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Everything posted by fly

  1. fly

    That time of year

    Great catch! Those flatheads are an awesome fish, but ugly suckers!
  2. 2009 Resident Online Firearm Deer Applications through the DNR Direct Online License Sales will go live Tues, March 17th at 8:00 a.m.
  3. A lot of good people here and I've never met any of you. I've received help from many of the following as well as thoughful insight from: Gary, Steve K., William, Kathleen, Orlan, Dale, Steve B., Luke, Chris, John, Kirk, Ken, Mark, and Eric just to name a few. Tim (one of the best pro-staffer's around). I also think a lot of our fairly new member Frank (Rookie). His dedication to his employees is inspiring. Oh yea, and Tink for helping me out with my grammar.
  4. fly

    Tea Party

    Recovered or cleaned up in the bathroom?
  5. Yea, Tim just keeps on coming through doesn't he. That topic is something I'd love to know more about.
  6. My 13 year old step-daughter has turned me into an anti-texting person. I hate the dern things with a passion. I'll be trying to talk to her and I can never get eye contact because she's always looking into that dern phone and moving her fingers like a fly moves its leggs on garbage. Sounds like a good idea, just not for me.
  7. That's some crazy stuff right there. Those cats are huge.
  8. I'm not a mechanic at all so don't put too much stock into this, but sounds like a problem I had a couple years ago. Turned out to be a problem with the Idle control valve cost me about 40 dollars if I remember right.
  9. Yea, a non-hollywood ending there. Didn't care for the movie that much. I think the ending was supposed to be "different"
  10. So how's this signature look? (Thanks to Luke (VermontHunter) If you want to add it to your signature here is how I did it: 1. Right click on the signature banner and save it to your computer. 1. Click on "User CP" (Top left portion of screen) 2. Under Settings & Options click "Edit Signature" 3. Under Option 2 - Upload Image From Your Computer click "Browse" 4. Find the location you saved the signature banner to on your computer and click open. 5. Then click "upload" 6. Then click "Insert Signature Picture" 7. Then click "Save Signature"
  11. Well Gus, ya might want to tell them gobblers their about to have their final roost! I'll send the name to Strut. I'll also see if I can get Luke to make us a signature.
  12. I read that bear spray can be effective. I would still want to carry a handgun though. My luck the wind would be howling and the spray would end up back in my face.
  13. IL does for all firearm season. If hunting from a ground blind (on state land) one needs orage on the blind 360 deg. Archery: no orage unless hunting during the youth firearm season which was in Oct. last year.
  14. fly

    Friday contest

    A gun holster. A wig. Your belly button ring.
  15. Welcome to the RT forums! A couple times I'd say I've been guilty of placing hunting too high on the priority list. I went hunting on the last day of the 07 season when my wife was ill. She didn't feel that bad when I left to go hunting, but she got worse by nightfall. I probably should have stayed home, but ended up placing an arrow through a 171 incher that evening. I was elated and that night my attention was on recovering the buck the next morning instead of caring for my wife. When it comes to placing hunting over God, well since I incorporate God into hunting I don't see my passion/obsession for hunting getting in the way. I feel my relationship with God grows as I'm out in the woods. During those hours on stand I pray, and just talk to God about the things that are stressing me. Whether I get a deer or not doesn't matter that much becasue I come home feeling at peace and relaxed.
  16. Two votes for "Final Roost" Do I hear anyone else?
  17. Justification for the saying: "Look before you leap.":D Ouch! that wouldn't feel so good.
  18. I've never shot the Ultra Light. So if that's all you're looking for read no more. I shoot an older (2003) Bear TRX. I'd like to get a new bow, but also can't afford a near 1,000.00 new bow which is what I'd have to spend to get something I'd like more than my TRX. So I'll just wait and save until I can get what I really want. If after shooting the Bear Ultra light you find you really like it, then get it. If not, think real hard about using the bow you have for another year and when the tax refund comes around next year you could get the bow you really want. I just checked out the specs and looks like it would be fine for deer. The bow would be too short for me with my 30 inch draw. Another thing to consider is other animals you may be hunting in the future. I'd want something with a little more bite for larger game.
  19. Hope they catch the thief. Looks like they made off with close to 40 grand there.
  20. fly

    Opossum mount

    First opossum mount I've seen. Looks pretty good from where I'm sitting.
  21. Hate to hear about things like this.
  22. I'd go up to at least 120 grains of powder and preferably 150 grains.
  23. Thanks Frank, will keep that in mind if something a little closer doesn't work out.
  24. Mark, I think the 44mag mountain gun looks interesting. Can't seem to locate a new one for price info. Anyone know of a reasonable on-line place to look?