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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Re: bowtech to mathews I agree...I am a fellow Outback shooter here too! Welcome aboard! It is a VERY fast, quiet,small forgiving bow and you could use just one sight pin if you'd like out to 35yards! Thats what I did. Good Luck with it and Happy Holidays!
  2. Re: The Outback, in pic That is REAL cool... Thanks for sharing it!
  3. Re: Home page story about Bill Jordan\'s Hunt? Even if I don't agree with the method used, I will still support anyones type of hunting as long as its legal. As far as integrity goes...those are personal limits. I see nothing wrong with what Mr Jordan did.
  4. Re: FoxPro Game Calls. Questions? Buy the won't be sorry.
  5. Re: Coyote and my first bobcat Thats it... git them thar turkey killers! Nice shootin!
  6. Re: need a barrel for a ruger 10/22 Did ya find a barrel for the Ruger? If not let me know, I upgraded my 10/22 and have the factory barrel if you need it.
  7. I have 2 T/C Hotshot #11 nipples, one standard nipple all brand new in package. $10 for the 3 of them. One T/C capper for #11 nipples, its clear plastic and holds over 100 primers. It is used but in good shape. It is clear and black plastic It holds the primer in place for placing and removing the #11 primer. $5, (will throw in a tin of remington primers) One brass powder flask with spring loaded trickler and powder neck, filled and emptied, but never used. $5 2- #11 nipple wrenchs, one for T/C in lines( it goes thru the reciever with the bolt removed) and a small nipple wrench when you do not want to disassemble the gun to change the nipple. $10 for both of them. Or $25 plus shipping for everything. Thanks and have a happy holiday!
  8. Re: Hunters Safety System Vest I too saw the video and was somewhat discouraged about the performance of the HSS vest in it. But like someone said, the fall with heavy clothes on should help ease the pressure/pain from the retraints. Any harness is better than none. I'm glad most of us saw that video and came to our own conclusions. A harness is a MUST have tool for the hunter who climbs. I mean do we really want to make our wives rich from our insurance payouts? I love my wife, but... I'd rather collect on her and use that $ for my dream Alaska trip Not her collect on me and spend all that in the mall and SOME for my Realtree casket! They have 'em... Soo PUT THAT HARNESS ON! ANY HARNESS! Happy Holidays!
  9. Re: Thank you for the Outback help. Mathews...a good purchase you won't be sorry making You will love this bow! I have mine for 2 years now and have taken 6 deer with it. It is soo fast, smooth, short, quiet ,forgiving...did I mention fast? Good Luck with the bow! Hunt Safe!
  10. Re: Team Broadheads-N-Bullets I'm done more deer to add. The deer season in NY's southern zone ends this tuesday. I have been out with the smoke pole the last 4 days, and the snow is VERY DEEP. The deer are all yarded up and do not go far, but they can hear you coming a mile away with all the cruchy snow and ice we have had the last 3 days . Its soo thick where we hunt, we are lucky to get off a 60 yard shot. A few of my friends have shot deer on drives, but all does. I have had a great season, and I have hunted more this year than ANY other year I have ever hunted. Betcha I have 40 or better sittings on stand this year! It was a great year, my oldest boy got his 1st and I took a good buck too. I hope we do good and wind up in a respectabe place in this contest. It has been nice hunting with you boys . Merry Christmas to all and have a safe and happy new year! Anthony
  11. Re: Just got done scoring my deer.(pic) What a great rack! Congrats
  12. Re: bow or gun? I love getting close to the it bow for me!
  13. Re: My son\'s first deer Great going! You'll remember that a long time!
  14. Re: Team Broadheads-N-Bullets I'm just about done with the end of this week. I missed a shot yesterday at a doe with my smokepole. I am still shootin open sights and I messed up a 60-70yard shot. No hair, no blood clean miss. I am still hurtin though from jumping in the river behind my house to get my sons doe he shot last weds. Darn thing made it into the river behind our house and started to flow away! I had to jump in and drown it. That cold water made my thighs ache big time! I told my son , since I technically put the deer down, it should be MY deer right? I couldn't deny him that deer, even though he didn't make a good shot. His story is on the RT bow hunting topic under Squirrelhunter's91 1st deer.. I might get out again this week with the bow behind the house. We live in a bow only area. Good Luck all!
  15. Re: **Attacked by a Blacktail Buck** I have brand new respect on the whitetail deers willingness to live. Your story is is incredible...they truly are wild animals. I had to drown one last week that my son shot with is bow... I know how they can wrestle and how strong they are...even when hurt and wounded! Glad your OK.
  16. Re: Hunters Safety System Vest I also have a HSS. I bought it this sept tember. I was tired of wrestling with all the straps of my other harness. It goes on real quick, that is a plus. I found this link after I bought and used mine. Check it out, some useful info. Harness tests
  17. Re: My First Deer! Everyone I am still giggling like a kid as to what happend Thanks for all the kind words, I can't get over what I did. I was convinced that she would make the water if we did not persue her. You have to see the terrain to see why , she kept rolling down hill. That animals willingness to live was incredible. I thought outside of the boo boo on my finger I was OK...But...My thighs are killing me! Like I ran a million miles! That ice cold water contracted my muscles soo tight and my grappling the deer so she don't take off down with the streams force really did a number on my thigh muscles... My calfs were alright, they were in rubber boots, but OH! are my thighs killing me. Joe fed the family tonite by supplying backstraps Its nice to have another meat gatherer in the cave And Yes...Traditions( the post above) was my 2, soon to be 3, boys hunter ed instructor. If anyone would've appreciated this story, it would be him!
  18. Re: My 3 arrow 6pt. - pics Bow hunters dream...foloowing a blood trail! You got 'em! Nice big ole buck too. Congrats!
  19. Re: first bow coyote!!! Man! A predator with the bow! What a trophy!. Congrtas!
  20. I don't know if anyone has seen these yet... My friend e mailed these pics to me. He knows I am a big hunter and would like seeing them. Jeez What a suprise! and what a buck too! Buck vehicle collision pics I have no idea of the location.
  21. Re: Apple Trees.... Lime the crap out of them and spray insecticide if you can. That will make healthier and bigger apples.
  22. Re: Taking Does Good point Tominator. Over the lifetime of a doe, she most likely will produce 8 deer, hopefully half will be bucks. Taking does after the rut might be killing the next monter buck(s). If you do not want to kill mature ones after the rut, concentrate on fawns. They won't be bred yet being immature. Good Luck and Hunt safe!
  23. Re: Hunting accident! My prayers out to that family. Soo sad.
  24. Re: Easton Archery Don't forget...Beman is also a part of Easton They share technology. I use Beman 380-16's.
  25. Re: Realtree Chopper A Realtree chopper would be great, but not by OCC. The motors and drivetrains they use are REVTECH, I'm not into Korean powered Harley designs. Maybe by Jesse James or Dave Finn. Hoofs for foot rests, machined jawbones for the handbrakes, somehow design antlers into the bars. Snort wheez horn , Big buck with a doe flashing teets painted on the tank Of course A Hardwoods frame all over and Hardwoods trim around the sheet metal. Oh we can go on forever....