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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Any NY Youth Hunt Success? Not that I'm a youth,lol, but I went out scouting on Sunday between 10am and 12:30pm. Saw some good sign but nothing answered to the hen call but if it did, it was pouring rain so I couldn't hear. This cold front I bet shut the gobblers up. If it isn't raining tomorrow morning, I'm going to go out and see if I hear anything.
  2. Re: More game cam pics....... Awesome photos! Looks like you have a nice flock of turkeys there!
  3. Re: So far, not much luck LOL Vt!!! I think that's my problem...for 2.5 years since I last got a turkey, my mom always has a store turkey in the freezer. I think it is a bad omen,lol.
  4. Re: So far, not much luck Thanks for the generous offer Al, I appreciate it! I think I'm set on everything I'll need,lol, got 1 decoy, 2 crow calls, 2 owl calls, some mouth calls, 2 slate calls, a push pin call, and camo though all of that may not get me a turkey anyway,lol. I went out scouting today and had a little better luck which I posted about. I'll be trying to go out a few mornings this week before classes to try and find some gobblers.
  5. Re: Visited Dakota today That's great he's doing well and getting some visitors! Keep up the good work Dakota, we all want to see you with a big elk!
  6. Re: Isnt today \"EARTH\" day? Exactly! The earth isn't ours to take care of one day a year. It's God's creation we should take care of 365 days a year. Yesterday while out looking for turkeys, I filled my backpack with a bunch of plastic bottles and random plastic I found just lying in the woods in odd places. I wish more people would not trash God's earth.
  7. Well I got up this morning around 9:00am. At 10am Andy went with me scouting for turkeys on state land so what better place then to spend Sunday morning in God's creation! The first place we went to which I went to the other day by myself briefly but didn't get deep into the area, Andy showed me where to go and I found lots of fresh hen/gobbler poop and old and fairly new scratchings, probably day old scratchings were the freshest. Basically this piece of state land has an area of red pine then you walk through them and come into some really nice open hardwoods and then if you walk down the hardwoods ridge is a nice little creek. All the turkey sign was on the one side of the ridge, not the other so it looks like they prefer this area, which is a North/NorthEast slope I think. I had a push button call with me but no responses but it was pouring rain so we couldn't hear anything anyway. Then we went to this other piece of state land where I found the turkey andh er nest last summer. They clear cut a rudge next to the road but if you walk down a little, it was hardwoods andthere were some turkey tracks on the road going in then some old scratchings but not as much sign as the first place. I didn't see any sign of human activity in the first stop so I have hopes for this first area. I'm probably going to get up early a few mornings this week and go to the spots and listen for gobbles and see where they hanging around.. Oh yeah, we also came across the skeleton of a buck, but he only had bare pedicles, looks like he shed then died. No sheds next to him but when I go back, I'll take a look around. Keep you suggestions coming
  8. Re: Team-10...Griz Smokes One... Great bird and story! Congrats!
  9. Re: First Trip to Cabelas Never been to one but looks like a cool place to be in! They are suppose to be putting a Bass Pro in in Buffalo, NY but so far, las I heard, they are all arguing about it and blah blah blah.
  10. Re: Bunny hotel right out my patio door..... I'd just leave them, especially if they are wild. Don't sell them to tractor supply, they'd likely stress and die anyway.
  11. Re: Double Mainbeam (103 5/8 inches) Awesome! What a shed! Congrats to you!
  12. Re: Realtree crazy prediction thread In 2016.... RYANH becomes moderator of the entire Realtree Forums after surpassing whoever holds the highest post record (which has gotta be Buckee or Tominator, I'm not sure which) TOO_POINTER becomes Realtree's mascot. TEAMRLTHUNTER becomes president of the Bass Pro Shops Company and begins marketing his own line of apparel. HUNTIN_GIRL is finally rich enough to buy a Hummer to keep her safe from opposums and other small critters. BCBOY is pictured in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue with his MassNTrash sheds (no offense,lol).
  13. Re: filming Spiderman III here today Hey, that's kind of cool!
  14. Re: Dakota is home! Yay! Welcome home Dakota! I bet your bed never felt better! I know even when I'm away from home one night, I miss my bed so much,lol. Glad you're back and keep on healing up and get ready for that elk hunt come fall!
