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Everything posted by ccwhitey

  1. Looks like a good fall coming up for you.
  2. Thanks for the pic, it looks like an awesome rifle. How much did it cost you once you were all said and done??
  3. My dad has one of those credit cards from Cabela's that give you free money with evey purchase that you make with the card, 1% I think. Anyway he has saved up over 200 on the card and was wanting to buy an new rifle to hunt coyotes. We are just getting into coyote hunting so we don't know much on the type and brand of rifle that would work best. He thought that he would buy maybe a .223 or a .22-250. I however thought that a .17 HMR would be better because of the cheaper rounds. As for scope I don't know what to buy without selling the farm:eek: Any good set ups or advice would be appreciated. Jared
  4. Happy birthday Dakota:happybday:
  5. Looks like a 3.5 yr old to me so I would let him walk.
  6. Hope you have fun shopping all day on your birthday:happybday:
  7. ccwhitey

    Check this out

    I don't know if any of you have seen this but I just found it while I'm on my lunch break and thought that I would share it. No way this is real but I thought that it was funny anyways.
  8. I live in Morgan... have hunted Morgan, Macoupin, Effingham, Pope, Calhoun and will be hunting McDonough for the first time this fall hopefully
  9. Thanks guys for the prayers. I went down there today to look at all of the damage and to say it was extensive would be an understatement. I do think that the insurance is going to cover most of the cost its just that it was such a shock when it happened. The insurance agents come out tomorrow at 8 in the morning. Thanks again for all of the prayers. Jared
  10. My grandpa was very unfortunate to be the victum of a freak accident. He is 68 yrs old and was wanting to retire soon, but now I think that he might be forced to. My brother was down on the farm at the time of the fire and unfortunately it was my brother's birthday the day when this happened. He a link to the story The fire was so big that the local insurance agents said that they had to call in the corperate big wigs. They are coming out this Monday. Grandpa said that he lost 4 tractors in the fire, 3 planters, and all of this bailing equipment. He does have a old 6 row planter left but he said that he can't beans with it. He doesn't know what he should do because of his age and the fact that doesn't have all of his planting done. Prayers needed Jared
  11. This year I decided to join Parkergirl and her family on their vacation to Florida. I have never been to the beach and her family said that they would take care of everything for me so I thought what the heck. I am enjoying myself despite being severly sun burnt. I guess they don't call me whitey for nothing lol Here are a few pics that Parkergirl has taken so far.
  12. Could another reason for not getting the ful mount could have been the lack of feathers left on the bird:confused::D
  13. ccwhitey


    Looks like I'm going to have to head to the archeryshop to get some new arrows:( Parkergirl, bowtech_archer, and my self thought that today would be a good day to shoot our bows since archery season.Bowtech and myself both drilled our first shots at 40 yrds and then we move up to practice some closer shots. Now I'm wishing that I didn't:p:D I robinhooded on my first group at thirty yrds. I didn't shoot the first shot very well so I just was trying to group my last two arrow and I think that I did a good job;). I actually shot this arrow all the way to the fletchings. This is be my second robinhood with my first being last year. Looks like I need to start picking different targets for each arrow:D:D
  14. It seems like the only weather this year I've hunted in is rain or wind. When it is rainy I head to the open fields but the gobblers were actually still in the timber. It wasn't raining that hard so that may have something to do with it. As for the wind I think that is the worse hunting weather of all. If is too windy they seems to shut up. I heard the least amount to gobbling this year because of it. Tough conditions so good luck.
  15. Great pics and congrats on the bird
  16. I haven't been home to get some pics of the beards. I wish that we could upgrade our score because he would have scored 80.25 instead of my original bird that scored 49. But hey I'm happy with both of them:D:D
  17. I went to Nell's (Parkergirl) grandpa's ground today just to blow off some steam since I have been working my tail off for the past two weeks. Not expecting much I was happy just to get away from the college dorm life. Went out and it was windy just like it always is when I go there. This is the same ground that Nell was able to harvest her huge bird so I was a little bit excited. We got out there a little later than I would have wanted to but it didn't make much difference because not a single bird gobbled on the roost. Finally I decided to give the ol' box call a try since it was so windy. One actually answered but this turned out to be a dead end. All he wanted to do was gobble on a open field that we didn't have permission to hunt on. Three different hens went to him so I decided that he was a bust till late morning and decided to head to the truck at 8:00 to get something to drink. Her dad was at the truck and said that he thought that he heard a gobble a few minutes before we got to the truck in the timber behind him. Not thinking much of it I gave a yep and was suprised that one actually answered me about a quarter mile away. Seperating us was a huge revine. We were talking for about a minute on where we should set up and I gave another call just to see where he was at. Surprisenly he gobbled not a 150 ydrs off and had already crossed the big ravine that was seperating us. So we just sat down where we were and not 30 seconds later Nell says that she saw him RUNNING through the woods to get to us:eek: He came up in a weird place and I turned to look at him to make sure it was a longbeard. Well I don't know if he saw me look because we didn't have time to find good cover or what but he broke strut and turned tail to run. I swung my gun over and sent the 3.5 in 6 shot right at him. Unfortunately I blew one of his wings almost completely off and had to shot again. I thought that I got a respectible bird with a 9.5 in beard, 1 1/16 and 1 1/8 spur, 22 lbs bird but it turns out that he was a double beard:eek: First beard 9.5 and second 9 in. The worse part is that I did not even realize that I got a once in a lifetime bird until I received a phone call 2.5 hrs later saying that I was dumb becuase I didn't even realize what I got. I don't have a picture of the beards because I went back to school which is 2 hrs away from where I got the bird. I will try to have Nell take a pic tomorrow because she is already done with school and the beard is home. Safe to say that this has been my best year ever. I was able to call in a bird for a friend on opening day of second season at 7:30 then call in another bird on a different piece of ground at 12:34 for myself. Then the next weekend I got Nell her first bird and boy was that a bird:D:D To top off my season I was able to get a second turkey for the year and it was a double beard. As you can tell I'm still excited and I killed it at 8:30 this morning because this is the longest post I have ever make. Sorry for the long post. I'll post more pics once Nell loads them since this is the only one I have. Jared
  18. To say the least I wish that we could have upgrades. I went out this weekend to get rid of some stress from school, and I'm glad I did. I went out thinking that it would be nice just to hear a few birds but I had the best hunt ever. I will try to post the whole story tonight once I down load the pictures but long story short I killed a double beard with 9 in beards:eek:
  19. :eek: Are you kidding me. I though that they had higher standards than that:p:p:p:D:D:D Congrats Kyle
  20. Great lookin' bird good luck on getting him;)