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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Need a new camo jacket No I haven't Ranger. Was just thinking tonight I might hold off on the jacket in hopes of getting up to a Gander Mountain after Easter weekend. Whether they have something left or not, I dunno, but always seems that I get something and then find something cheaper. So I think I'll wait and see what Gander Mountain and Dicks has (since I have a $10certificate to Dicks)
  2. Re: Best April Fools Joke/Prank [ QUOTE ] i dunno about the best one i have pulled...but one that always works is a rubber band around the handle of the sprayer on the kitchen sink....works everytime [/ QUOTE ] Oooh, I'm gonna go try that one right now! Andy has fish to clean, lmbo, should be good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  3. Spring fever is getting a hold of me,lol Wondering what's out there in the way of mouth calls this year? What have you bought/tried? I wouldl ike to replace like 2 of mine that are getting old and not sounding too good. One was a Primos that did nice kee kees and clucks, the other one I can't remember. Anyone tired any of the ones by Quaker Boy with the taper to fit better?
  4. Re: Turkey Beard & Spur Display That is some great work you do! I think I've seen you post some on here before. Excellent
  5. Re: Turkey vest, call, fanny pack, misc. FOR SALE Ok...$18 for the vest.
  6. Re: Need a new camo jacket Oh yeah, also found Cabelas' has an insulated/hooded version of the bowhunter jacket for like $20.
  7. What's everyone like to watch on TV? We loved to watch Alias until they took that off I like Little People Big World on TLC, Little House on the Prairie and M*A*S*H on TV Land....some of the medical programs on TLC, Ugly Betty on the "normal" station. So who else likes what?
  8. Re: Your Best Shot? Shotgun deer season couple years back. Climbed into my stand. Stupid neighbors started their world war II in the fields (they chase deer all over and take running shots at them). Few minutes pass and I see a deer through the trees making his towards me. He's just meandering along and I watch him through the scope. He veers to the right out in front of me on a trail. I've got one opening at the distance he's at for a shot. I've got maybe a foot between two trees to aim through. Buck stops, I think heh ad a scrape there, I put the cross hairs on him and BOOM! He drops in his tracks. One shot, through a small space between trees - a 60-70 yard shot. He ended up also having a shot wound in his neck, I think from the neighbors..looked a day old or so. He was a 6 point.
  9. Re: Olean, NY You should ask on the nwtf.org message board. I think a couple guys have hunter the forest there before..I don't remember who, but you could get some info there I'm sure.
  10. Re: I\'m gonna be a DADDY again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!
  11. Well my medium weight jacket I wear turkey hunting alot is getting faded and probably doesn't have too much longer. I'm looking for a jacket light to medium weight and found a few. Was wondering if anyone has either of these or has any thoughts on them or suggestions on any others? I'm trying to stay around $30 or under. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templa...&hasJS=true http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templa...&hasJS=true http://www.wingsupply.com/shop/Scripts/prodViewSKU.asp?SKU=99718HGR
  12. Re: The Steep Ridge Gobbler Congrats! Soundsl ike you had a fun time,lol!
  13. Re: Great opening day in TN! Congrats!!! Very nice bird!
  14. Re: Another Monster Shed Wow, amazing! I was hiking yesterday thinking boy, finding a little button buck shed would be a trophy in its own!
  15. Re: Encouraging!!! I have good news! I was out hiking yesterday looking for sheds and keeping an eye out to see where these turkeys might be. Well I came to an open grassy swamp that the turkeys always seem to go to some time in the day and they hung there last year. Well I found a bunch of poop there yesterday - hen and GOBBLER! So he must still be alive! There are so few turkeys here I think he flocks up with the hens, which makes him tough anyway to get him. So I'm going to makea small journal of what I find and try and get an idea of what these turkeys are doing. It'll be tough because I think they make a loop going on land I can't hunt, through the swamp to the gravel pit and back around. I think they go to the gravel pit in the morning and in the evening. That's where the gobbler was headed last spring when some jerk spooked him and he flew over my head.
