Ok, this is really really weird. I know foxes and raccoons are still in season but for you NYer's, this is weird. I'm driving over to college this morning and as I drive pass this patch of trees along the road I live on, I see a dead animal, which is rare on our road. I turn around and go back, pull over, and get out. I find a farely freshly skinned raccon, all the skin gone except for on the paws. I tehn find an unskinned raccoon, an unskinned fox, and two huge steelhead salmon, the steelhead untouched except that I noticed the one was cut down it's belly. Now last night as I was coming home from an intramural game, on the same road/area someone was spotlighting and when I came down the road they picked up speed really fast and turned down another road. Well I called the DEC Conservation Officers and told a dispatcher who will relay all this to an officer on patrol. I don't know what is going on but what a waste of meat on the steelhead; the one steelhead was the biggest one I've ever seen! Some people just disgrace hunting and fishing