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Everything posted by Strut10

  1. That's a LITTLE better. Yep. I know a feller up there told me 10 or so years ago that to own a handgun you had to take a restricted course, belong to a shooting club, and submit a travel plan to the ministry EVERY time you went to shoot...……….when you intended to leave home...…….what your travel plan was to the club...…… long you would be there...……….travel plan home...……...what time you expected to arrive home...……..and you had to go to the club and back home. No other stops. SHEESH !!!!!!!
  2. CONGRATS !!! Those are few and far between in da Great White North...…….. Do you still have to file a travel plan with the gov't each time you go to the range with your handgun ??
  3. If you're leaving orange pieces, you ain't hittin' em hard enough. ?
  4. Don't start unless you're prepared to deal with the lifelong affliction that goes with it...……...
  5. I started same as you...………...a 20 gauge SxS field gun. Got to liking it so much I bought a nice O/U sporting & trap gun. Shot quite a bit for a couple years. Now I'm getting in about one night every other year...……………...
  6. Working tomorrow...…………………...again. Good news is, I get his Sunday off. Be my first day off since about the second weekend in November. Since I had to work every day of our firearms deer season, my daughter got gypped outta her whole season too. So I bought her a flintlock online. It came today !!! Sunday will be a range day to get the gun on paper and Pickle used to shooting a flint-n-steel smokepole. Can't wait to get out in the woods with her !!!!
  7. It's genetics. Whether it's a buck or a doe, you have a deer in that area tossing that gene around. Saw it on my place 10-12 years ago with bucks that were 22" - 24+" wide INSIDE spread at 3.5 years old. I'm not even sure if that gene still isn't hanging around yet, sometimes. Have a 1.5 year buck in there this year that a 4 point but in the 15" inside spread range. Good luck getting one of those dudes !!!!
  8. Worked. Worked EVERY day of our firearms season...………. Haven't counted it exactly, but I'm on about Day 30 of 50-some straight. Started at the tree farm 2 Saturdays before Thanksgiving and between that and the crap-brown truck, I've had exactly 1/2 of one Sunday off since. My next day off is Christmas day. This working for a living is WAAAAAAAAAAY over-rated...………..
  9. Congrats to the young man piling up the backstraps !!! Congrats to Al on another slammer !! I have worked every day since (and including) Thanks giving and my first day off will be Christmas day. All of the general firearms season down the crapper. I should, hopefully, get 4, 5 or 6 days of flintlocking in. I'm VERY excited for that to get here after Christmas !!!!
  10. 10-4 Have a buddy who lives in Wahoo, so...……..same neck of the woods. Been across Nebraska a few times headed to Dawes and Sioux to hunt turkeys. Every time, I think I'd like to try a deer hunt somewhere out there.
  11. Nice deer !!!! CONGRATS !!! Which part of Nebraska are you in ??
  12. Dinner at Mom's at supper time. We'll be in the Christmas tree fields early in the morning. Our 18" of rain ABOVE normal (it freakin rains here all the time ANYWAYS) has made the going really bad in the mud. Last weekend we had some moderate problems getting done what we needed to do because even the 4x4's (trucks AND tractors) were barely cutting it. Supposed to get down around 10 degrees tonight and not above 23 or so tomorrow. So maybe it'll give us a break as far as traction goes. Our butts will be whooped come turkey time. Happy Thanksgiving to all the Realtree family !!!!
  13. My archery season is dunga……….caput. VERY strange year. Guess my contribution will have to come from our flintlock season after Christmas.
  14. WAY TO GO, buddy !!!!! MUCHO CONGRATS !!! Can't wait to see the pics !!!
  15. CONGRATS Joe !!! Rut is hit or miss here right now. Saw 20 does/fawns today with ZERO serious chasing.
  16. Ended up seeing 2 bucks from the blind this AM. But since it just appeared last night they weren't buying into it too well. Not spooked. Buy leary. The one may have been a shooter. He was on the move and I only got a quick look. The rain stopped around 10:30 I left at noon. When the front passed through, the wind kicked up BIG TIME and I wasn't riding a tree in 40-50 mph winds. Plan to be out all day tomorrow.
  17. What a difference 2 days makes...………... Rained all night and stopped just before daylight. Perfect wind. Had a buck run a couple does past me at about 25 feet...…….grunting like a hog...…….. in the pitch dark while I was still on the ground hooking my bow to the tow rope. Stayed in all day and ended up seeing the 8 from the video at 100 yards running a doe around 1:00 and a real wide 4 just at dark. I think a total of 5 does/fawns...………. Hard to believe it's the same stand I sat Saturday. Tomorrow is supposed to be a washout til some time after lunch. I just got in from tossing a pop-up blind out. Not real hopeful about anything tomorrow. But it'll be better than sitting in the house watching it rain.
  18. Messed up. But if you click the VID to the right of the pic it'll go there. This is the split brow 8 that came to a calling sequence. Came so quick that once I decided he was not a shooter, I couldn't zoom my phone in...……………...still had my bow in the other hand.
  19. Dunno if this will work or not. Never tried video links before...……………. VID_20181103_122748616 by don stear, on Flickr
  20. If that's what you're looking for, you have found it. Yep.
  21. Got my first hunt in !! Clammy, windy, rainy, crappy day...……….as is typical in W. PA...…….. Stayed up all day. Saw 8 different bucks. They were responding to calling quite well. Had 3 come in at once to a sequence at 8:30. Another pair came in from different directions after a sequence at 12:30. One of those was a heavy-ish 8 frame with a small split brow...…….16" or so wide. He came to about 4 or 5 yards. Just not what I'm looking for, but a darned nice deer for our area. Also had a real pretty 9 come in. Dandy 5 on one side but a bit of a broken 4 on the other...……...17"-ish wide but not a lot of mass. Overall a good day in the deer-seeing department. And I was hunting the prettiest view of any stand I have. Just LOUSY weather. But if ya live here...……'re pretty used to it. Crappy cell phone pics of a 110" or so 9 pointer at 17-18 yards...……... And a 105" or so 8 pointer (see him ??) at about 7 yards...………..and coming.
  22. CONGRATS on a real stud of a deer Al !!!! Provided I can find all my stuff, I'll be starting tomorrow morning. Cold front came through today, so it may be a good day.
  23. My daughter has an American Youth Compact in .308 Win. It's a no-nonsense gun with a few bells...…… whistles. It is quite acceptably accurate and we've had no issues with it thus far. You get what you pay for. It's a good rifle for the money.
  24. Lost one on the Strut10 Ranch. Buddy of mine saw a buck laying dead in a spring run near a dirt road...…… 30 feet down over the bank. I was on my way home so he met me there. I was figuring poached from the road or a non-recovered archery hit. Neither. I wish I had taken a picture of the deer as it layed. This buck was right in the spring run, facing upstream, underneath at least 3 logs, none of which was a foot off the ground. His antlers got wedged in a V where 2 of the logs crossed. His nose was under 3 inches of water. He drowned. I have NO clue as to why this deer was trying to belly under logs he could have gone through, over or around. Funny thing is...……..he was 25 feet from the source of the spring...…..which comes out of the base of a 30 foot horseshoe-shaped embankment that is nearly vertical. There was really nowhere he was going to go except turn around and go back the way he came in. Odder than odd.