Wide range around here. Anywhere from 400.00-1000.00.
There are a lot of things to consider/ask about: shingled breast feathers, fake head or freeze dried, feet injection, and the base.
Most are around 575.00 and whatever the base costs.
Well known Hazel Creek in Missouri charges 800.00 just for the bird and 900.00 if you want the breast feathers shingled. Most of the local guys don't even attempt to shingle the breast feathers. I hear it takes a prime specimen to have the breast feathers shingled anyway.
I went with a reputable local guy that charges 585.00 for the bird and 40.00 for a custom made base. I think I'll go with a standard base with ferns and a large molded rock in the center that has some moss on it. I'm also going to place a couple morel mushrooms in it and a shed I found while out hunting.
The guy I went with has the turkey heads sent to Hazel Creek where they are freeze dried. Turn around time is about a year and 1/2.