  16. Ok, doing a little spring cleaning and want to sell some stuff to get a new turkey vest. Prices include shipping. FieldLine Turkey Vest - had for a few seasons, still in great shape. One zipper lost the zipper pull but easily fixed with a piece of string. Minus a few small holes in the mesh from briars, in great shape, hasn't faded after being washed a few times. Many pockest and has a safety orange velcro strip. Also has a seat that flips down and cen be removed ~ $20 TYD Fanny Pack - good shape, zippers all work. ~ $10 TYD Rifles & Shotguns Book by Jack O Conner - Picked this up at a yard sale. Not sure how much it is worth/to sell for so name a price ~ Quaker Boy Quad Threat Call w/ striker - bought this used, only used it a few times. Same good shape I got it in ~ $10 TYD Knight & Hale Screamin Hawk Locator Call - I've only tried it a few times. Like new! And has a lanyard. ~ $5 TYD H.S. Strut Shell Shocked VHS - good turkey video - $5 TYD Knight & Hale Ultimate Spring VHS - another good video ~ $5 TYD Or I'll sell both videos $8 TYD. Whitetail Obsession 6 DVD - great dvd! It was given to me, so I will give it as a freebie with the first purchase. Allen Arrow Rest - right hand and plastic kind ~ $2 TYD Pro Release - used for several season and did the job, places where paint has worn off but still works fine ~ $5 TYD I accept checks or MO's. Pm me with any interest/questions...Thanks!
  17. Re: Redbeard\'s Title Bout with Tornado Tom Beautiful bird! Congrats!
  18. Re: Turkey vests Anyone else? I saw Wing supple has a Beard Buster by Tarantula for $35 on sale...would be about $40 something with shipping. Looks nice also...though shoulder isn't padded but maybe not that big of a deal....can't decide
  19. Re: Grannis got in Wonderful....NOT! Maybe he'll turn out better then we've heard...but I won't count on it,lol.
  20. Since last fall, I saw no sign of the turkey in the woods I hunt anywhere. The population has dropepd greatly, why I haven't gotten one in 3 years, and I had not even seen tracks this winter. Last I saw sign of them is in a small, old gravel pit on a neighbor's land, that they like to dust bathe in and go eat in the fields. Well I was out hiking looking for sheds today, cut across the gravel pit and there were 3 sets of fresh tracks!!! I was happy to see that, guessing they are hens. So I took a walk down to where the pit butts up to the edge of woods and there is a sandy spot they dust in...I found a lone set of tracks larger than the 3 sets I saw. I'm wondering if this could be a gobbler? They were deeper and wider slightly, not too mention they just looked bigger! Remember I had a shot at the gobbler last spring and missed him? I'm guessing these could be the same 3 hens and 1 gobbler??!! He's got to be a brute by now. I could be wrong and it could just be a fat footed hen and the gobbler got shot last year but I dunno. Some guy spooked him the day I missed him, don't know if the guy came back or not, but this gobbler, if it's him, is very, very smart. He rarely gobbles, I guess because he's got hens. Anyway this is encouraging but I'm still going to check out state land for back-up.
  21. Re: Olean, NY I know where Olean is,lol! I live about 45 minutes north of there. I haven't hunted the forest there though.
  22. Re: Proud of my wife and daughter Congrats to both of them! (and you!)
  23. Do any of you have a turkey vest you wear when hunting? I'm looking into a new one because the one i have is big and I want one that has the thinner padded shoulder straps and also a padded back. The one I have right now can be not so comfortable when sitting for long periods of time. I might be able to get a Little Bighorn of Archery Talk for $35, in great shape minus a bum zipper that I think I could fix. Or there is a Red Head Striker vest for $35 that was only used a few times on Archery Talk also.Just wondering what you all have?
  24. Re: Man!!! That Burned A Hole In My Pocket! LOL!!! I think it needs GIRL at the end of Turkey... then would make it perfect,lol! Nice shirt, the camo is sweet!
  25. Re: Saw a strutter today!! Awesome!!! I need to find some turkey so I can be more excited for season to come.