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Everything posted by fly

  1. That's what I use. It's accurate (with open-iron sights) out to 75 yards. I shoot smooth sabots with a rifled barrel. With a scope the gun would likely be good out to 100-150 yards. My heavy brush/timber hunting for big bucks means my shots are generally well within 75 yards so I opt not to use a scope on my slug gun. When I say accurate I mean 5 out of 5 shots all within a grapefruit and 3 of them being within a silver dollar.
  2. fly

    Double Standard?

    I agree that the initital post represents a form of racism as I'll wager that at least some black people would agree as well. In a philosophy class I took some years ago I learned that when an oppressed people are no longer oppressed some of them will try to become the oppressors so they are never oppressed again. You can see it in radical feminism as well. It doesn't make it right of course, but one can see how it happens. Time living free of oppression helps. We must remember that many older black people living right now have experienced life in the USA as an oppressed people (segregation) and they could have had grandparents that were slaves. It's good to know about these things and believe me they can get my blood boiling too. I like to think of US slavery, seggregation, and oppression as things of the past. It sure would be nice to include racism in that list.
  3. Nice Tom! Bow birds are an exceptional trophy and yours looks great!
  4. Agreed, a bit much.
  5. Outdoor Life magazine prices the Alphamax at $899.00. Among several new bows listed in the comparison the Alphamax was the most expensive. The Iceman by Diamond was listed at 829.00. My local pro-shop doesn't carry Hoyt, but the Iceman goes for 769.00. I'd say an 800.00-825.00 price tag for the new Alphamax would be a good deal, a little less for the Katera. The pro-shop in my area gives out prices over the phone.
  6. I went with the ultimateslam last year. I'm very pleased with my Nikon Buckmaster, but it doesn't have the BDC reticle. I believe both the ultimateslam and Nikon to be great scopes. I personally like the reticle on the Ultimateslam better and it was a little cheaper since it was on sale.
  7. I've only had one doe duck my string at about 25 yards. The arrow grazed her back and I ended up with a few hairs. I generally hunt 25-35 feet up a tree. If a deer was looking at me at full draw I would aim an inch lower.
  8. Yup. sure have. With archery gear you would if it was over 204 4/8 inches.
  9. IL has archery and gun. I've never gun hunted turkey in the fall because I'm too busy bow hunting deer.
  10. Sounds like you're staying for now. If this feeling re-surfaces then think about why you're really wanting to leave. Is a passing feeling or somehting you'd take with you even if you did move. Sounds like your kids need ya so you might want to try some traveling first. Visit some places you may want to live, then if you really like a place and still want to move go for it. BTW... You always got a home here on the forums.
  11. For those interested (Buckee's knife fight): Another knife fight story: Boomer, I think your pictures are simply amazing! Not many would have believed you without them.
  12. Would like one that shoots an arrow and hits dead on. (would be nice instead of writting agree. Also a welcoming smile face.
  13. Well Ken I'm 38 and I don't have it. I get more than enough social interaction right here. I don't really think of Facebook, My Space, Camo space, or any other space as immature, only some of the people using them. I wouldn't think any less of someone that used it, I just don't have time for it and I honestly don't want to have time for it. I see some people on it so much that they loose the ability to relate to people on a face to face basis. I also hear that a lot of people share information online they normally wouldn't.
  14. With 1500 posts now I thought I'd try to post something profound since the next time I upgrade I'll be a moron and no longer be able to make profound statements. Well the most profound thing I could think of would be... May God bless each and every one of you wonderful people here on the RT forums!
  15. Crazy! I doubt I'd ever do it.
  16. Remington 870 Wingmaster 20 Ga. is my favorite.
  17. fly

    Something Different

    I don't know Steve, the terminator one looks pretty neat to me. The other one will appeal more to certain people. I always look foward to seeing your projects.
  18. fly

    Took mine in!

    Me too Kirk, starting this past year I'll always keep my horns! I also ask for the skull now. I boil it down and get the teeth so I can age it. Looking foward to seeing your mount.
  19. fly

    13 Weeks!

    The warm weather (80's today) always makes me anxious for fall. I was thinking the same thing. Problem is that 13 weeks really is longer than I care to wait. Fishing helps some, but there's nothing like bow season!
  20. Depends on if it was typical or non-typical. Typical: (Given it is a New world record 200 inch whitetail) ~ Don't tell a soul. Take it to the best taxi I could find and have him/her swear to keep it a secret. Have a full body mount done. Once the taxi completes the work, I'd pay the taxi and have it stored in a secure/safe place. Then spread the word that a new world record was harvested (only the state mentioned). I'd possibly have one picture of it (from a distance and fairly poor quality) circulated. The picture would have to stir controversy as to the actual size. Then after a while arrange and publically announce an official B&C measuring followed by an auction. Invite cabela's, Bass Pro, the Dancing Queen, others with a lot of coin. Start bidding at a million or no sale. Take my fortune, get the heck out of IL. and buy a place up in the mountains. Hunt all big game animals (not just whitetails). Non-typical 200 incher would be different story... More like C and D.
  21. Soon we will all be able to clone a 400 inch, 500 inch, whatever inch deer we want and release it into the woods and go "hunting". I've heard that a vial of DNA from these giants can get pretty expensive, but a lot of outfitters and "hunters" are flipping the bill with hopes of growing giants like this guy on their property. I wouldn't want any part of it personally.
  22. 5 days is what we get here in Il. as well. Give er heck and good luck!
  23. Go get em! Been done here in IL. for a month now.
  24. Looks like that Tom must have escaped some danger in the past with those missing tail feathers. Glad to hear his luck didn't hold out. Congratulations!