. shopping.:yes:
  16. We have a 22" Insignia in the bedroom. (It's actually our one and only flat screen) We got a great deal on it from best Buy and the picture is superb. Going on two years now without any issues.
  17. I am pretty much in the "any given time " group. My goal is to kill two does a year. If I get two in the freezer then I'll pretty much let them walk and concentrate more on killing a nice buck. If I don't get a buck then I'll take another doe later in the season. I will not kill more than three deer per season. Mostly just to try and keep the numbers up a little in the areas I hunt.
  18. We actually did a little flower pot garden on the back patio this year. It's mostly to give the kids something to do, but it turned out pretty good. We have two large pots of lettuce, which we've been eating on for a few weeks now. One big pot of radishes , and one tomatoe plant that has about 20 green tomatoes on it. For some reason our carrots didn't grow at all. It's small, but easy to take care of and adds some good color to dress up the back patio. When I want a salad with my backstrap I just go out the back door and have all the fixins' right there.:beer:
  19. Part I: 1. Do you hunt managed private land that imposes a minimum buck harvest criteria? Is so, what is it? If more than one place with different criteria please state all of them. 2. What is the penalty if you kill a buck that doesn't meet the criteria? 3. Do you agree or disagree with your hunting property's criteria? Why I have permission on two pieces of private ground. One is 60 acres and the other 80. Both are shared with other hunters and none of them have ever been managed. Part II 1. How many deer hunting seasons do you have behind you? 2. Do you have a self imposed buck harvest criteria and what is it? 1. I have 19 hunting season behind me. 2. I generally pass on 1 1/2 old bucks. I've got two boxes of 1 1/2 old racks in the basement, and nowadays it's more about quality than quantity for me. There was a time when I just wanted to fill my tags, but anymore I just enjoy being out there and don't mind letting a tag go to waste. Eventually I imagine I'll get to a point that I'll pass on 2 1/2 year olds, but for the areas I hunt that's still a decent buck.
  20. Happy belated birthday Fella's!
  21. I hit a few drivers at the range last week. All of them seemed like a big improvement over my old driver. I ended up ordering an Adams driver...while I was at it I went ahead and upgraded my putter too.:yes: They should be here Thursday. I Can't wait to get out and play again.
  22. I used to play quite a bit of golf, but have been away from it for probably around 10 years. I've played three times this year and forgot how much fun it was, and am planning to start playing every few weeks. That being said, my sticks are about 15 years old, and I'm thinking about upgrading my woods. Every person I've played with so far has a nice big 460cc drivers and I'm using the original 265cc that came with my set. They all seem to hit the ball 20 yards farther than me with less club speed and effort. With me just getting back into it I need a driver with a pretty big sweet spot. Just curious what everyone else is using and where you usually by your clubs from. has some pretty good deals.
  23. If it's a legal deer and not on land I own then who am I to say what they should or shouldn't shoot. I've killed plenty of 1.5 year old bucks in my time. Shoot, for quite a few years anything with antlers was a trophy to me. I just reached a point a few years ago when I decided that I wanted to start killing a little bigger deer, and it took about 10 years to reach that point. There have been several times over the last few years that deer I have passed on have been shot by other hunters who were proud of the deer, and I was happy for them. I hunt more for the outdoor experience, commradery, and to provide good meat for my family than just to have a wall full of shoulder mounts. Like the Drury boys say..."If the moment moves you, then pull the trigger".