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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Chick flicks [ QUOTE ] I saw the Holiday at the movies. I LOVE Jude Law. They should make more guys like him. [/ QUOTE ] LOL! We watched it last night, good movie! Kate Winslet is so funny when she gets to the house in LA My mom likes Jude Law to...who wouldn't
  2. Re: TURKEY TEAM #7 Ha ha, thanks for the vote maddhunter. I was going to say if no one else wants to be a leader, I can do it:-) Yeah, we need our own team signature...we could probably email one of the others who knows how to do them, like Buckee or I think VermonHunter does.
  3. Re: Wet Dog/Cat Food Recall Saw that yesterday...geesh. We buy wet food once in a while for the cats as a treat, but not iams or eukanuba. Walmart brand maybe but not in awhile and we'll be stearing clear of that!
  4. Re: Bullet Wound X-Rays Wow....he is lucky...An inch or two up and it would have been right in the knee and that would have been a real mess with all the tendons and such. Thanks for sharing. Hope he heals up quickly!
  5. Re: I\'m no good at this... No the feeling Griz! Last week when it was really warm and snow melting, went out a couple days in a row...walked on some really heavy trails through great bedding areas and found nothing! I don't know if it's because there was still snow on the ground and the sheds and really under it, or what. I find one piece of a main beam all chewed but no "real" sheds...
  6. Re: Found a nice pair Nice set! Lots of mass all around!
  7. Re: Shot my bow before I was shooting my bow just last week with the new strings and cables...now I can't finish tweaking it because of the cold and snow..Oh well...guess I'll wait. That's ok since I've got new release straps on the way and some new wraps for my arrows...
  8. Re: new string??? I got a set of strings and cables for $50 from Bucknasty on archerytalk.com...beautiful strings! I went to a new shop and they charged $25 to install the strings and cables, put a string loop on and do a tune up like check the cam timing and such...
  9. Re: A Little 3D Action From This Afternoon Looksl ike lots of fun! I need to check out the shop nearby that has a 30 target 3D range...
  10. Re: Prayers requested. Glad everything went ok!!!
  11. Re: I got it all.... Sounds like you all got what our mom has had for a week. Really bad chest congestion....some type of flu thing or something...
  12. Re: Chick flicks Oh yeah, my sister was watching Kate & Leopold today on tv..
  13. Re: Chick flicks Ummm... Runaway Bride My Best Friend's Wedding Music & Lyrics 13 Going On 30 You've Got Mail We are watching The Holiday tonight which I think will be good. I know there's more, just can't think of them.
  14. Re: What is your tell tale sign that spring is her When the robins return...which they have but with it snowing right now, I dunno... I would say though for definite is when the spring peepers (chorus frogs) start their chorus.We hear them in the evening and sometimes all day here as there are some ponds on our road and swampy areas. Really deafening when they are all going. My mom says "You have to hear them 3 times for it to be spring" (some old farmer's tale I think). Oh well, I just go by the first time,lol.
  15. Re: My precious and beautiful wife, Linda, passed away Wow, how sad....so very sorry for your loss! I'll be sure to keep you and your family in my prayers. It is a blessing though she died in her sleep at home..I think that would be the nicest way to go.
  16. Re: Weekend plans Oh...probably tie some flies, watch some tv, eat lunch really soon...stupid storm has it snowing outside.Maybe clean my bedroom and some other area of the house,lol.Oh and mail out an order for fly tying supplies and de-vane my last 2 practice arrows that still have 4" vanes on them.
  17. Re: Eye glasses and Archery? Well I don't wear any, just a contact in my right eye from getting poked in the eye when I was 8 by a pine needle and losing my "real" lens. Andy wears his glasses while hunting and doesn't seem to have a problem. I would guess though fogging up would be a pain in the butt. There is suppose to be like anti-fog/glare stuff you can put on the lenses. I had some when I had to wear bifocals when I first injured my eye.
  18. Re: Deer Skull He's been dead awhile...nice find though with a neat rack. Still a shame though...
  19. Re: My hair ends here sad last few days I don't see that big of an issue...I mean it's not like you have long hair that looks like you just got outta bed. There was a kid in my rec. classes who had hair long like yours....each to their own. It'll be alot easier to keep clean when it's shorter though,lol
  20. Re: Extra Beards or Fans Very nice guys! I've got one turkey fan/beard/spur mount on my wall and a few deer racks. Hopefully I'll add a beard to the wall this year.
  21. Re: Ok ladies...a question for you lmbo!! We could start a whole topic just on men and pain,lol! It's not like they're the ones who go in labor, or get cramps that time of the month,lol!!! Ok, being tired is showing...lol
  22. Turkeygirl


    Re: Crazy Hmmm...one thing I can remember is my and my sister getting together with a neighbor girl. We all had ponies. The neighbor girl decided one day to hook one of her brother's ponies to a cart. She and my sis led the pony, me and the 2 brothers sat in the cart. Pony didn't like cart and started freaking out. I baled out while the 2 boys held on as the cart flipped over and the pony took off down the road with a metal cart banging behind it! Pony stopped when cart, all bent, got stuck in a ditch. Everyone was ok, but talk about embarassing and umm....crazy,lol. I remember standing there with my mouth dropped open and my sister and the girl ran down the road after the pony:-P
  23. Re: What happened to... Ummm we are suppose to get up to 7 inches...not sure how much is on the ground right now, I'm guessing probably couple inches....You're evil Andrea,lol:-) I want your weather.
  24. Re: TURKEY TEAM #7 Oh yeah, I think we have a great team also! Hopefully I can contribute a turkey:)
  25. Spring?! Tuesday we had 60 degrees and sunny, today 20 at the most and getting a good snow right now. Global Warming? what do those scientists know?? lol More like Global Snowing around this part of NY. Daffodils are up but they won't be flowering any time soon...I hope this quits when April rolls around because that's when I want to be turkey scouting!