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Everything posted by ccwhitey

  1. Kinda hard to tell but I would say 140's great looin deer btw
  2. Great background and buck, congrats
  3. Wow congrats on the awesome buck
  4. From what he told me it sounds like he's going to break the bank this year since he sold some in june when it was high in june
  5. or atleast my uncle is. He told me today that he ranged between 164 and 147 bushels per acre:eek:. If that's not doing good I don't know what is!!!
  6. If he's a main frame 8 he'll prolly got into the 150's
  7. Congrats nj. looks like you got a little meat for the meat pole:D
  8. I think that Tominator is right cause one has white in the inside of his legs and the other doesn't. Great pics btw
  9. Nice lookin wraps and thanks for the tip
  10. I agree with HoytnMUZZYboy. I have heard that if damage is done to them in velvet they will have a disformed rack. It can also be cause by someone shooting it and not killing it or the deer getting injured while fighting
  11. Just think what he'll be in one or two more years;)
  12. Always did love hawks and eagels. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Looks like it was a heck of a time.
  14. Hey man it does happen to the best of us. Just don't get too down on youself cause I have seen you shoot and know that you can..... sometimes:p:p:D:D
  15. Congrats on the early start. I can't start till the weened though:(
  16. ccwhitey

    Hi there

    Welcome to RT. This is a great place to hear some stories and learn a few things;)
  17. Wow sure looks like your giving someone some pretty good business;)
  18. That would be me:p:p:D:D Better get used to it too Kyle