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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. Here she is.... http://www.realtree.com/forums/lounge/104764-pretty-much-done-deal.html
  2. Sounds like this will eliminate the need for the 'middle man' while doing live hunts. I personally will view the forums .05% of the time (the few times I am sitting in an airport on a layover) throughout the year. It sucks looking at a tiny screen on the phone. I would rather wait and get to a computer.
  3. Duke tail. They are playing a great game and poundin' Duke. I could care less who wins, but its nice to see a #1 team get hammered.
  4. 92xj

    Bovine Decor

    I have a lead on a HUGE brindle longhorn hide. Hopefully we can get it all worked out!
  5. I'll take it! Great looking knife Ross!
  6. your opinion stinks.
  7. I would agree with you 100% IF it was not brought up in public to begin with and their name had not been bashed on and insane assumptions made without knowing any details what so ever. The fact that it was brought up and did happen is the only reason the information needs to be posted up. I know if I was publicly called out and bashed I would want the issued and assumptions to be solved in public. I believe people have a real hard time turning things around and placing themself in the shoes of the people they call out. I know if I call someone out, I will place myself in their shoes and if I feel my opinion is still legit and/or the person is in need of calling out I will still continue to do it. But the one thing I have never done is called some one out on hear say that I have no idea what was involved with the situation to begin with, or jumped on the bandwagon that seems to be making it's rounds.
  8. Looks awesome Tim. Turn the heat down and sleep under that thing. Save some money!
  9. There was some decent bashing on their names in the other thread by people here. If there is a response, the record should be set straight and the answers should be posted in the open, just like the original thoughts and opinions that were so easily made by people were posted in the open. The internet is a public place and you still have the right to freedom of speech. You can voice your opinion without fear of breaking a law. You can not threaten someone but saying you dont like someone and are now worried about getting in trouble with the law is rediculous. I kept my mouth shut in the original thread and did not post once. People here think I stir the pot to much and dont like my opinions. I kept quiet since people can not voice their opinions without getting hammered, or the fear of getting hammered. Well, if there is an answer it needs to be posted without fear of getting in 'trouble'.
  10. 92xj

    Bovine Decor

    Corriente would be ideal but open to any and all options.
  11. 92xj

    Bovine Decor

    I need a hide for an idea that I have. But I dont want to pay the 200+ bucks for one off the internet. If I could get one myself, I would tan it myself and complete my decor idea.
  12. 92xj

    Bovine Decor

    Anybody butcher any bovine themselves or have it done at the farm/house.
  13. 92xj


    I dont think these are the changes people were after. BUT...if we have a like button, I think we should have a dislike button for every post as well.
  14. 92xj


    Dude, I think you're in the same boat as me. I dont think we will be getting too many "Likes". How many have you received so far?
  15. 92xj


    Oh, hmmmm...How in the heck can I get that turned off!?! The last thing I want is more Messages poppping up all over my account. Is this the "like" thing that people talk about so much on Facebook? There is a reason people dont have a facebook and have no desire to be apart of it. If Realtree is going to turn into RealBook, it will be a sad day.
  16. 92xj


    I dont get it.
  17. Thanks! Hope all is well with you and the bride. Tell her I said hello! I am going to be camping with the lady friend in the Tucannon Friday night. I have a sleeping bag, air mattress and tent with your name on it! :clown:
  18. I think I can avoid that plan now since I just got this! You have shotgun and dad's got the bed. :clown: Thanks everyone, its been a great weekend, month and year so far.
  19. And this is what I got... First thing first - Got the call from the Taxidermist that my Pintail was finished. Then I left there and got a call from my FFL saying that my gun finally came in... And then on the way home from the gun shop, I stopped and bought this... Thank you myself, this was the best birthday ever!
  20. Got this today Rem 700 XCR Tactical 300 Win Mag
  21. Got my third and last mount of the year back today.... The Pintail.