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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. 92xj


    I would go with a S8x23 or a W10x49. Both should work fine.
  2. 92xj


    Duck season is over, women season is in. I have been hanging out with this one chick, I think I dig her. Teach me how to run away!!!
  3. 92xj


    You rang!
  4. Yes Sir, its the side neck feathers. Look in the second picture and you will see where they are located. Think of the first picture of you sticking your head under your right arm pit if you neck was long enough. Its a way to protect them as well as condense the size to place it in a freezable (sp) bag.
  5. The first pic is of the bird that I actually killed. It's head is tucked under its wing to protect it. The second picture is one I found only of the same bird that I killed in a pose that I liked. The pose that I actually picked is a little different but mostly the same. The wings will be a little farther back so it looks like a downstroke in mid flight instead of a cupped up post like its landing. My mallard comes home Friday, cant wait!!
  6. The oven will work fine, just be close by, the bacon can do a good bit of smoking. There is a fine line so you will need to keep an eye on things. You want the bacon done and to be somewhat crisp, but if you over do it and the jalapenos cook too long they will not stay 'hard' and will collapse. I have done them on the grill as well. Oven will work, I would say, 300-325 for 45 minutes or so. Also, use a broiler pan that has the little catch pan under it where you would normally put water. Do not add water, but this will create a place for the grease to drop so your turds are not sitting in bacon grease. You dont want them mushy!
  7. two mule deer burgers with no bun, only cheese and a homemade rub that I place on them in the cast iron skillet. Dang good, and should keep me on my diet!
  8. I'm here! I love me some spicey turds! I lay a little dab of brown sugar between the smokey and the cream cheese.
  9. 92xj

    Age Span

    This chick was super cool. I kinda liked her. Not Good!!!
  10. 92xj


    it's not bad. I will eat it if its free. I will not buy it. Taste and feels like tiny balls of salty jello with a hint of seafood.
  11. 92xj

    Age Span

    Tonight's is 34. The age keeps coming down and closer to mine.....
  12. Thanks, he is going to be mounted in more of a fast flight pose than that picture. I will try and find another picture that shows exactly what I'm getting. I'm pumped! Cant wait to get him back!!!
  13. yes, helo footage is awesome by the way. Seems wild and crazy, which I can relate too. The video shots are pretty awesome. I would watch it if it came on basic cable. The only channel I get that shows hunting is versus. I would like to see more hunting, but I understand this is an intro to the new show and would assume that all the shows will not be all talking and no hunting.
  14. I got mine within a week of sending the info in and Dad got his as well. I had 3 does come out and fart around within 5 yards of that hanging bag thing. They did not mind one bit. I did not see any bucks, but I figure if it doesnt scare deer away then its not that bad. If the word "fart" offends you and is considered a curse word in your vocabulary, please send me a pm so I can then post that pm and show everyone that you are offended by the word "fart". Thank you.
  15. congrats Anthony! Do people mount these deer? tan the hides? or what?
  16. 92xj

    Whats the deal

    ding ding ding, we have a winner. Well said Scott. Hopefully people will read your most important line in your post. The one state that you have a choice. Make your choice and do whatever you feel is best for you. Leave if you dont like it, stay if you do, if you dont want to leave but feel this place needs something, well, here's an idea, put in some effort and try and make a change yourself.
  17. So, I am taking another bird in to get mounted. I just got my wood duck back, which looks awesome. My mallard is going to be finished this week and should be hanging on the wall by Friday. Tomorrow I am taking him my Pintail I killed today on the last day of the season. And I am going to have him mounted as close to this as possible, unless someone else has any pics of mounts that look good.
  18. 224 as of last week and still doing my Monday weigh in. So tomorrow will hopefully bring some good numbers. I am still doing good on my diet, feel a ton better and having fun. I want to be at 210 in one month for my Birthday and then find 200 the month after, Then its time to start pumping my weights again.
  19. I was wrong, our last day was today not tomorrow. It ended up being an awesome day. Came home with 2 pintail drakes (one is going on the wall) 1 teal, 1 bufflehead and ended with a goldeneye. Not bad for the last day with everyone and their brother out there hunting. I was the only one doing the shooting, so that was nice.
  20. Monday is our last one, but tomorrow is the last day I can hunt. Going out to my most scenic spot. Not sure how the birds are flying, but its where I have started the last two seasons and ended last year, so figured I should end this year there as well. Good luck with your day tomorrow!
  21. Happy Birthday, hope your day was good.
  22. So, lets say you have a person in your life that you want to take on a hunt. This person is anybody you know that has always wanted to do this hunt but never had the opportunity to do it. It's your time to make their wish come true, the stars aligned just right, you found some land, found some money and are able to take this person on their hunt. You will be their walking and spotting buddy, but no shooting for you. Who would it be and and where would you take them?