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Everything posted by ccwhitey

  1. ccwhitey


    I've been getting them pretty badly and frequently lately. Talked to some friends and they said the same thing. I don't know why though:confused:
  2. Wish I had one of those guys walk by my stand.
  3. Unless they have a late winter doe only season:eek: Seen several bucks here in IL that were killed on accident because hunters thought that they were does.
  4. First of all welcome to RT and second congrats of the awsome buck.
  5. ccwhitey

    The Hills....

    Atleast girls make you guys watch that show. My roomate episode that comes on ever if it's a rerun:mad:. I simply mutter a few words and then leave the room every time it's on.
  6. I was talking with several of my fellow hunters here at Western in Macomb IL, and we were trying to decide when the peak of the rut was. I know that traditional dates range from the first of Nov to the first gun season or later. We really couldn't say when it was cause none of us saw chasing at all like we normally do. So when do you guys and gals think the rut was for Il or any other state??
  7. I would venture at a guess and say 139
  8. Congrats on the nice deer dawg. I just finished up a dismal IL 2nd shotgun season. Sat morning we had 25+ mph winds with a low of 17 and man was it cold. I only saw one deer all day with sitting in the stand for over 8 hrs. Today I went out and saw a fork horn in the morning that I passed up on and two does that were in too much brush for me to shoot. Tonight I went back out and saw the three deer and none of the does would get out of the bruch long enough to give me a shot. This weekend was basically the last weekend that I will hunt because I have hunted the last month hard and can count the deer that I have seen on both of my hands:mad:. Sorry for no help with getting some points, but I will try when again to get aleast a doe over my winter break. Hope that all of you seasons have gone well cc
  9. Congrats on the nice bow kill
  10. What no ticket for me Kyle:p:p:rolleyes::D Hope you have a good time.
  11. Only got a little over an inch in Macomb
  12. Looks like you have your fair share of big boys to chase after
  13. That's great how you had all of those pics of him
  14. Same boat as you Kyle. I've been out several times this week and have only seen two deer since gun season began:mad:, which was this last friday. I do plan to hunt the second gun season this time taking any doe I see or a buck above 140 class. Good luck to all and hope a big one walks in front of all of you:D;) cc
  15. Man he sure has a big body on him. Good luck with him
  16. Congrats on the awesome buck KTM. I've been hunting hard since this last sat which was shotgun season and have only seen two deer:mad: I don't know what the heck happened, but hopefully I'll have some better deer before I head back to western
  17. Had that happen last year and the year before that. They only stayed longer on the roost if it was really stormy outside from my experience. Good luck getting one cc