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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: 2006 Deer Contest WINNERS (So Far) Congrats Team 27 and Superguide jr.! Enjoy your victory!
  2. Re: Good Sheeding Photo, Found it!! Great find and a very mysterious shed,lol. I agree with the others that it doesn't look like the same shed, it seems to have a little more mass and a bigger brow tine but definitely a nice shed!
  3. Re: Trees in bloom. We are getting a big warm up towards the middle/end of this coming week. It will be exciting,lol, becausem aybe I can actually get out for some good shed hunting and find something!
  4. Re: A Good Day!! That's awesome, congrats! That is a once in a lifetime day! (it would be for me,lol)
  5. Turkeygirl

    Update on my Dad

    Re: Update on my Dad That's good news huntin girl, good maning that it wasn't any worse.
  6. Re: Happy Birthday GATOR!!! Have a great birthday Gator!
  7. Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARVDOG Happy birthday Harv! I hope you have a wonderful day!
  8. Re: Squirrel with a funky tail and first rabbit. pics Congrats on the nice kills!
  9. Re: Realtree Turkey Team #12 Hey guys! Wow, your seasons start really early, March 15 is crazy but nice!! Good luck to you both and bag some nice gobblers! I've got 2 long months of waiting!
  10. Turkeygirl

    I'm sick!

    The last 3 days of spring break and I have a cold. It is not too bad, my nose isn't really stuffed up, but mucus keeps running in my throat and I feel drained. I guess I'd rather be sick now then during classes next week. I think it is the same cold that Andy had, then my sister got andn ow I have it. It's one of those days where you wish Deer Hunter 2005 would hurry up and ocme in them ail so I could spend all day playing,lol I'll probably just takei t easy and try to do some homework. Stay healthy people!
  11. Re: Played in the snow today LOL @ Tominator and Tedicast! You guys are funny. No, I don't have a skin tight suit,lol, andn o I didn't get hurt, yet. I only tried it twice yesterday and the first time I went slowly, the second time I went over a banked turn and last night and this morning I've just been packing it down and repairing where the dogs went through it. I'll probably give it a try later,lol!
  12. Re: exciting news today That soundsl ike an awesome internship! I'm waiting still for my intern supervisor to tell me if I have an interview with a state park guy.
  13. Well, it's Thursday, 3 more days and back to classes, ugh It snowed almost all day long and I started the day off, after barn chores, trying to plow the driveway but the mower and the plow were being a pain in the rear so I ended up shoveling enough so my sister could get in the driveway. I did a little homework (wow ) then I went back outside, got eggs from the chickens then took a shovel and started building a "luge track" down the one hill in our horse pasture I went down it twice, the 2nd time after a curve I went over the other side and off the track,lmbo. Well I just got in from evening chores and packed down the sides of it again because it is still snowing and maybe tomorrow I can give it run I may even try to get a photo of it just to amuse you all Can you tell I'm on break?
  14. Turkeygirl

    Doc says...

    Re: Doc says... That stinks, sorry to hear about it! At least, hopefully, the doctors can do something to repair it and you'll have many more future turkey seasons. Good luck!
  15. Re: IT\'S OFFICIAL!!! Congrats and good luck!!
  16. Re: Funny words Oh yeah, I love Tensor Fascia Latae (It's a muscle, I may have spelled the last word wrong,lol) Sounds like a beverage
  17. Well I just got back about 20 minutes ago from hunting for squirrels and rabbits. No luck at all except for spooking a grouse and calling a chipmunk out of its tree. The temperature was only about 10 degrees F with a wind chill in the negative single digits to maybe -10 F; that was the most brutal hunting I've ever done I think. I was really hoping to get a couple more squirrels and kick butt in the contest,lol, but oh well, hunting isn't all about the killing, and I did get 2 squirrels for Team 5 and my teammate must have forgotten the contest,lol Now I've got shed hunting and fishing and turkey season to look forward to, not to mention getting college donewith. Congrats to the winners of the contest!
  18. Re: Last day of small game season in NY Great job! Right now it is snowing and blowing out. I want to get out after some squirrels, maybe a rabbit or two, but it does not look promising at all. I'm going to try to dress warm though and go sit somewhere in some pines where it is protected and hope to have a squirrel or 3 come by.
  19. Turkeygirl

    Funny words

    Ok, so a post in this forum(Spackle,lol)got me thinking, what are some words that are funny sounding to you? When I was taking Local Flor and Vegetation last fall, in our shrub ID book was a plant called Farkleberry. LMBO, I love that word! A girl in that class and I, we really wanted to find some Farkleberry but never did, I don't think it grows here So does anyone else have some funny words?
  20. Turkeygirl

    Lost my wisdom

    Re: Lost my wisdom Luckily those two teeath I mentioned I had pulled for braces, they were pulled with the purpose of helping make room for my wisdom teeth and thankfully all of mine came up fine, whew! I hope your feeling better today!
  21. Have any of you been to a NWTF Women in the Outdoors Event? There is one in Canandaigua, NY on April 29 and I'm planning to go to that with a friend from college. For our Senior Seminar in Recreation, we have to attend a professional conference or workshop and this was as close to us we could find something to go to. I'm not sure it is exactly "professional" but I think it counts. Does anyone know how much it costs to attend and what they usually do at them?
  22. In case you didn't see my post below, I spent a hard earned $12.13 to order Deer Hunter 2005 last night, so you'd all better watch out,lol! Really, I can't wait to play and see what all the "hype" is about
  23. Re: Survivorman Well since I don't have classes tomorrow, I can stay up late and watch it tonight!:-)
  24. Re: Realtree Turkey Team #12 Hello...where's the rest of my team? Come on' guys....
  25. Re: Billkay is the MAN! That's awesome. Your a good man, Billkay!