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Everything posted by woolybear

  1. Thanks for posting that one Joe, that was pretty good! I'll have to pass it along to my nephew who enlisted in the Army and heads out in June I believe.:gun2:
  2. Good sellng tool. Clip looked and sounded good on my end.
  3. Some impressive antlers there- congrats, go get more!
  4. Glad you found your niche here Vince! You're a good egg.
  5. Happy B-day Tyler! Sure sounds like a good one.
  6. I once managed enough hot ember by using a homemade bow drill to light a tinder bundle, but that's about as far as that got lol. So many other ways to be prepared to go about building fire it's really not worth the effort unless it's to test your own skills or amuse a crowd. Then again at one point this winter my fingers got so cold I couldn't use them propperly to get a lighter lit much less a fire started. That's when a fresh set of legs to get you back to camp quickly where the coals are already stoked are your best friend.:yes:
  7. On a private lake in Quebec only accesable by float plane or boat.
  8. I'd take my chances! Looks Deeeelicious.:yes:
  9. Guys that sit in trees all day should never walk with a nocked arrow...the platform is way too small.:nono: Ground pounders without an arrow nocked are probably hunting with guns. Almost always have one on the string unless I'm in a tricky spot or negotiating some tough terrain. Just a common sence thing.
  10. Hey, I thought you guys were new to this shed hunting stuff? Not supposed to make the old guys feel like they're loosing a step! Congrats on your finds guys and nice pics.
  11. Wow, very cool Dave! What goes into picking your drum logs for a cam set. Is this an annual occurance at this spot?
  12. Man Shaun, that things gonna be a real sleeper! Can't wait to see her up and runnin'.
  13. Sad news indeed. My condolences go out to you and your family.
  14. Good deal rhine. Like the old Kenny Rogers song says...:serenade: you got to know when to hold 'em :nono:... and know when to fold 'em! Congrats to you and Ru.
  15. In my defence, was thinking of a Gozilla-like spike backed T-rex not a brontasaurus.
  16. Birds around here are starting to bust out of their winter flocks establishing some roost areas and early season feeding and strutting zones. Little over a month to go.
  17. A great season unfolding for you and the little ones. Keep it up and super pics!
  18. Nice one! The way my season's going may have to try not looking too.
  19. You're good! Musta been 100 MILES of this piping connecting all the maples from 300 ft above. Looked like some sort of gravity fed system that ran down to a pumphouse at the bottom. Crazy looking- like a giant silly string invasion!
  20. :jaw::jaw::jaw:Where did you leave them??? Congrats on your banner season.
  21. WTG Ruth- those oldies can be tough to find especially with 2 years of recent logging/boot traffic in that area. Good eye.