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Everything posted by Strut10

  1. Fellow that taps some maple trees on my place texted me the other morning. Said he was driving down the road through my place right by where he taps. Saw a buck he said I'd better shoot. Said it wasn't real wide, but heavy and as high as any buck he'd ever seen. Sounds promising, anyways...………..
  2. Got home from work not quite an hour ago. Been working at moving for ……… seems like, EVER. Was hoping to pretty much get the old placed cleaned out completely this weekend. However...……..the rain capital of the known world is in high dudgeon and it ain't lookin like it gonna happen. It's currently POURING and that's the (as usual) weekend forecast. Our fall turkey season opens tomorrow, as well. Again...……...the rain will have it starting without me.
  3. Congrats on the backstraps !!!
  4. I feel like a broken record...………………...continuing to move. Finally got kitchen countertops in the new place, so that'll make life a tad more convenient. I'd like to get a little string time with my bow to get some old muscles loosened up...……...
  5. Nice shootin on the dog !!! That junked-up 14 is one worth passing those 8's for. Best of luck running one through his boiler room !!! I just went to the bow shop tonight and picked up my arrows. Had all 20 I own re-fletched and re-nocked. They were in need. Now I gotta find time to get some string time in just to loosen up some old, creaky bones and muscles. The deer movement has really picked up here (along the roads) since the cold snap moved in. I think next week ill be a good week to be in a tree here. I gotta wait a couple weeks. Should only get better every day from here on out.
  6. Continuing to move...……………… So much stuff. So much junk. LOL !!!
  7. CONGRATS on the backstraps !!!!
  8. Strut10

    It's coming

    You fellers just KEEP it where it is. ? Just looked at the forecast for this week in Wyoming where I turkey hunt...………'s 35 degrees there now with a winter weather advisory annnnnd they ain't supposed to be outta the 30's til THURSDAY !!! Holy crap !!! I am NOT ready for that here...……………..
  9. Hey, Al !! Good to hear from ya !! There's still a few of us left here. The cream of the crop...……...the best of the best...……...we're still here. Lol !!! I hear ya on the Facebook crap. I don't know how ANYONE can stay on there. I joined up for about a month just to keep track of a buddy of mine whose custom callmaking page was his Facebook page. Started getting friend requests from people I knew. Had no interest in interacting, but accepted the requests just to be nice. Then I got my first friend request from someone I didn't know. Never even heard the name. Done. I unsubscribed. Keep stopping by. There's still one or two you could rib a bit.
  10. Went to see Foxworthy last night. Good show !! Continuing to move stuff to the new place today. Of course, I have an open trailer and , of course, its PennsylRAINya…………. The "haul it in" crew (me) is only as good as the "put it away" crew. Right now, I'm 2 full 7'x14' trailers ahead of them and I quit. Can't/won't stack any more on the porch, so...……………. Miller time.
  11. Strut10

    It's coming

    I was looking at the weather pages for my Merriam's hunting spots in Wyoming and Nebraska and snow is in the forecast. It's coming.
  12. Sounds like there may be a few possibilities roaming my neck of the woods this season. My brother saw 3 "wallhangers" (his word) from almost the same spot, driving down a country road not too far from the Strut10 Ranch...……….less than a mile...……….so...……... The biggest buck I saw last season (in the headlights driving to hunt one morning), so far as I know, never got killed. Hopefully in about a month, one of these, or another big boy will do something dumb.
  13. How tall ya suppose that bear stands on his hind legs ?? Nice crop of kudzu you got going on there, too !!! Lol !!
  14. Strut10


    Can't get that address to hit
  15. Buddy who hunts my property called me today with a rundown of this week's card pull from his cameras...……... Seems we'd be better off hunting bears at this point. LOL !! He got pics of two different ones. "One about 250 and a big one" he said. A pair of 100-ish inch bucks is the best he's gotten pics of, so far.
  16. Not familiar with that particular scope. But Nikon has built a VERY solid reputation as good glass. Be sure, if you have any notion of shooting longer distances, to get a reticle with mil-dots or ballistic dots, etc. Beats the heck outta trying to guess on hold-over.
  17. I actually did something deer hunting related !!! I got a new 3-pack of broadheads for this season. LOL !!! The dumb thing is...…….the heads I shoot...……..the manufacturer will re-sharpen them for free in the off season. But I never remember in the off season. I remember when it's the time of year they don't re-sharpen them...………… DOH !!! So I have a whole bunch of them that have flown a time or two just sitting here waiting or me to remember when I'm SUPPOSED to. Been so stinking busy, the last arrow that I shot outta my bow is the one that went through my buck last year.
  18. Trying to/needing to get moved into the new place...…………….which is mostly futile with a busted up foot. So I'm moving little stuff and sorting good from junk in the stuff that I got moved BEFORE I became a cripple.
  19. Strut10

    A safe trip

    Maybe I shoulda told him to rent a brand new pearl white Escalade (with license plates from a Yankee state) for the trip and be SURE to hit the Waffle House in Meridian, MS right about lunchtime………...
  20. Strut10

    A safe trip

    Now, why the heck would somebody wanna do THAT...…………….. ????
  21. Strut10

    A safe trip

    Welcome to the RT Forums !!!! I'd AVOID Meridian Mississippi...……………….jumped off 20 there about 15 years ago to hit the Waffle House. Got the VERY distinct feeling that it wasn't the friendliest town if you weren't from there...………. Whereabouts in west Texas you going to be hunting ???
  22. I do too...………….. Broke my little toe today when a 2x6 slid endways and dropped 5 or 6 feet off my trailer and landed on my foot. Ouch !!! DANG IT, OUCH !!!!!!!!!!! Now I got a toe that's about every color of black, red and purple you can imagine. The firewood stackers are INCREDIBLE !!!! Way cool pics !!!!
  23. Checking in. Probably not much hunting going on here til early November when the big boys get a little dumb. Planning to put in a 70 hour week then. Haven't had a trailcam in about 5 years, so...………….. Ironically, I have shot most of my best bucks in that time frame. Go figger. I did see one decent deer a month or so ago cross the road. Probably not a candidate. But a nice 110"-120" deer. Why not get some more rain …………………….. ????? We got 7 3/4" last weekend. Right now, we're 13"+ above the norm for the year...………………… A day without rain here is like a day...……….well...……………..somewhere else.
  24. Can you say "target-rich environment" ???? Best of luck, Al !!!! Be waitin' for the pictures...……..