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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: really nice drake eider pic!! Awesome photo!
  2. Re: Good Luck To All !! Good luck to all you lucky people who get to hunt a month before me,lol! Bring back some stories to share; photos would be nice also,lol!
  3. Turkeygirl


    Re: ATL Never heard of it. I thought maybe you meant to spell ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament). I've been in school too long.
  4. Re: thoughts please I'm so sorry sureshot! What a tough thing to do! I'm almost in tears reading your post. You did the right thing and I wish more people were like you in that sense. I hate to see animals suffering, but I don't know if I could have the courage to go out and end the suffering of one of my animals like that. I thank you and I'm sure your dog thanks you for thinking of her first.
  5. Well I found my second shed of the year, woohoo! It's not huge but any shed is worthy of recognition. I decided to just hike through the middle of a section of woods on the property I hunt near home. I'm walking along and come into a bedding area below one of our stands. I see a skeleton on a mound of dirt and walk over, then find that the skull is the skull of a buck that shed it's antlers then died! Here's a photo of that: I looked around a little for the sheds, not expecting to find them because the skeleton appeared to be about a year old at least. Well going back to the skeleton, I bend over under a branch and see tines sticking out of the leaves; I found one of the buck's sheds! Here's an as it lay photo: I decided then to take the skull home with me because I figure this is not a common find. It is odd that it shed then died, not sure why except maybe it was wounded. The shed is in awesome shape; a year on the ground and no rodents got to it. Here's a photo of the skull with the antler after I got home: Ignore the dates on the photos by the way; the camera is messed up. Hope you all enjoy the photos. I'm a happy camper right now I hope to get back to the arear and see if maybe I can find the other side, or even other sheds because it's a good area.
  6. Re: Wisdom Teeth are Gone! Luckily when I got braces, they pulled 2 perfectly good teeth out to help make room so I wouldn't have to get my wisdom teeth pulled, whew! Hope you're feeling better soon.
  7. Re: LOL! Read this! I know the accident wasn't funny and thankfully no one got hurt. It's just funny that turkeys would get such "publicity". Geesh, sorry if I offended anyone.
  8. Re: Just a little bass Nice fish! I was wondering what a tank was,lol. I was thinking you were raising fish in a big,actual metal tank thing,lol.
  9. Well I think they are neat. I took them yesterday on a quick hike through the woods. I think I'll start a photography journal so I can keep you all posted on what I see and do in the woods. Can you find the chipmunk in this photo? I had him about 6 feet from me just staring,lol. Not too long after the chipmunk, saw some red poking out from under the leaves and found this amazing looking fungus I believe.
  10. Re: Not going to be a fun weekend! Wow, sounds like a rough weekend, but make the best out of it. Glad you made it through the tooth pulling. I had two pulled out specifically for braces. Did I get knocked out? No,lol!
  11. I found this on the website of a TV news station. This didn't happen near me; it happened near Buffalo,NY. It's a riot in a way,lol! Wild Turkeys Cause Crash In Amherst Posted by: Sally Durwald, Producer Created: 3/30/2006 4:25:05 PM Updated: 3/30/2006 5:00:28 PM "Some wild turkeys caused a wild scene on Sheridan drive near North Forest in Amherst Thursday morning. Some passersby got out of their cars to try and help shoo the female turkey trying to get away from three males, from the road. The female kept darting into traffic. It is turkey mating season.At least one accident was caused by the birds. Those drivers were not hurt.The turkeys eventually left on their own."
  12. Re: mother nature\'s artwork *pics* Wow, how beautiful and breathtaking...Just shows how amazing and mysterious God truly is. Great photos!
  13. Re: Couple more over the weekend Cool! they look almost exactly like a couple sheds I found a few years ago.
  14. UBB45-ML-924818-ML-
  15. And no pun intended. We had an intramural indoor soccer game tonight and being that we are like 1-3, I was hoping to bag a win. Well we were tied 1-1 in the second half with 3 minutes left and a girl got away from our defense, I didn't know whether to stay where I was and try to anticipate her kick, dive for it, or try to kick it away. well I did the first and had my hand on the ball but it went in and they won 2-1. I feel so bad about and the rest of my team looked so....let-down. If we had gotten to free kicks/penalty kicks, at least we may have had a chance of winning. We have one more game but more likely then not we won't go to the play-offs. I know it is all for fun but being my senior year, it would be nice to end on a good note. I'm gonna go shower now, and study and brood.
  16. Re: Sports Injury Wow, that is rough! Good luck and I'll say a prayer. Don't try to play through the pain. You don't want to make it worse, though you may wonder how worse it could get,lol.
  17. Re: Sunday Morning, One Turkey, 6 Beards Congrats on an awesome bird!
  18. Re: Realtree Turkey Team #12 Good luck and keep us notified!
  19. Well this morning, at 8:30am, I met with an Environmental Educator from the DEC at the camp that it looks like I may be doing my internship at. He showed me around the camp and we walked about the place, what I've done, and even a little bit about hunting,lol He's a really nice guy and been working at the DEC for 30 years which is cool. If one of you NYers on here is him, I will die of embarrassment,lol Still some work to do on getting things arranged but I thought I'd let you all know I'm alive. I've got a ton of work due next week if I ever get it done, but at least trout season starts Saturday I went steelhead fishing yesterday and the fish were jumping like crazy but were not really biting and a bunch of guys were hogging up the hole. By the way is it legal to catch a steelhead, milk the eggs out of her into a bag then let her go? This one guy there did that and it kind of made me mad. I was like eat the fish you dummy! Oh well, that's my news for now!
  20. Re: How Many? Definitely not me,lol
  21. Re: Matched Sets of Sheds. Of the few sets I have found, the closest set was right next to each other in the middle of a cornfield. The farthest set was about a mile apart and I found each side on different days. Another set, I found one side one year and about 1.5 years later, I found the other side maybe 1/2 mile away, a bit chewed but for sure the match.
  22. Re: Wahoo! First shed of 06\' Thanks everyone! I'm hoping to get out and do some more looking around when this weather lets me and homework lets me also,lol. Good luck to the rest of ya!
  23. Re: huntin_girl is... my great 2005 Christmas exchange partner!!)
  24. Re: DH2005 hunt now? I bought mine online off half.com. Walmart use to have it but they don't in my area. tim and I had a good hunt tonight. He scored on a 200 class mulie and I got a 186 mulie, my biggest deer yet,lol
  25. Re: DH2005 hunt now? I'm coming, I'm finishing up baking cookies,lol