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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. I agree. I do not use this map, it was the link to the map that the Original Poster was posting about. I followed his instructions and copied the link to post in the thread so people could click the link and not go through googling and searching. I was just trying to help out.
  2. Congrats #2! Good thoughts and prayers your way!
  3. I agree with you 100%.....but.....with this logic someone could argue the point that deer killing can be a management tool. I would assume around your area, just like it is in Western NC that Christmas tree farms are everywhere. Deer destroy those trees and farmers will shoot and kill 100s of deer a year because they are hurting their income and decreasing the food on the table for the farmer's family. I do NOT agree with this but I would also do anything in my power to provide and support my family and if that means killing whatever animal is eating my crop income then I would have to do it. It's just another side of the coin to look at and again I am not agreeing with it, but this is an example of how deer and yotes could be looked at the same way in some people's eyes. But back to the original topic. WHAT IF HE GOES AND CUTS THE DEER UP THIS WEEKEND AND THROWS IT IN THE FREEZER? IS IT STILL "WRONG"?
  4. That's a bummer dude. I wish there was something I could say or do, but I have nothing. I wish you luck and will say many prayers and have good thoughts.
  5. Amanda, What exactly is he doing that is not the right thing? Do you know for a fact that this deer is going to waste? What if he actually goes out this weekend, cuts it up and puts it in the freezer to eat over the year? Is he still doing something wrong?
  6. First and foremost, my name is not Jack and you should not respond to me calling me that. Second, your opinion is not fact. Third, this will not lead to any negative actions to hunters. Posting it in a public forum for the world to see could. There is not a law stating how long you can hang your game animal or what you do with it after you kill it. It comes down to ethics and what certain people feel is the correct way to deal with your meat after the kill. Do I agree with this guy. 100% NO, I think he should have done something with it sooner but thats not the point here. He is doing nothing wrong, whether you think he is or not is a mute point.
  7. Now, is this a fact or is this an opinion? Why should he not have the right to hunt and kill an animal? He is doing and has done everything illegal. This does have to do with being in and worrying about other people's business. Otherwise you would not have gone over there to talk to him, correct? He still has the deer and he may still cut it up and actually eat it. Who knows. As of right now it's still hanging and he will get around to it.
  8. I use Bing maps Google earth and some secret government mapping I get here at work. I also use a site specific to this state to has awesome maps that will include sat. photos as well as land marked for feel free to hunt and hunt by permission only land.
  9. I agree 100% that is it sad that someone would do that. It's something I would never do and never be a part of but people do things differently. I am sure there are a ton of things I do that people would not like but thats the way I do them and go about my business. If I do something that people dont like and it's legal I dont expect the law to be called on me because they see my act as not right in their eyes. It all pretty much comes back to worrying about yourself and family, practicing your own methods of life and having the ability to understand people do things their way and its their business not everyone else's. People these days are way to worry about everyone else when in fact they have their own problems to deal with.
  10. It's their business, not yours. If the deer was killed legally and taken from the woods to the house, it's their deal to do whatever they want to with it.
  11. Not my site, I was just posting the link for the OP since he didnt post one in his original post.
  12. 92xj

    Aurora Borealis

    Be on the lookout you northern people. I hear in the next couple of days the northern continental US might be able to catch a glimpse of the awesomeness.
  13. 92xj

    I bought a baby

    Your wedding band would work for a collar! Thats kinda cool! In all seriousness, good luck with the doggie. They are all fun no matter what size or how girly they are! Hope Bella treats you well and actually acts like a normal dog and not the scared nervous kind that chi wha whas can sometimes be.
  14. 92xj

    I bought a baby

    I do "now right now"!!! On a side note, did you see or hear about that lady in the Midwest, I think, that tried to send her neice a dog in the mail and the mail people heard it barking and making noises? What an idiot!! I wish I could see the dang "dog". All I see a a tupperware thing, a donation cup, a blanket with some bellybutton lint and a wicker basket looking thing.
  15. 92xj

    I bought a baby

    Sounds good, I think you have my address already. Maggie would love a little cookie mailed to her!!! Think you could send 2 or 3 to at least make it a decent size meal for her? She eats a good amount these days.
  16. Be safe Timbo! I am just going to assume you are stopping there for a break before you head out west. Look forward to seeing you!
  17. Went by the taxidermist today and paid him off fully plus a tip. He is starting the Pintail now and should have it done in 3 weeks or so. I changed mounts and instead of going with a full flight in a down stroke I am having him do a taking off the water mount. Should be sweet! I am ready for him and have the place on the wall waiting...
  18. Awesome video Randy. Let me know when you're ready to go out and celebrate your (our) Birthday. Looks like you know some good spots to relax and hang out!
  19. Here, I will help everyone out.... http://seamless.usgs.gov/website/seamless/viewer.htm