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Everything posted by texastrophies

  1. Yall are completely missing the weather issue. It is not an issue for the game or players themselves, it comesback to the almighty dollar. If the superbowl was held in the middle of a snowstorm or in sub freezing weather, do you really think the attendance and entertainment would be at the level (or supposed level) that it is at now. Face it, the people at the game, for the most part are not fans of the teams, oh sure some of them are, but most of them are there because it is THE PLACE to be. How many people are going to shell out $1000 or so for a ticket to set for 4 hours in a freezing rain? MONEY If you think anything else you are fooling yourself.
  2. A hurricane in January or February???????????
  3. Wow, glad you & the Mrs. weren't hurt. Interesting that the bags didn't deploy. When I hit that deer last year in my '01 chevy, most of the damage was over the bumper and my bags didn't come out either. The pic from the outside doesn't look all that bad, but then when you look at what it did under the hood, that must have been a pretty good lick. Good luck and I hope the insurance companies take care of you.
  4. You and your wife and family have my condolences. Have a safe trip, Steve.
  5. The one from my childhood is Roast. It seemed like we had a roast every Sunday, and I would just as soon not eat than eat roast now. Just generally speaking, if it is green, and not money, I don't want it. No veggies for me, with the exception of corn, rice & taters if you want to call them vegetables.
  6. There is probably a reason for that.
  7. Unfortunately, not buying gas today will not affect the oil companies one bit, unless you didn't drive also. Otherwise you just bought gas yesterday or tomorrow and they still get your money. Plus they will probably raise the price of gas tomorrow so you end up paying more.
  8. Yes it is hard on the bikes, but it is fun, so that makes it worth it, kind of. Steve it is hard to see me at times, but I am on a yellow bike, black shirt and a tan hat on (not a cowboy hat, more like a setting in the sun on a beach hat), there is one scene that shows a four wheeler doing a wheelie on the road, that was me also.
  9. The local Fox news team does an extreme sport segment each week, and they sent a reporter and camera man out to do one on the crew that I ride 4 wheelers with a couple of weeks back. Well it aired last night. It's only a couple of minutes long, and they didn't air the interview they did with me, but I am shown in a few of the clips. I guess I just got my 15 seconds. Here is a link. http://www.myfoxhouston.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail?contentId=3205697&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1
  10. I got to stick with my Texas buddies, wild hogs are almost always over guessed on their weight. I say 150 or less on all of them.
  11. I have a set of Jack Nicklaus Golden Bear clubs. circa 1980 or so. They are good enough to get my one outing or so every year to break a 100 (normally)
  12. As far as DEI is concerned, I predict a reunion of sorts. NAPA, & MW along with Toyotas $$$$. I would love to see JR. at RCR but it would not suprise me a bit to see him become Tony Stewert's teamate at Gibbs
  13. this is off of nascar.com 11:07 -- "I will say we weren't really close in getting what both sides wanted." 11:06 -- "As for the fans, please know this is a career decision. I want to thank my family members who are here to support me." 11:05 -- "It is important for me that DEI remain successful and to keep my father's legacy alive. It has been a priviledge for me to drive for DEI and will continue to be through the rest of this year." 11:03 -- "As far as a team is concerned, we will make that decision at a later date. It depends on what team wants me." 11:03 -- "It is time for me to compete on a conssitant basis now" 11:04 -- "Becasue DEI means so much to me I felt it was important that they come out successfully" 11:02 -- "After a year of intense negotiations we have decided it is time for me to move on" 11:01 -- "We are here today at last about my contract at DEI." 11 a.m. -- Dale Earnhardt Jr. is at the podium.
  14. Interesting! I wonder what number he will be running? I would assume DEI will keep the 8 and not let him have it. There must be some hard feelings, because he had supposedly been waiting till the end of the month for this.
  15. I got no problem with that, at all !!!!!!!!
  16. Granted he is not really much of a driver anymore, but, Michael Waltrip has ran a few marathons. Has Tiger?
  17. I think yall are being a little hard on Clemens. Wishing he gets hurt or has an injury? That ain't right. You can't blame him. Would any one of you turn down an offer like that? Didn't think so. Is it out of hand yes, but the greed belongs to the owners who think they can buy a winner. Not just the Yankees, but a lot of the teams.
  18. If you don't classify them as athlete's, then what category would you put them in? Personally, I think they are more of an athlete than a golfer or bowler. Other than Tony Stewart, I think all of the cup drivers are in pretty good shape.
  19. That kind of goes both ways, doesn't it?
  20. Congrats on the draw!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. OH, I didn't know that. lol They do look like a cool vehicle for trail riding and I am sure with some snorkles and outlaws they could be made into one bad mudding/water riding machine.
  22. Congrats Luke. Keep it going.