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Everything posted by hangunnr

  1. Re: Dad had a scare! [ QUOTE ] Dad bought a Glock .380 (semi-auto) from a local Pawn shop. It was full Chrome with pearl grips. [/ QUOTE ] Glad your dad wasn't hurt but it certainly wasn't a Glock that he bought. Glock never has made a .380 that I know of and I've also never heard of one that is full chrome with pearl grips. See if you can find out exactly what it was he had. hangunnr
  2. Re: I created a forum and loaded the pics [ QUOTE ] Are you refering to the silver "tube"? [/ QUOTE ] Yes, this is the tube that channels the gas back to the bolt. [ QUOTE ] I had been told that I could just switch them out. [/ QUOTE ] In a mil spec type firearm such as your AR the bolts should interchange. The only time this won't apply is if the face of the bolt has been modified. hangunnr
  3. Re: Dove loads On the state property we hunt we're forced to use steel shot. I shoot Winchesters #7 steel in a 2-3/4" shell. It does a fine job on the doves. hangunnr
  4. Re: Any 700ML users I've been shooting my Remmy 700ML for darn near 10yrs now. I've smacked alot of venison with it. I shoot a Hornady 240gr XTP inside a Harvestor ribbed sabot on top of 3 50gr Pyro pellets ignited by RWS musket caps. Last spring I picked up a 700ML in 45 cal. I haven't spent too much range time with it yet. hangunnr
  5. Re: Hey Hangunnr I guess it does look like a Lee. I started out with a Lee progressive many years ago but quickly out grew it. I had a Lee single station press like this one in my travel range box until I fudged up and left my kit in a hotel room.... hangunnr
  6. Re: Need help with my AR-15 Here is a pic of the gas block on my AR. There are generally three ways to attach the block to the barrel. It can be cross pinned, secured with set screws or there are some that clamp on. This one is held in place by 2 set screws on the bottom. If you would remove the gas block you'd see a port on the inside of the barrel channel. This gas port must line up with the gas vent hole in the barrel to assure that there is enough pressure to work the guns action. It dosen't take much misalignment to screw up the works. hangunnr
  7. Re: Need help with my AR-15 Sounds to me like there isn't enough gas getting back to the action to fully cycle it. There could be misalignment issues with the placement of the gas block on the barrel or the port may not be large enough to make the gun function. There is also the possibility that the gas tube could have an obstruction or be really fouled with carbon. How is the gas block held to the barrel? Can you post a picture? hangunnr
  8. Re: how much is it worth? I don't find a model Ti listed either. I do however find a model 415T listed which is a titanium framed 41mag. Suggested retail was $600 new. A gun in 98% which would include any gun that has been fired but is still unblemished shows up at about $440. hangunnr
  9. Re: pheonix arms I put the little guns like that into the "better than no gun" category. They are OK for casual plinking if you can get them to feed and eject. hangunnr
  10. Re: I have a confession.... [ QUOTE ] i'll be happy to shoot your guns for you [/ QUOTE ] Show up at the range this saturday and you can shoot all you want... hangunnr
  11. Found this on the web... ...and NO that aint me..... I'm much better lookin... hangunnr
  12. Re: Cabelas Goin Up Everywhere We're getting a Cabela's and a Bass Pro here in NW Indiana. We've had a Gander Mountain for years but that store is right next to useless. hangunnr
  13. Re: Velvet Whitetail (Pics) Thanks CLB!! That second pic is now my background pic. hangunnr
  14. Re: I have a confession.... [ QUOTE ] Is that a Comp-N-Choke tube screwed into the barrel?????? [/ QUOTE ] Does kinda look like a C-n-C dosen't it..... Likely dosen't work as well though. hangunnr
  15. Re: I have a confession.... [ QUOTE ] ...... I got to have thousands into it now.... [/ QUOTE ] I can't even hope to know what I've invested over the last 20 years. hangunnr
  16. Re: Took the .375 to the bench....... [ QUOTE ] You & me are gonna be shooting groundhogs with it next time you're out this way. [/ QUOTE ] I spose we're gonna need that gun seeing as we were seriously under gunned last time with the 7mag and the STW. Next time I'll have my 375 Win and both 460's ready. If we don't kill any, we'll make more noise than anyone else. hangunnr
  17. Re: Took the .375 to the bench....... [ QUOTE ] Recoil is a bit snappy. [/ QUOTE ] Just a "bit" snappy? There are several things I would like to do in life but oddly enough shooting that rifle off the bench aint one of them..... hangunnr
  18. Re: Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 mag I'd think $325 would be a decent price if the gun is in good shape and the timing was on. I would highly recommend investing in a set of the soft rubber grips. The factory grips can be very hard on the hands. hangunnr
  19. Re: red dot I've not had good luck with the low end red dot sights. I rattled several Tasco's and one Millet loose. I currently use Ultra Dot, Aim Point and J-P red dot sighting devices. hangunnr
  20. ....I guess the first step towards the cure is admitting you have a problem.... Well here it goes...... I'm a handgun-aholic.... Wow, how good it feels to finally admit it.. A buddy called the other night to offer me a first shot at his Performance Center Smith 460. Being the highly addicted person that I am what else could I do. Another good'un for the safe. This is supposedly a limited production run of only 250 pieces. I really didn't care how many were made as I plan on shootin the screws loose every chance I get. hangunnr
  21. Re: Encore 300WM handgun range report! (pics) That sounds like a great trade. You could then have that .454 rechambered to 460 S&W. I've been nosing around for a .223 barrel myself. I want a short tube for my Contender though. hangunnr
  22. Re: Encore 300WM handgun range report! (pics) Excellent!! Glad you finally got out and shot her. I do think though that you need to keep the 7-08 and send me the 300..... hangunnr
  23. Re: anyone know this pistol? Looks to be some kind of pin fire. Do you know what caliber it is? If it is a pinfire it would use a cartridge that looks like this. As to who made it..... That's anyones guess. hangunnr
  24. Re: just for fun The Buckmark is a nice piece. I still have my first one. I would spend the extra bucks and get one of the models with the scope mount rib already on the gun, then at a later date you can toss a red dot or scope on it. hangunnr
  25. Re: Front sight removal from an AR I didn't know you just wanted to get around the sight. I thought you wanted to remove it. The only problem with going with extra high rings is the lack of cheek weld you'll be able to acheive. You'll never get the accuracy out of the gun with your head up floating around. As far as which ammo works best.... Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason as to which ammo your gun will shoot best. Several of my .22s shoot the cheapest Eley ammo much better than the high dollar fodder. hangunnr