Our family philosophy is that you don't shoot them, bucks that is:hammer1:, unless you are going to mount them. Otherwise you can let them walk another year.
Went to the store and he didn't see any that he wanted that were not marked up really high. I talked to a friend and he said that he could get us a gun for manurfacturing price. Dad still hasn't decided on what model he wants yet. He decided to push it off a little bit longer cause we are redoing part of our house and funds are stretching
From my experiance the gobblers don't gobble nearly as much but hens on the other hand can be quite vocal. I always try to set up between a food source and their roost for the morning hunt and then try to ambush them going to the roost later.
Yep it is for college and the bad thing is that I have been paying for it since June but haven't even seen which apartment I will be getting.
Hope your son has a happy birthday.
Only 40 minutes and then I'm free for the weekend. This was a tough week for me so I glad the weekend is almost here. Going to suprise Parkergirl with flowers and dinner since I haven't been the nicest thing to be around all week. :serenade: Hope all of you have a good weekend cause I'm sure am.
This weekend I get to move a truck load of stuff into my new apartment with one of my roomates and then after that is done I'm grabing a fishing pole and waiting for the catchfish to bite:yes: Anyone else have any big plans?
I have lost three deer in total. One shooting a thunderhead, one using the rage because I shot the doe at 40 yards in the shoulder and didn't get much penetration, and my third was my first year hunting with a shotgun which was two years ago.
You didn't get an early start on your birthday did you lol
Nell said that she felt the same way yesterday and couldn't understand why prolly something viral.
:happybday: I guess that means that you won't be lifting tonight then :hammer1::hammer1: Don't have too much fun drinking all that soda:soda: Have a great birthday and bottoms up:beer:
From what I have been told the G5 montec and Tekkan broadheads are both great. I had a guy tell me the only bad thing with them is that if you are shooting close to or over 300 fps then they don't leave a very good blood trail. He said that the reason for this is because at that rate of speed the angle at which the broadheads are shaped makes too clean of a clot and allows for the wounds to clot up faster. This would mean not a very good blood trail, but the deer still would prolly die from internal damage and not leave any blood to prove it. I'm not sure that I really understood what he meant :hammer1:but its food for thought.
Anyone else head of anything like this. I also thought of switching to the G5 since my bow only shoots 270ish fps
Saw him last night and it was awesome:clap:I was actually surprised when his opening act was Brian who is better known as "Guitar Guy." He was even hilarious not to mention that he can really play the guitar:rock::rockon: My favorite character was definately Walter. Who is yours??
Went to see this movie with Parkergirl, my younger brother and his girlfriend. We all thought that it was a bust too much hype imo. :yawn::yawn::sleep1::sleep1:.There were parts that I did like about the movie but on a whole I think that they put in things that could have been deleted and missed crutial stuff. I did like Michael Gambon performace as Dumbledore alot better in this movie than all of the other ones that he played in. All in all we gave it 2.5 out of 5
I get to go see him tomorrow night with Parkergirl and her family. Her parents were nice enough to but tickets for us. Her dad absolutely loves him so I hope that it will be a good show. We are going to see him at Springfield, Il civic center which is just a few minutes from my work. Has anyone esle seen him live?? I seen his shows on comedy central and they were funny so I think that it will be fun.
Thanks guys. I think that dad is going to go with the .223. I also talked to a few other people that I know and they said that it is just too light of a load to get the job done especially when there is wind, which there usually is here