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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Crazy Shed Idea Actually Works Very very cool!
  2. I have these two hunting games I'd like to get rid of: Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter 3:Trophies of the West Deer Hunter 4:World Class Record Bucks I have not played either game very much, though I wish I had. I paid full price for these games - $18. Give me an offer or I am willing to trade for either hunting viedos/dvds or I'm looking to get a new headnet for turkey hunting, maybe a 3/4 mask. Anyway post a reply or pm me if interested. Thanks!
  3. Re: The Ultimate Hunting Giveaway I just registered and am waiting also for it the email to show up...
  4. Re: Squirrel Contest Standings I'm hoping to bag 3 more squirrels for Team 5 unless my partner gets some. I may get home tomorrow so maybe I can get one in the afternoon. Good job teams!
  5. Re: Suspicious activity Well an officer called back while I was in classes and my mom talked to him. He said it sounds like a taxidermist cleaned out his freezer and it is illegal to dump animals like that. He also said the spotlighting is illegal this time of year so if I see anymore questionable activities, aka spotlighting, to call him. I'm going to go show my mom and get a photo so I can post it here.
  6. Ok, this is really really weird. I know foxes and raccoons are still in season but for you NYer's, this is weird. I'm driving over to college this morning and as I drive pass this patch of trees along the road I live on, I see a dead animal, which is rare on our road. I turn around and go back, pull over, and get out. I find a farely freshly skinned raccon, all the skin gone except for on the paws. I tehn find an unskinned raccoon, an unskinned fox, and two huge steelhead salmon, the steelhead untouched except that I noticed the one was cut down it's belly. Now last night as I was coming home from an intramural game, on the same road/area someone was spotlighting and when I came down the road they picked up speed really fast and turned down another road. Well I called the DEC Conservation Officers and told a dispatcher who will relay all this to an officer on patrol. I don't know what is going on but what a waste of meat on the steelhead; the one steelhead was the biggest one I've ever seen! Some people just disgrace hunting and fishing
  7. I am looking into getting a new sight to replace the little white bead that is the front sight on my Mossberg 500 20ga. shotgun. I was looking at the HiViz Spark sight, the TruGlo Universal Long Bead, and the TruGlo Shotgun Long Bead. I think the HiViz Spark sight is what I'm leaning towards, it looks should show up well in front of the mid-bead sight on my gun but I am wondering what do any of you recommend or do any of you have these sights? I did have a HiViz sight that was magentic with a sticky back and is alot longer, but it doesn't stay on too well, even with superglue,lol. Wingsupple.com is where I'm ordering my turkey choke from but they don't have the HiViz sight, Cabelas does in the color I want - red. Walmart has it to, but in green only, weird. Anyway let me know your thoughts please and thanks!
  8. Re: Turkey choke for gun Thanks LifeNRA! That does help. I wonder if that is why 2 years ago, the last time I had a chance at a turkey, a big tom at that, I missed him and just grazed some feathers off him, because I aimed right at his head, not the base of the neck, and he was about 30 yards maybe? I had just a factory full choke in anyway....live and learn:-)
  9. Re: Turkey choke for gun I'm going to a hunting store today and will see if they have the choke and if so, if it is cheaper than ordering it online. I have a box of Federal Turkey #6 shot and some Winchester I think also, but yeah, once I find a choke, I'll see which ammo shoots best. By the way, does anyone know how this choke performs distance wise?
  10. Re: Heart rate I've been hunting for 7 or 8 years now and my heart pounds as much now as it did when I first started hunting! With bow hunting, if a deeri s coming my way, I start shaking,my hearty is racing, I'm afraid to move! Maybe halfway through shotgun season do I calm down a little bit, but I still feel the thrill!
  11. Re: Dead Deer Count Saw 2 dead along the road yesterday...I suppose they could count,lol. It's too bad because they were good size deer. 26
  12. Re: Turkey choke for gun Thanks people! I found the Undertaker Full Turkey Choke Tube for lead/copper plated shot for my gun on wingsupply.com. Does anyone have any comments about this choke tube?
  13. Re: looking for...... Well my sister and I raise rabbits, as pets and show rabbits,lol!. For food, you would want to have New Zealand Whites or Flemish Giants. They are typically the rabbits bred/raised for meat. I'd suggest looking at bulletin boards in places that sell grain and such or post an add somewhere; someone is bound to have some rabbits.
  14. Re: Squirrel Contest Pictures lol,thanks Tominator:-)
  15. Turkeygirl

    Rain gear...

    Ok, so I've been trying to find a good set of rain pants and a rain jacket, preferably the nylon kind. The cheapest, best bet so far is Cabela's - $40 for a jacket and $20 for pants- does anyone own that raingear from Cabela's or know how well it works in wet weather? I've looked at Gander Mountain, EMS,REI, and Campmor, Cabela's being about the closest I can find to what I want. Oh another question, does anyone know what the difference is between Waterproof and Water repellant? Which is better?
  16. Re: Turkey choke for gun Well so far I haven't found a choke that will fit my Mossberg 500 20ga. except for on Cabelas, a Carlson's factory choke tube...go figure...
  17. Re: Ohhhhhh boy... Lucky you,lol! Our weather won't turn until tomorrow....
  18. Re: I donated blood yesterday Ok, that's just gross....and has nothing to do with the American Red Cross....
  19. Re: Squirrel Contest Pictures Ok, thanks for telling me this Tominator, after posting, I looked at the other photos and then questioned my measurement skills...
  20. Turkeygirl

    Fresh ones!

    Re: Fresh ones! Wish I could find sheds around here like that. Beautiful!
  21. Re: Found this BIG IL shed tonight (PICS) WOW! Awesome shed! Congrats!
  22. Re: Went Fishin\' Today... Very nice!
  23. Re: Turkey choke for gun Are there any chokes that are good that are a little cheaper?
  24. Re: Turkey choke for gun I thought you did that on purpose Ryan,lol! I think it is a riot:-)
  25. Re: Dead Deer Count Wow, quite a few deer so far. It's amazing to see number of deer everyone is finding. I haven't found anymore,yet. Snow on the ground again...Keep posting your numbers.