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Everything posted by ccwhitey

  1. Goes to show you even public land can hold big bucks
  2. I hopefully get to see the rack of the deer tomorrow at the next archery meeting.
  3. Awesome story and pics and congrats on a monster
  4. Here is anther one that she forgot to post. What do you think he will score. Sorry for the bad angle but it was the only way I could put the camera over this scrape
  5. I was just posting what I have heard and there is no reason to call me a liar especially since I don't know you. I talked to my buddy again and he said that it was in Bond county but i do agree with OhioMatt that it will take a while to really find out where it specifically was harvested.
  6. One of my friends says he know the guy that killed it. He also said that it will go over 300 inches but i dont agree. I think that it will be close but I dont think that it will quite make it over 300. He said it was in Illinois but I will try to ask exactly where.
  7. ccwhitey

    Buck Down

    Great lookin deer and what a body on him
  8. Looks to me like a 3.5 yr old that would go in the low 140s to me and a shooter in my book
  9. I bought Parkergirl a cuddyback camera and this was one of the first pics that were taken. It is about 50 yrds away from a new stand that we put up the day before.
  10. Wow congrats to the kid. Boy does he have a neck on his for Sept.
  11. I just got Parkergirl to start hunting last year for both archery and gun season. I think that is great cause now i can talk hunting all year round:cool2: I do know a few guys that don't want their girlfriends or wives with them cause they see it as a vacation from them.
  12. WTG Randy. Great looking mulie
  13. Glad to have you aboard Ky.
  14. What no pics Kyle:hammer1: Hope you get a crack at him.
  15. I start classes as well at 9:00 :bang:. Good luck
  16. I agree that the wide 8 is the oldest and would be my number one on the list. I would try to let the 10 walk if it was on my property since I think it is only a 3.5 year old buck and can turn into a dandy with another year or two