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Everything posted by hangunnr

  1. That sounds like it's right in the ballpark. The more important part is are you happy with it regardless the price. Sometimes want overshadows worth. hangunnr
  2. jim, I don't know what that obviously very thin mountain air has done to you but none you've posted can hold a candle to Robin Meade..... If she could cook like Rachel she'd be pert near perfect.... hangunnr
  3. LMFAO.....yeah, man boobs.....that's it.... Thanks for the smile there DQ... hangunnr
  4. There are a pile of 870 deer barrels over on Gun Broker. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/SearchResults.asp?SearchResults.asp?SearchType=0&Keywords=870&Cat=3037&Sort=5 hangunnr
  5. I use 3 pellets in my 24" barreled 50 and haven't seen any issue other than not acheiving a complete burn on the last pellet. Accuracy with this combo is still outstanding. I use 120gr of pellets in my 26" barreled 45 Remington ML. I couldn't find decent accuracy with a heavier charge. When Remington first introduced this gun the 150gr craze hadn't started yet. Most guns were listed at 120gr quite simply because you couldn't burn much more with that length barrel. After 150gr became more of a standard, Remington started calling their guns "magnum charge" capable but mechanically there wasn't any difference other than 2" more barrel. Do you have a 24" or 26" barrel? hangunnr
  6. Oh, I'm not really shying away from the task. I've never run anymore than maybe 75 slugs down range at one sitting so 100+ may get interesting... That is the gun and that is my buck from this year. Thankfully the shot wasn't anymore than about 50-60yds. I missed earlier that same morning at 100yds or so... Strut is gonna have to find another pink nighty.....that one is kinda tight through the chest..... hangunnr
  7. I too have and love my first gen 50 cal Remmy 700ML. I believe the original books listed 120gr poured charge I could be wrong though. They upped that to 150gr of pellets when they introduced the second generation guns with the 26" barrels. You won't burn a full 3 pellets in the 24" tube. The only way to find out if the BDC reticle is accurate is to shoot it at the specified distances. There's no way Nikon can tell you how your gun will shoot with a specific load....period. I see you mention 60gr pellets. Those are for 54 caliber guns and will not fit the bore of a 50 cal. You didn't mention what caliber your gun is. FWIW, I've tried both versions of the 209 conversions and found that I got much better accuracy using musket caps instead of the 209 primers. hangunnr
  8. I did not see the average rutting activity this year. I did not see a single doe getting pushed. The scrapes and rubs were present but the normal chasing wasn't seen. As far as the bucks having swollen necks....the one I killed was swollen huge. A couple of my buds reported not seeing much activity either. hangunnr
  9. Well done!! Looks to be a big ole girl. hangunnr
  10. Yep, she understands... Wouldn't you just love to wipe the grin off this smarmy bastids face. hangunnr
  11. Yep, they're on the short list of some I want to try. hangunnr
  12. ...want's to help me wring this Browning sluggun out... Picked up a used Gold Deer Hunter this past summer but because of a little snafu with the scope didn't get it dialed in properly prior to our deer season opener. I did get it to shoot OK with the Rem Copper Solids but 4" at 100yds aint quite what I believe this combo is capable of. There are still a couple different loads I want to try but haven't gotten around to picking them up yet. Anyone feel like getting their bell rung off the bench... hangunnr
  13. If your gun is an inline just pull the breech plug dump the powder then use your ramrod to push it out. If you are using a sidelock gun you'll have to pick one of the bullet pullers that looks like a screw that's attached to your ramrod. I believe Cabela's has them. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp;jsessionid=G0BO0YATIEI4FLAQBBISCOVMCAEFEIWE?id=0063565216678a&type=product&cmCat=froogle&cm_ven=data_feed&cm_cat=froogle&cm_pla=0390213&cm_ite=0063565216678a&_requestid=6829 The second item from the left. hangunnr
  14. Do you have any idea what model it is? That will help greatly in determining a value. hangunnr
  15. hangunnr


    I don't know what yer talkin about... hangunnr
  16. Do you have actual scratches or is it leading in the barrel? I would have a hard time believing the soft lead slugs would mar a smooth bore barrel. Brownells offers a barrel bore hone for polishing the bore of a shotgun barrel. http://www.brownells.com/aspx/NS/store/productdetail.aspx?p=647&st=080-607-212ab&s=2761 These work really well but as with any abrasive, caution must be used to prevent further damage. hangunnr
  17. What do you mean by "out of hand"? hangunnr
  18. Dang Jim, I didn't know you liked cigars... That's something we'll have to discuss in depth next time we cross paths... Fuente Hemingways....nuff said... hangunnr
  19. I had one of the first M&P 40s that hit the shelves here in Indiana. Out of all the handguns I've owned (and there's been several...) this one fit's me like no other. I've run a couple thousand rounds thru mine without one single failure. I carry it daily and am quite comfortable knowing it's by my side. hangunnr
  20. Did a little looking around and found a Alpine Supreme rifle over on Guns America which is listed as having a FN action. http://www.gunsamerica.com/976771419/Guns-For-Sale/Gun-Auctions/Rifles/Remington-Rifles-Modern/Alpine_Supreme.htm hangunnr
  21. First thoughts say it's a FN Mauser. The BNP proofmark indicates Birmingham, England. hangunnr
  22. I'd go with a Rem Model 7 CDL in .260 then have it punched out to a AI chamber. hangunnr
  23. This has been discussed in the past and unless I'm mistaken it was decided that there was too much inherent liability involved with posting load data. There are plenty of members here that actively participate in loading their own ammo so if you feel inclined please start a discussion in the appropriate forum. We only ask that you don't post specific powder charges in your postings. hangunnr
  24. Great looking buck!! Congrats!! hangunnr