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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Turkeygirl


    Re: Proof!! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...............................................................................................
  2. Re: I Impressed Myself Sounds like a big bird to me! Congrats!
  3. Re: New official score now in!! (pics) Congrats! that's a great rack! Looks 150 to me!
  4. Re: Are you one of the 55?? I am. Yep I could read it. Could obviously tell they were all wrong but read it just fine.
  5. Re: How Small A Turkey Body Really Is**BLOOD** It will be tasty though, congrats! Looks like your bird has strutted off all his fat and such. Fall birds are more plump, spring gobblers though I find have thinner breast from running all around. Nothing compared to a store turkey breast but you know what, wild is healthier and a whole lot better tasting! Usually when I clean my bird, I lose about 5 pounds which is guts and feathers.
  6. Re: You Got To Be Kidding Me!!! Major Storm!!! Wonder what it's gonna do to the turkeys? Snowing here and cold...could always be worse but considering it is April...would be nice if we had the "normal" weather.
  7. Re: My 18 month old daughters got it bad. Hope she's feeling better! My mom, sister, and I are all finally over whatever flu bug we had. It's the season I guess...
  8. Re: it finally happened..... That stinks....It is the risk you take. Doing a wheelie has it's own risks ...hope the judge gives ya a break.
  9. Re: Don\'t forget me Cabela\'s... Well I emailed customer service and got a reply back. The H.S. Vest is being shipped, jacket is still back ordered and not due there until May 25th. So I may be without the jacket for turkey season, but I'll hold out for a good jacket in RT AP.
  10. Re: Look what I got today!! Beautiful call! Congrats!
  11. Re: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.... Thanks everyone! Planning to go over on Saturday and have a look around the land and state land. Will go over on some mornings and see if I can here them gobbling and find out where they are roosting.
  12. Re: Less than a week!! Good luck huntress! Just try to stay calm and you'll do alright. Ok maybe trying to stay calm with bow in hand and gobber in front of you is the understatement of the month,lol
  13. Re: My fav. part of the job.... [ QUOTE ] Doesn't responsibility stink!! They were probably out scouting your turkeys while you were trying to scold them by E-mail!! LOL (Sorry Ruth ) [/ QUOTE ] LMBO! I hope you are sooooo wrong,lol
  14. Re: Favorite part of the hunt I love it all also, though I did choose blood trailing because I love to get on the trail and start following it and making a recovery.
  15. OH MY GOSH! I am si flipping excited right now! I was talking to my boss about what his plans were for one of the new custodial guys and the campus center (I'm custodian for the campus center at college right now until he finishes training one of the guys and puts him here, so basically I've been a fill in for supervisors in custodial). Anyway I told him I was just wondering because I was trying to get an idea when I would be done/they didn't need me anymore, so I had an idea when I would have some time off. I'll skip to the best part though. I told him "honestly May is turkey season" and he smiled because he has a nephew that hunts and stuff, and he wouldn't have a problem if I wanted to take some mornings off to hunt (I'm basically doing them a huge favor being here working while they train new custodial staff). He then told me he heard turkeys gobbling this morning, first time he'd heard them this year!! I must have lit up and he told me he's seen them cross the roads and where they are up there. He lives right next to state land. He then told me I COULD HUNT ON HIS LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's got like 12 acres across from his house then 67 acres behind him, all bordering state land! I can't believe it. And he gave me a map that shows how to get to his house and where his property is. He told me park wherever. Can you tell I'm excited and happy!!!??? So maybe this weekend I'll take a drive over there and take a look around or next week after work I'll go up and look around. Woohoo!
  16. Is having to email students who are either not working on days they are suppose to or they are clocking in and out on their time cards..."putting in hours" yet from the appearance of the areas they clean, are not doing there job! Ok, it isn't my fav. part of this custodial supervisor job, but gee whiz, kids sure don't work like they use to...or like I do. I went through 4 years of college and did my job every day, rarely missed a day. Some of the kids on campus I think use homework and an excuse to not do their jobs and that they are "too busy" with school to work that day. Well I say WHATEVER! I just got emailing like 5 people about not working, geesh.
  17. Ok, what is your favorite part of the hunt...?
  18. Re: Easter Weekend Wow, way to go! That'd be a lifetime of sheds for me!
  19. Turkeygirl


    Re: Taxes... Ok I just found on the back on theform where it says IT-2 must be completed and attached rather than the wage/tax statements (I'm guessing W2). so I don't send any W2 with it, just the IT-2?
  20. Turkeygirl


    Ok, got a question. First time doing my taxes. I already sent out Federal, just have to send out state. Do I need to include one the W2 forms with my state tax paper when I mail it? State probably differs by state but I know you NYers should know. My state form is the Resident Income Tax Return (short form) IT-150. I have two W2 slips that say to be filed with employee's state, city, or local tax return. So do I include this? If so, do I staple it somewhere? Thanks!
  21. Re: Don\'t forget me Cabela\'s... Nope, haven't gotten a shipping confirm. Haven't heard anything! so guess I'd better start looking at a new jacket just in case....
  22. Re: I got an invite oh really? Hmm.....we'll be on the Susquehanna trail somewhere but I'll let the professor know so she can tell he class to wear something bright like orange.
  23. Yogurt??? I had some for breakfast today, I love it. Not the fat free kind with aspartame which tastes gross. I like normal yogurt like with fruit on the bottom type of thing or the best is with the cream on the top! So anyone else like or hate yogurt?
  24. Re: Don\'t forget me Cabela\'s... Yeah I usually get stuff about 3 days after they ship it. Must have alot of orders or something....
  25. Re: I got an invite I'm gonna be mad though if i'm hiking along in PA and all i hear are birds gobbling!!! lol, I think I'll go insane.