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Everything posted by hangunnr

  1. That's cool with me... hangunnr
  2. I would like to request that the end time be moved back until 6PM central time on the 17th as I would like the option of bidding again if necessary right before the close. I cannot be online at noon. hangunnr
  3. 24" or 26" barrel? $175 hangunnr
  4. Thanks!! It's not exactly what I wanted but was a heckova deal and close to where I want to be. The house has alot of potential. "..is that Obama's ford in the driveway?" I'd no sooner own a Ford as I'd vote for Obummer.... The pix were taken earlier this year when we were working on the sale. hangunnr
  5. Went and signed my life away this evening... Finally bought a house. I've been renting since I got divorced back in '91. Damn does it feel good to know I won't be doing that anymore... Here's the new diggs. Aint a castle but it's mine. There will be a 18X24 shop built in the back yard next spring. Nice part about this location is that it's 1.5 miles from the sporting clays club I shoot at, 3 miles from the archery club I belong to and 7 miles from the public land I hunt. It also puts me 25 miles closer to the farm I lease... Go ahead and try to find me on a weekend.... hangunnr
  6. hangunnr

    Mr. Mod person

    Fastest guns in the forum...:2guns: hangunnr
  7. Looks good! Dandy for sure. hangunnr
  8. Then I shouldn't just leave him out there?...:shifty: Did you get your deer from last fall back yet? hangunnr
  9. No sir, it was taken with a shotgun. hangunnr
  10. What brand are the covers? hangunnr
  11. ....DPMS with a lousy trigger, then it finally pizzed it's owner off enough to do something about it... Pulled the fire control from the 308 to see what could be done to improve it's function. Pretty simple mechanism. Here's the engagement surface of the trigger. ....and the hammer. Not too hard to see just why the trigger felt like 30 miles of bad road. Now, if you aren't capable of doing the stoning without changing the angle of the engagement then put it all back together as things can get exciting and ILLEGAL if done wrong. Here's how the trigger surface should look... That aint quite perfect but I stopped removing metal as I didn't want to change the geometry any more. Unfortunately I got ahead of myself and reassembled the gun before taking a pic of the hammer. Finished up with a coat of moly. The trigger pull is glass smooth now. The pull weight was reduced from 6lbs to just over 4. A worthwhile 20 minutes of work. hangunnr
  12. Nope, no hunting with it as of yet. Still getting the bugs worked out. New front sight inserts will be here this week so hopefully that'll cure the elevation issues. hangunnr
  13. Give us a bullet weight and velocity and we'll give you a drop chart. Barrel length isn't really a concern. hangunnr
  14. Been wanting to get a few more X's onto the 308. Earlier I'd moved the Leupold Mark 4 1.5X5 over to the S&W M&P 15. After a little looking around I believe I found the best scope (within my budget) for this platform. This Leupold Mark 4 M2 3.5X10 w/TMR reticle is just about perfect. I like the layout of the reticle. It should make ranging very easy. While out I also got the 470 Capstick out to stretch his legs. Unfortunately getting on paper at 100yds wasn't all that easy. The front sight is too high and will have to be changed out. With the rear sight at it's highest set point the 510gr hardcast were impacting about 18" low... Also took along the 45-70 SSK Contender. Even with the limited field of view with the 2X scope, holding 3" at 100yds was possible. It was an absolutely perfect day to shoot, 55degrees with a little breeze at our 6. Wish I'd of taken more toys with... hangunnr
  15. A friend and I have been hunting opening day here in Indiana for the last 10 yrs together. Until this morning we've never both killed a bird on opening morning. We got into the blind just after 5am. Of course hopes were high but as dawn broke we didn't see any birds roosted or hear any near us. We both just figured we would end up having a long sit until something either responded to the calling or just happened to wander by. At 6:15 a hen cut loose about 100yds west of us. She was in the high grass and out of sight. I started throwing some challenge calls back at her which got her fired up. Then out of nowhere a tom showed up stroking down a mowed lane towards the direction the hen was located. My pard told me I could shoot first so I laid him out. He went straight down without much flopping. We deceided to leave him there because the hen was still calling. I picked up the glass call and resumed answering her back. Two gobblers cut loose relatively close so we just got ready and waited. It wasn't 3 minutes after my shot that this second tom came down a different trail. My buddy didn't see him so I got him spun around and I pointed his gun in the direction the bird was coming. Two or three steps later the bird was in an opening and killed where he stood. It went from appearently no birds in the area to two dead on the ground within three minutes. Both birds were 22# two year olds with 10" beards. hangunnr
  16. .....and what would that issue be? hangunnr
  17. All of them were sitting on top of the nest today while it was raining. hangunnr
  18. IMO the 597 was a dog from the gitgo. I know there's some that run fine but at it's best it's still not a 10-22 or a Marlin model 60 for that matter. As far as a bolt 22... Take a look at what is offered from CZ. They are the best bang for the buck in this department. hangunnr
  19. ....it felt like I was being watched... Turns out I was... There's 4 or 5 of the little guys in there.. hangunnr
  20. I wouldn't look any further than the Smith. You'll hear arguments for Roogers, Taurus or maybe even Rossi but there's a reason Smiths are so popular. hangunnr
  21. I've got to admit that this is the first instance where some gunsmith at a Gander Mountain got it right... A 4-6" barreled mid size frame (such as the 686) 357 mag is a perfect starter revolver. You can become aquainted with it using lower powered 38 Special ammo then when you're comfortable you can climb up the power scale to full house magnum ammo. hangunnr