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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Foggy Hunt Nice finds anyway....the broadhead does look to be in pretty good shape!
  2. Re: Did I just do something.... I'm not even married steveb,lol:-P
  3. Re: Did I just do something.... Ok, saw the trainer after work. Not the AC joint, she tested that. She thinks maybe I had an anterior subluxation....said I did more than tweaked it. She suggested see a doctor, but when I told my boss, he said the Dr. I was thinking of seeing, not too good, so mom said I should go to the chirporactor because he can test and order and x-ray or something if necessary. so wait and see I guess. Mom will call the chiropractor tomorrow. I don't think it's too major, but being my right shoudler, my shoulder for drawing my bow back..I don't wanna mess around.
  4. Re: TURKEY TEAM #7 Sounds great woodsman!!! With the amount of work I'm doing, I may only get to scout weekends but oh well....
  5. Re: another gardening question Daffodils....they grow well in shade and sun...just about anywhere....My mom also plants tulips and pansies that are on the north side of our house.
  6. Re: Did I just do something.... Ok, gonna see the trainer after work today. fun times,lol. I'm guessing you might be right dartonman:-)
  7. Re: Did I just do something.... Thanks dartonman....yeah i'm gonna avoid lifting anything if I can. Might go see one of the trainers today and ask her to check it out just to be sure.
  8. Re: What happened to me and my son Wow, sounds scary....glad you and the family were alright. I know I don't go anywhere in the woods, even at home without my knife, and if I got to state land I take the cellphone...you just don't know....
  9. helpful to myself? lol. Ok, Tuesday when I came in to work, was doing a few things and next thing I know my right shoulder is hurting and if I lift it up it feelsl ike it is cramped/stuck and all this weird stuff. I had lifted one of those big water containers for the water stands in an office so I wondered if that was it. Well it was hurting yesterday and today it was ok if I kept my shoulder in towards my self, but any type of outwards rotation and I had pain and that stuff/scramped/stuck feeling in my shoulder and tip of my shoulder. Well few minutes ago I'm sitting here at the computer and I had my hand on the joint because I think it was swollen. I rotated my shoulder some way and next thing I know POP comes from my shoulder! My shoulder actually feels better now. Before it almost felt like it wasn't quite in the right place or something. For those knowledgable, is i possible I could have slightly had my shoulder subluxated (aka not a full dislocation) and just opped it in? I'm wondering...might ask one of the trainers at college about it...Guess I'll see what it's like tomorrow morning.
  10. Re: TURKEY TEAM #7 May 1 here in NY...good thing to because I need to start scouting!
  11. Re: contest entry and rules! Team 6..found March 13, 2007 I know...stinking rodents..
  12. So if you got pics, lets see em' of what you'll be shooting this coming season. Here's mine: Minus the Blazer vanes on the arrows,lol. I'm aiming at getting a new sight but I can't wait for deer season to come to take my 06 Hoyt Rintec XL with black/blue Bucknasty strings to the woods
  13. Turkeygirl

    Need Help

    Re: Need Help check out archerytalk.com Lots of people there and someone should be able to help you out....
  14. Re: Sights??? Thanks for the input! I'm still waiting to get some pictures of the RT900 from Widowmaker.... My bow, maxed out, should get 280 fps....would it be able to shot arrows at distances if I had a 5 pin sight? I'm thinking 10/15-20-30-40 and 45/50..
  15. Re: Sights??? [ QUOTE ] Hey Ruth, Why the need for 5 pins? I use a Copper John Dead Nutz hunter - 3 pins, but only have 2 on. [/ QUOTE ] Well I want to start 3D if I get the chance and 3 pins wouldn't be enough if i have to shoot past 30 yards,lol.
  16. Re: Sights??? Yeah I just pmed him about it. He put fitz fibers in it also. Are the fitz fibers as bright as I hear?
  17. Re: matthews, bowtech, or hoyt? Go and shoot and see what feels good to you, most comfortable,etc... All are great bows! I've heard alot about Bowtech lately with their Guardian, Equalizer, Tribute...I shoot Hoyt though so can't say much about the other bows. Try them out, only really sure way to know what you'll like best.
  18. What sights do you guys have on your hunting bows? I want to sell my Truglo Bright Site and upgrade to a 4 or 5 pin sight. The Extreme 900 RT sight seems like a nice sight. Does anyone have one on their bow? I was reading reviews about it on Cabela's and someone mentioned the light being in the way if you have a one piece quiver? I have an Alpine Soft Lok 5 arrow quiver. I hear it's a really bright sight though, light or no light. Anyway would like to hear any thoughts on that sight or recommendations. I'm also looking at 4 or 5 pin TruGlo Extreme series...or Fuse. Hoping to find something used in good shape because sights...they just aren't cheap
  19. Re: What did I do wrong? I've had the same thing happen...sit there and call forever and ever...nothing...get up and move and spook a bird...makes you feel like a loser,lol. But you aren't. just keep trying! I'm guessing the overcats kepy them in their roosts...seems like around my area they stay in the trees late on really overcast days.
  20. Re: The brutes of this weekend Nice finds, congrats! that one big one is...well BIG!
  21. Re: Fletchers+Arrow builders-Lets see those colors! Ok, here are my hunting arrows for this coming season, minus 2 white and 1 blue Blazers on each: Just put the wraps on them today..brand new Beman ICS Hunter 500s. My practice arrows are same arrow with same wrap and Blazers, but kinda crummy looking right now as I decide what distance to place my Blazers from nock and such (think 3/4").
  22. Re: West Coast Trip (pics) Very, very cool trip! Glad your back! Not much in the way of snow out west,lol.
  23. Re: Finalists in \"The Last Photo I Ever Took Contest\" LMBO!!
  24. Re: TURKEY TEAM #7 Well I may be able to do something I'd love to do this spring turkey season. The NWTF Women in the Outdoors Event is holding a hunt for women May 25-26 about 3 hours East of where I live. The lady who is heading it up is like director of the region for the NWTF and I met her last year at my first (and only) WITO event. anyway she told me about it last year and they are doing it again this year, I looked on the website. I think it was something like $150 or $200 to stay there, get food, and be guided on a turkey hunt. So I'm seriously considering doing it with my tax return money! It sure would be fun I think.
  25. Re: I\'m Passing the Hat for Buckee I'll get something out to you for our buddy:-)