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Everything posted by bigmoss

  1. Man couldnt you find anything bigger ? I thought I taught you and Ty better than that !
  2. I have a like new Cudde 3000 for sale. This is the flawless model triggers and takes a ton of pics on a set of batteries, no errors messages or any of that picture didi not write to card stuff ! I used it twice and just started using homebrews instead. Cam is like new. $ 250 TYD
  3. I taught Sarah everything she knows
  4. Being you bought them last november and we are only Oct arent they still under the 1yr warranty anyway ? Just take them back and say the fabric is splitting and exchange them, if they dont carry them anymore get your $$ back or make them give you the next model up. Looks like you are still in the warranty period.
  5. I have had allot of PM's about selling the cameras out right, I would be willing to sell the camera for $250 TYD
  6. Here are some pics of the unit, as stated it has the Sony P41, Camo Pelican case and the Pix board with settings from Trail Mode, 30 Sec and all the way up. Flash range is awsome and sensor picks things up like 40 feet and more away. Also has real steel loops to secure the camera with a cables.
  7. I have a brand new just finished Sony P41 Trail Cam setup with Camo case I will trade for the new style Archers Choice Range finder with the Neopreen Camo Case. Just do a search you will see the P41 setup are some of the best around. Any questions or offers PM me
  8. I love them just dont wear them as I always seem to go back to my Rocky or Lacross boots and just hate seeing them sit there, someone else might as well enjoy them.
  9. Or will trade for a Moultrie I40
  10. I have a pair of Dream Season Boots for sale size 10. They were worn twice and are like new. $115 TYD PM Me
  11. Yes the Yote was with ML as well they all were, took the yote at about 70 yrds or so dropped him in his tracks.
  12. I forgot to clarify I did not shoot the Mulie Superguide Jr did, I pushed it to him.
  13. Well I made it home from Sask tonight and had another great time, we did not see the big bucks we wanted as it was 80-90 almost everyday we were there and it had the deer shut right down. I shot this 10 point the 2nd to last night as they called for pouring rain the last 2 days of my trip and they were right. He is not the Sask monster I was looking for but it was meat for my friends and points for my team. I dropped this guy at 170 yrds with my TC Pro Hunter ML, you should have seen the hole that shockwave made , Here is a pick of the 10 point and the muklie from the first day along with some predator management
  14. No offence to my fellow Canadian Buckee but lets get a little more creative than that guys
  15. I leave for Sask Sept 30 and then to New Mexico for Elk Oct 15, will check in when I am back hopefully with some nice entries for us.