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Everything posted by fly

  1. That's great Randy! Steve, what will it take?:clown:
  2. Just put in the Time Life Treasurery of Christmas CD last week. Sort of a tradition for me. Once I get my first deer of the season I start listening to Christmas music.
  3. You're having a great year Parkergirl!
  4. fly

    is he a shooter?

    I'd shoot him and then take a trip to the taxi.
  5. 150's sounds right. I like the neck on the first one! Thick and ready to fight. I'll bet he'd wup the one in velvet.
  6. Sounds like a great idea. Will the sign-up be a sticky? Also is there usually a max/min amount?
  7. Any word on times Randy? My kids (7 and 8 year olds) watched your trick shooting and they are very excited to watch and meet you. I know for us the 8th is the better day.
  8. Twice I can remember hearing that noise. The first was shotgun hunting. The slug went through both front legs (no chest cavity). It fell and couldn't get up. I walked down and used my knife to finish. Second was a arrow through the mid-spine (straight down). Went through to the underside. She fell paralyzed. Again had to finish with a knife. I was wondering about it being a warning (especially the second one) She had 2 6 month olds in tow.
  9. Terrible! Happens too much in my opinion. You never know what idiot is behind a tree on public land! My approach! Since I can't keep the idiots out I do everything possible to prevent someone from shooting me. 1. If I have to walk in before daylight, I do so WAY before daylight or WAY after. 2. I always have a bright white light on my head! 3. While walking in or out I sing, cough, whistle, and talk to myself (rather loudly) until I get close to my spot. 4. I hunt in areas that other hunters tend to avoid. 5. I never carry an exposed turkey decoy or dead one on my back.
  10. Love seeing that Strut! Nothing better than a parent getting their kids involved in the most worth while sport there is! Congratulations lil Strut!
  11. I had a very interesting deer hunt in 2000. It's in my blog titled Knife Valley. Picture included.
  12. Opening day freezer fillerFirst deer of the archery season!Fred Bear TRXRocky Mountain GatorXP
  13. A post about the smallest deer I've taken to date seemed about the oddest for my number 2000 "Monsterbuck status" post. The story is in my blog if you're interested. The Rockey Mountain Gator did a number on him that's for sure! Strangest thing, my arrow had very little blood on it and although it may have been the failing light I couldn't pick up the blood trail. Found him 100 yards from the shot and his heart had a 2 inch slash through the middle from my broadhead. Roasts and burger already in the freezer. This is the first time I harvested on opening day.
  14. Congratulations! I've heard a lot of good things about the Rage!
  15. Team 13: Haunted HornsflyButton buck: 5 pointsOctober 1st, 2009: Archery
  16. We're on the board (5 points) after a successful first evening out. Weather man called for thunderstorms, but I'm so sick with the hunting bug I didn't care. I went to the farm I've had permission to hunt for several years now. Problem is the farmer is leasing it to an outfitter next year so this may be my last year there. The farmer did say he'd let me hunt there in the future if the outfitter doesn't re-new the contract. Not sure how many years it will be for. Anyway I saw a 1.5 year old doe at 5:15 and she was heading right for me. She stopped for a bite to eat on a low green leaf covered branch at 40 yards away. She was facing me so I had no shot. After 15 minutes she turned aroud and left the way she came in. The weather was wierd. It would thunder, then a sudden down pour for 5 minutes then stop. Did this about 4 or 5 times that evening. At about 6:45pm I was about to get down and spotted a small deer walking in the timber. No antlers, so I figured it was a doe. I thought if it was a button buck no big deal since I'm not really looking to let the bucks grow big so the outfitter stays there forever. Once he gave me a good shot (quartering away at 15 yards) I let the arrow fly. Thwack! Oh how I had missed that sweet sweet sound! I felt great about the shot even though the deer ran about 100 yards and disapeared behind some trees. I got down and found the arrow in the failing light. Surprised there was only some hair on my broadhead and just a little blood on the feathers. I could not find any blood at all. No blood trail to follow (although the low light may have contributed to me not finding one). I walked to the last spot I saw the deer and just followed the trail. About 20 more yards I found him on the edge of a bean field. I was a little surprised to see the buttons. HOW could there have not been a blood trail????????? During the field dressing I found the heart and it had a 2 inch slash right through the center. Finished butchering him up today. Roasts and burger!
  17. Congratulations on your first deer Chris! Nice shot too!
  18. :beer::wine:I drinking been have not!:clown: Judging main beam length is the hardest for me. Even with the additional pics. I was thinking about 20 inches each with the inside spread going over that which wouldn't help the score. This guy below was over 20 inches inside and grossed 131. When I saw him in the woods I was thinking bigger. Good luck finding him BowHunterX!
  19. Was going to say the same thing! Just finished leading a Bible study at church on this book and really provided me with some new insight on my relationship with the Lord.
  20. I'm surprised at some of the guesses? Beautiful buck for sure and a shooter in my book. However, the mass seems to be lacking as smack pointed out. He's wide, but width don't get you anything if the main beams are shorter. Looks like a 9-point which hurts the net score (the only score P&Y will care about). I'd say he may gross 135 but will have close to 10 inches in deductions. He may just barely squeek in. Looks like an older buck. I'd say 4.5 year old and right at 200 lbs.
  21. Congrats! Hope to join you with a doe of my own soon.
  22. Ruth, I was thinking we had some points on the board! Soon, very soon.
  23. fly

    Pure Torture

    I never get tired of the banter between you Ohio guys!:clown::clown::clown::clown::clown: Chris, don't feel too bad, I can't hunt (season isn't in yet) but can hunt (I've got the time).
  24. Tim, It has been fun following your hunt. Hope you can GETRDONE on the last day.