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Everything posted by fly

  1. Great job! Congratulations to you both.
  2. Glad to see you pulled it off. Congratulations!
  3. fly

    I did it

    Great to hear you're staying healthy and keeping up with the youngsters Frank. Wanna race? Hey congratulations on 1000+ posts!
  4. That's one unique story. I'm speechless (as was the bird). Congrats once again.
  5. Wow! That Tom took a mean load to the head alright.
  6. Great looking bird! Congratulations!
  7. Way to go Kirk! Best buck, then best turkey! You better buy a lottery ticket. Are you mounting it? If so what pose?
  8. Nice first bird! Welcome to the long beard killer club.
  9. What I'm hunting for depends a lot on the time of year, where I'm hunting, what I've already taken, and my financial status. When bow hunting early in the season I'm only shooting a mature buck that I'd mount. A 4.5 year old with broken tines gets to walk. However, late in the season I might shoot him if I don't have any doe meat for the freezer yet. Past few years I'd say I pass shots on 5 or 6 bucks in a season. Some of those 5-6 bucks I'll see multiple times in a season. I may pass on 2-3 different bucks twice in one outing.
  10. Great bird! Congratulations. Now you'll have to get those girls in the background out there next year.
  11. Great looking bird you got there. Congratulations!
  12. You the man little strut! Congratulations!
  13. Great find! Hope you catch up with him in the fall.
  14. This concept is new to me. I went to the NWTF site and figured out how it is done. Is there a record book like there is with deer? What's a great score vs. good score?
  15. I take it Damesrocket is the purple flower? They were everywhere! Not near as many may apples as I normally see. There is generally more "green up" in the woods after Easter.
  16. Bought one a few weeks ago.
  17. Found these while turkey hunting.Called in a hen, but not gobblers.All in all a great day in the woods. I found the shed while walking a deer trail.
  18. Stud of a 6-pointer alright! Looks great! Too bad it took 3-years:eek: There's a taxi around here that takes that long. He doesn't see my business.
  19. Great bird Dale! Any heavier and you're going to have to start bringing a game hauler.
  20. I'm a remington 1100 fan. I've got a 12 and 20 Ga.
  21. You all convinced me. Bought my first gobbler call (Primos) and will put it to the test next week if the situation presents.
  22. I'll be heading to the turkey woods Monday evening. I've got Tuesday-Friday to get it done. Good luck to all headed out this coming week.
  23. I'll remember that trick next time a gobbler hangs up on me. Congratulations!
  24. Looks great Steve! I know you're real excited, but did you have to make out with it?
  25. You got me alright Tink. I was on the B&C page looking for the update too. Haven't followed stuff like this since I joined the forums a year ago so I didn't even know anything about that buck. Stink, I owe ya one.