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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Me too. But even though I didn't score a bird, my 12 year old son Mike did, on the youth hunt:).
  2. Congrats:). Now comes the real world:D.
  3. Congrats on the cool gift Blade:). Happy Birthday!
  4. Good news Luke! Glad to hear it. Now stay healthy:). I'd send some cookies but they are cholesterol and calorie laden, so only special occasions OK:D.
  5. Adjam5


    Yup kids are unique in every way. Hope she is OK. I think of my Pop saying "What do you have to put your hand in the fire to know it burns?" That was me:D.
  6. I can contribute a little something. Mike, get me your addy and I'll send send out some $. That Kathleen is something else. Always giving:).
  7. Adjam5


    The press is falling all over this woman in NYC. You'd think she was the 2nd coming of Obama. BHO actually said" there is no reason whatsoever ANYONE could find, NOT to confirm her for the Supreme court". Our president must be from space. He thinks everyone is on board with his views and plan. He won the electoral good, but just won the popular vote. That tells me there are almost as many people who want things to go in another way than down the drain. Too many urban area people are being pushed into office who have no background in the outdoors or shooting. So it is no surprise that they become antis when they get the chance. How soon before Texas secedes?
  8. We need a pic of you with your lobster bib on, sitting by a pile of shells, BIG smile on:D. Enjoy the feast:).
  9. Have a safe trip Mr & Mrs:). Hope you get all accomplished, you set out to do. But take it easy some days Steve,all work and no play makes Steve a dull boy:D.
  10. Great way to preserve it. Cool surprise too;).
  11. We are waiting on a weak right side G3 for confirmation as if it IS the wide 8. Very cool watching him grow.
  12. Well if it was a 2 stroke I'd say check the reed(s). Any luck tuning the carb?
  13. Is it a 2 stroke or 4 stroke?
  14. Great performance Randy. I was proud from here:).
  15. Blue Chevy Trucks Rule! Looks good Luke:).
  16. Adjam5

    My Wife Won.......

    Always cool to win stuff:). Congrats to the Mrs.
  17. Adjam5

    "White hawk"

    Gavin...are you into Falconry?
  18. Glad it all went well. Prayers headed Isaac's way. Sure is a handsome devil ain't he?
  19. I have mt Grand dads old .410 single shot. A hardware store gun. It don't tear up the squirrels too bad and points real well for the rabbits.
  20. Precious Chris...precious .
  21. Adjam5

    New house

    Good deal. It will slow the aging from UV rays. Throw some slime in that tire and be done with it.
  22. Thanks Joe, same to you. Thank you to all the service men and women who allow us ALL to sleep safe at night. God Bless America.
  23. Hysterical footage. The NWTF might be interested in this:D.