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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Hi everyone. I\'m Randy\'s wife... Welcome Mrs. Randy!! I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself here and be sure to visit the women's forum...we are all well behaved unlike the opposite gender,lol!
  2. Re: Prostate Cancer (oh well) So sorry Buckee! Will be keeping you in my prayers! At least it is treatable! Internal radiation seeds sound...umm...exciting,lol, NOT.
  3. Re: NEW BOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats! Sounds like a nice bow.
  4. Re: SELLERS and BUYERS info post Sold some fleece string silencers to shedhunter. Excellent transaction, payment arrived quickly! A+
  5. Re: Ok ladies...a question for you We were watching Am. Funniest videos one night..they had all these clips of guys getting their chest hair pulled off with the wax pulling stuff...LMBO, way to funny! Guys act so tuff then getting a little bit of hair pulled....LOL!
  6. Re: Here he is....(Pictures) Wow! Must be fun to have a "whole deer" in your house! Nice deer to!
  7. Re: AdvantageTimberLou, All Done! Wow, beautiful arrows! They'll be even more beautiful with a splattering of blood on them:-)
  8. Re: TURKEY TEAM #7 Wow, nice looking toms! No sign of turkeys anywhere on the farm land where I usually turkey hunter....population has gone down big time on it. Probably in April when things thaw out I'll start checking the state land and try and get an idea of the lay of the land and where turkeys are hanging...
  9. Re: Remember this shed?pics That's a beautiful set! Congrats!!
  10. Re: I Love College Nice finds! When we get all this snow melted I'll probably head over to the college's property to look around...find a nice 9 point set one year on it and a spike
  11. Re: Here\'s a nice shed.... Wow, that has some mass!!! Congrats!
  12. After having emailed them about getting a new wrist strap for my release, a buckle instead of velcro in a smaller size, I called them today. They told me in an email a strap would cost $20. Well I was prepared to pay it and called them. after being on hold, I finally got in contact with the guy, same one who emailed me. He was apologetic for me being on hold.I told him what I needed because my other strap slipped down on my wrist, and TruBall is sending me 2 buckle straps , 1 large, and one a junior large, for try for size for FREE!! Talk about customer service! I even asked if he wanted me to return one or the other and he said no, don't worry about it. Very helpful service! I also like that they have a Christian background A+ to TruBall!
  13. Re: I, too, just got the call... Congrats!
  14. Re: Winners for Best of Contest / Field Pic Congrats to the both of you! Nice deer!
  15. Re: Opening Morning Bust At least you were out there and heard something! Good luck on the next hunt!
  16. was tie a few more flies! Photo below. First one is a Muddler Minnow - not too shabby for my first attempt. then a Brassie, then a Black Nosed Dace, then another Brassie.
  17. Re: Look what came out tonight Thanks Buckee! How'd you do that? lol
  18. Re: SELLERS and BUYERS info post Sold 3 MB DVDs to Slughunter. He paid quickly and kept good communication! A+
  19. Re: What\'s holding me back.... Something I realized sitting here is that I'm not on this earth for myself....I'm here to do God's duty. Nursing to me, while not exactly athletic training, would be a great way to minister to people. Not necessarily being preachy, but showing His love and being an example. I learned this at my internship....rough in the beginning but when I was working with the kids and tried to set an example of Christ's love, that's what it's all about it. I'm serving God, not myself.
  20. I was on RT few minutes ago, Andy comes in and tells me to come look. I run outside with the camera to the edge of our front yard and saw this: A little dark but about 7 deer out in a field right across the little country road we live in..pretty cool. Don't see them out there all that often.
  21. Re: What\'s holding me back.... Well I love medicine so no matter what, I'm doing something with medicine. Guess I just hate to give up the memories of being an athletic trainer. I had dreams of being a trainer and working along side the other trainers,lol. But dreams aren't always reality. Nursing actually makes about the same $ if not more than AT with a Masters. I don't want to be in debt the rest of my life...that I know,lol. It's just that taping ankles, knees, and the such is soo much fun,lol! And learning different muscle tests and testing for different injuries I enjoyed.
  22. I posted awhile back about maybe going back to school in the fall for nursing. It is still something I'm thinking of doing....but it seems everytime I think I find what want to do, I start to have doubts and such. Some of you maybe remember me wanting to do athletic training but the college dropped the major, so I did outdoor rec. Probably one mistake was staying instead of transferring to somewhere else. But there is a reason for it. I still wish I could do athletic training, but I can't really get any more fed. aid because of doing 4 years already, and can't afford to go away out of state for an entry level master's. While at Houghton, I guess I dreamed of doing athletic training, and I really admired the trainers there. Looked up them is more like it,lol. Maybe I just don't want to let go wanting to be like one of them. I guess maybe I should just let go and move on. I don't know what I can apply from athletic training to nursing. Anyway I just wanted to voice out my dilemma because I know there's some great people on here who will listen. I think God is telling me to let go and move on to nursing, but it's hard. I just don't want to forget athletic training and what I learned....Guess God is testing me....
  23. Re: Tied my first loop I'm not sure but I've heard it should be tied on with the knots opposite each other so I'd say re-tie it
  24. Re: Found the Match!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great looking set!! Congrats!
  25. Re: Got my Buck back Very nice buck! Way bigger than any buck, bow or gun, that I've got. What's his spread? Looks like he has a decent spread for a NY buck...