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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: michelle\'s second buck Congrats to her on a nice buck! That's one for the women:-)
  2. Re: 2005 Realtree Christmas Exchange Pairs Me and hunting_girl, sweetness!!
  3. Turkeygirl


    Re: DH2005 If I had the game, I would...
  4. Re: Gunshot at 11:15pm Oh, that is maddening! Stupid people who poach! Good luck, I hope you can catch whoeveri t was.
  5. it's snowing! I'm in Allegany County in NY and althought I haven't been outside yet, I'd say we have a foot of snow. For some reason out county is always left off when the weather people dish out Lake Effect Snow warnings. They did give us an advisory yesterday but said only a couple inches...yeah right!! Anyone else anywhere getting some snow? I hope it makes for a good evening hunt tonight, still have my buck tag to fill! Stay safe and warm out there people!
  6. Re: Muzzleloader Hunt Good luck! Go get em' woman!!:-)
  7. Re: New York hunting age I kind of think 12 is a little young, I'd say 14 or older. I just don't think at 12 y/o, a kid fully understands the concept of hunting. No offense though, if the kid has caring parents and is instructed properly and supervised, then I think it is good to start young.
  8. Re: TEAM 3 I'm still waiting for something with a rack to come my way....
  9. Last week and a half of classes before finals...no time to rest or hunt! I'm in the library right now working on one of two powerpoint presentations I'm giving on Monday, besides a third presentation/lesson I'm also teaching on Monday. This presentation is for kinesiology, a movement analysis of the overhand Tennis serve. i'm doing this with a partner so that is helpful. Besides pulling a muscle or something in my back while throwing some hay bales, i've got intramural basketball starting next Monday and guess who's captain? I also have a 10 page paper due next Friday on the effects climate change has on wildlife. I also have to have a resume and 2 cover letter done by next Friday to turn in to my internship professor. Ok, just thought I'd let you all know what was going on, since I consider you all a friend on here i'm going to get back to work but if I get home early tonight, I may go out and try to fill my buck tag
  10. Ok, I've been to 2 Walmarts this week, looked for Deer Hunter 2005 for my computer and neither of them had it. It wasn't that they were out of stock, their computer sections are half of what they use to be, only half of one aisle, really pathetic. I was hoping to find it since I told mom that is what I wanted for Christmas,lol. Anyone have this problem?
  11. Re: Cranberry sauce My mom and I heard on the news that Cranberriers help in preventing tooth decay/cavities...one more reason to eat Cranberry sauce,lol!
  12. Re: SAD Hunting Accident In Vermont Wow, that is so sad! Scary to! Opening day, I was walking back to meet Andy when he said wait on theo ne side of this creek because there was a guy down there. Well i walked back up the field and up on this bank behind a big maple tree. The guy down below on the other side knew I was there and I knew he was there. A doe came running in between us, I didn't see it, and he shot at it, I directly across from him on this bank. I was so lucky I dind't get shot and let me tell you, I was ticked! Be careful our there people, some people care more about filling the tag than being safe.
  13. Re: One heck of a deal I need to go check the Walmarts around here...I usually find some good deals.
  14. Re: Close call, but legal Congrats Art! That was a close call,lol, but you didn't do anything worng. During opening weekend, I heard a few shots way before sunrise and way before sunset and was like where are the DEC officers when you need them,lol. Must have been checking on you!
  15. Re: So far no luck in NY It has been slow here in NY. Didn't see any deer really until I got a button buck Thursday but as you, we are not seeing any racked bucks! Go figure, and it isn't because others have gotten them here, because barely anyone has gotten a deer on the property we hunt.
  16. So for the last week I've been hunting, all Andy and I have seen are does and button bucks except for a limping rack buck we couldn't find. Actually I got the button buck on Thursday morning, thought it was a big doe. Andy got a small doe Friday. Anyway we have our buck tags left to fill. We have close to a foot of snow on the ground which makes the hunting a little easier, there aren't very many people pushing the woods anymore and with this cold weather, you'd think theb ucks would be out eating. Is anyone else in NY seeing bucks? Any suggestions?
  17. Re: My first BUCK! Yay! Congrats Alisha on a fine deer! Your buck is bigger then any of mine point wise, my biggest is a 7 point,lol!
  18. Re: Good luck NY! I didn't even see a deer this weekend. There were so many hunters on this land, was never this way before! Some may have even been there without permission. Andy saw a limping buck and he tried to push it towards me with no luck. Good luck everyone!
  19. Re: People need to learn to shoot! While out hunting later this afternoon, andy saw a buck limping across a field. He tried to push him my way to get a shot but no luck. It's said because alot of people who hunt here do drives and take shots at deer running across the fields.. We wait for close, good shots, alot of hunters here have no ethic.
  20. Re: it\'s official......skunked!!!!!! I got skunked this weekend, the first 2 days of shotgun deer season in the southern tier of NY. Alot of people hunting near us did I think....
  21. Re: Dats how Dem Shotguns Do Dat!!! (pics) Congrats Nick! You are having an awesome year!
  22. Re: any one get any thing in newyork opener Well this morning I saw 5 squirrels, 1 fox, and 6 hunters from my stand! I was so mad with the the guys around, normally never that many and some may have been there that shouldn't have been. Tonight from a different stand I saw probably 5 more squirrels and 3 more hunters. I don't think anyone got a deer on the land we hunt. Hopefully tomorrow that will change! Good luck everyone!
  23. Re: Good luck NY! Oh yeah, and stay safe! Wear your orange:-)
  24. Re: This is what we discussed in school yesterday.. Sounds a little bit about what we talked about briefly in my college Intro to Psych. class, where long ago, some guy(s) in an experiement removed part of the brain in animals and or humans and they functioned normally...
  25. Re: 2005 Realtree Forum Christmas Exchange I'm definitely in! Turkeygirl (Ruth Ireland) New York state