  15. Re: So far, not much luck jbeck, I'm about 45 minutes north of Wellsville. I heard there is some good turkey hunting on some state land in Scio. Where abouts is the state land by the Wellsville Country club. I may get desperate and drive over there to find some birds. I went out for a walk tonight around part of the farm land I can hunt right by my house. Didn't get any response to the owl call. I did find some hen poop and a few scratchings that looked a about day old. I didn't see any sign at all of people who brought kids out to hunt today; I think alot of people gave up hunting this farm land because the number of turkeys just dropped the last 2 years when the land was logged; a reason I'm scouting state land. There is one gobbler with hens I know of on this land as I heard him about 2 weeks ago gobbling, but I think he is really intelligent and is probably pushing 3-4 years old. Anyone have any tips for hunting a gobbler that doesn'r respond? Tomorrow after I get some homework done, I'm going to drive over to another piece of state land and look in this area where I found a hen on a nest of 13 eggs in the early summer, does the hen will return to the same area to nest or even the young ones stay around the area? I think I'll also be getting up a few mornings this coming week to go listen for gobbling. All your suggestions are appreciated!! Probably is nothing happens the first 2 weeks, I'll head down to Scio or Wellsville for turkeys, but with gas prices being as they are, it limits me a bit. I'm going to keep the hope up though on this turkey business!
  16. Re: Youth success Pic Awesome bird, congrats to the boy!
  17. So for those of you who have it easy and actually know where there are turkeys and usually get one, I'm jealous. I've gone to two different pieces of state land in the last 1.5 weeks, one of those times being last night. While I did not look extensively due to lack of time, nothing responded to my crow call and all I saw was some old hen poop, and a few scratchings. I know there is one gobbler up back on the land I hunt, but he isn't always there as he like to hang out on the land I can't hunt bordering where I can hunt. Maybe tonight I can get out and get an idea where he is. I have this coming week left to scout so I'll try to get out and look on the state land better but I'm wondering, would I have a better chance of knowing if there are gobblers on the state land and where they are if I get up early in the morning and go to the state land and sit up on a ridge or something? I seriously haven't had a turkey come in front of my gun or even have one come in to my call for about 2 years so it is really discouraging. I'm hoping and praying God just leads me to the right spot and blesses me this time around. I don't know if I should bother hunting state land the first few days of the season because of other hunters, unless this week I find some good birds. I still have the state land spot to check where I found that turkey nest during the summer. What do you all think, whether you are a NYer or not? Sorry I'm so long winded in this one,lol, but I have to vent my frustration.
  18. Re: Killed one.....YUCK!!! Hey, it's ok. I don't like to run anything over either but it happens. One time when my mom was driving, we were going shopping somewhere and a woodchuck came out in the road at the same times as a bird flew over and "thump, splat". Yup, my mom hit the woodchuck and the bird at the same time!!! Crazy but I guess it was their time to go,lol.
  19. Re: Photo of the \"ugly\" shed Thanks everyone! Yeah, I was surprised to find it to,lol, I was expecting something a little more fresh. I was walking along a deer trail that goes out in front of one of my stands about 30 yards and I found it lying there; guess I was just in the right place.
  20. Re: I tore up some ground! Nice! Looks like someone had some fun!
  21. Re: I Hate This!!!!!!!!!!!! At least you have turkeys around! Good luck! i'm readingthis from the college library.
  22. Re: Wish Us Luck Good luck! This weekend is the youth season in NY. I looked at the weather forecast and it isn't going to be pretty. Not that I can hunt anyway because I'm too old,lol.
  23. Re: MassNTrash (Part 1) Wow. that things looks like part moose! Congrts! Too bd the one side has some chews but I bet you're just as thrilled anyway!
  24. Re: Not good-too close Wow, that has to be a little worrisome! Glad the kids were ok! Sounds like the snakes like your place!
  25. Re: contest entry thread!!pics fo sheds!! Well, here's my best entrant so far. This is the first shed I found this year and my biggest ever. It's looks alot better in real life,lol. Enjoy!