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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: good start Great sureshot, I'm glad for ya! Sounds like a good day afield!
  2. So I've never turkey hunted state land here in NY but I'm looking into it for this coming turkey season. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do/how to go about scouting state land? Should I be starting now? I'd like to try to do a little this week without getting lost,lol. I have a general idea of an area where I found a hen with a nest of 13 eggs just this past summer so I'd like to try to get in there. Also, are turkeys going to be shock gobbling to crow or owl calls now? And when in the time of day would be my best time to scout and/or maybe hear gobbling? Thanks everyone!
  3. I went out for a hike today, trying to atch some brook trout in this small stream on the land we hunt. All I caught were some minnows. I did see some interesting things that I posted photos of in my journal. Anyway to the great news. I heard a tom gobbling his head off today! I think it is the same one with a couple hens that is like the only group of turkeys that are around the land I hunt anymore. He was really hot,lol! I heard a hen calling so I think they were temporarily separated and he eventually quieted down. The only problem is he and his flock tend to go from the land I can hunt on to the land I can't hunt on, with for them ost part being on the land I can't hunt on. So here's to hoping he is on the land I can hunt come May 1 and survive the youth weekend for me to get a chance at this guy. He's got to be pushing 4 yrs. old at least I'd say.
  4. Re: my biggest ever Wow, great find! That is a nice rack.
  5. I'm looking into attending a Women in the Outdoors event with a friend at the end of April as part of a class requirement. It costs $45 though which seems like alot to me but it is definitely on the cheaper end of conferences/seminars we've been looking at? Has anyone been to one and if so, how was it?? I'd really like any opinions on it before signing up. Thanks!
  6. Re: High risk for severe weather Keep us posted. I hope you stay safe .
  7. Turkeygirl


    Re: Perfect! Wow, sounds good! We don't get our garden planted until around Memorial Day weekend!
  8. Re: My First Shed That's a great first shed! Congrats!
  9. Re: *Warning: Graphic Picture* Could also be some neighborhood dogs got a pack together to run down some deer.
  10. Re: Realtree Turkey Team #12 Wow, except for like 3 of us, no one else on the team seems to be very umm...responsive,lol. Come on guys, stay with it, don't abandon us.
  11. My sister and I were looking into getting a new bb/pellet gun. We got a cheap pistol one at Walmart which doesn't shoto worth a darn farther than like 20 yards,lol. I was looking at a Daisy pellet/bb gun at Walmart that was like $36-$40 that is, I think, 750 fps and can shoot out to about 200 yards. I was just wondering if anyone has anything of the sort they may want to sell at a good/cheap price??? Or where I might find a good deal?
  12. Re: My job has a website... I hope the gall bladder thing is legal We talked alot about illegal poaching and trade of bear gall bladders in my conservation bio class. Just wondering...never had sushi before,lol, but I bet it costs a bit!
  13. Re: Here we go again... I'll keep ya in my prayers. Good luck! The Lord is making you wait for a reason maybe...
  14. Re: Good weekend! Wow,awesome! Some day I hope I'm somewhere where I can find that many sheds in a day!
  15. Re: I made the soccer team Congrats! Have fun!! What position will yo be playing if you know?
  16. Well I', in tears even as I type this. I posted about my sister's rabbit yesterday. Well she gave him a little mineral oil before going to bed. About 2pm last night I woke up to one sound you never want to hear, her rabbit screaming. I got up and she and my mom were in her room, my sister holding the rabbit. It was having cramps, but had never screamed like this before. We knew it wasn't good. they called down to the vet office and they paged a vet, not a normal vet though and my sister and mom drove to the office while I stayed at home, in tears and praying. It may seem like too much to cry over a rabbit but my sister raised this rabbit when it was 1 week old, fed it from a bottle, woke up every few hours to feed it when it was young. She named it Amelia, not knowing it was a male until it was older and this rabbit became a part of the home.He even gave kisses. Well they came back and the vet gave it a pain killer. That was at 3:30am they got back. I never really slept. I got up at 7:45am, checked on my sister and rabbit, to find it had died during the night. My sister isn't going to classes today. I am but right now I'm sure my family can relate to Sureshot somewhat. I can't explain the emotional pain I feel but it is going to be really hard on my sister. Please if you think of it, keep my sister in your prayers. It's going to be tough for awhile not too mention a long day. Thanks.
  17. Re: Question for Dogdoc and anyone else... The rabbit is almost 5 years old. I think my sister tried applesauce but it won't eat. I dunno.....
  18. Turkeygirl

    trout fishing

    Re: trout fishing Ypu! I love to go to a stream nearby here with some nice browns in it, in secluded holes. Sad thing is I didn't fish yesterday or today, the first 2 days of the season! Hey I've got more days ahead.
  19. Ok, my sister has a pet rabbit that is really special to her, she's raised him since 1 week old when the mother wouldn't take care of him. So he's a house bunny. Anyway off and on the rabbit had a few intestinal blockages but after some mineral oil, usually the rabbit would pass a big turd and be fine. Well about the last week or so, after a blockage bout, the rabbit has barely been eating, not pooping, only urinating, and just sitting/lying around. My sister thought she had gas before, and then isn't sure if it was from the blockage or if it liver failure from getting thin after being blocked. Does anyone have any ideas what may be wrong or have any suggestions? Our vet is out of town so she probably won't be able to call him until tomorrow, if the rabbit makes it that long. It has been about a week this way. I know we'd all be heartbroken if the rabbit dies, but I definitely don't like to see an animal suffer
  20. in the form of a rash on my hands and it is a pain let me tell you. I'm normally not allergic to anything but if I come in contact with a cheap brand of soap or detergent, I usually get hives or a rash. Well my mom got this hand soap at Walmart and guess what, it dried out my hands really bad and then gave my a red rash all over the top of them. I alternates between being itchy and really sore. I've been putting hand cream and vaseline on and bug bite cream, it's rediculous. Of course then did I remember this happened once before awhile ago with the same hand soap I think. My mom did notice it dried her hands out so she quit using it, but not to the extent of what my hands are like. As a baby I always had rashes anyway,lol So if any of you have read the Book of Job in the Bible, well I feel somewhat like Job right now,lol. My hands are funny and scary at the same time like I have a rare disease, but maybe that is what picking up sheds does to you
  21. Re: Couple neat photos LOL @ squirrel hunter and Buckee! I hope those aren't posionout because I ate them.....NOT! I didn't touch them incase they were but they are cool. Yeah the chipmunk is almost right in the middle of the photo, sitting on a stick just to the right of that large stick that is pointing towards the upper left corner of the photo.
  22. Re: Great find today! Well the antler seems to fit really well into the pedicle so I think it's the same deer. Possibly not but being right there seems like a good possiblity it is the same, at least I think so, but who knows....
  23. Re: Just alittle reminder...Daylight Savings... Ugh, don't remind me,lol. That means my 8am class on Tuesdays/Thursday is going to be...aaahhh!!!
  24. Re: LOL! Read this! I think I found it funny in that a news station would make such a deal out of turkeys. I mean as a turkey hunter, it's a different but in the city they can't hunt turkeys, so I guess it isn't a normal day occurrence to see some turkeys.
  25. Re: 221\" 2005 IN. Bow Kill I just mounted !! Wow, great deer and great mount! Good job!