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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Anyone else have some hunting seasons coming close? In about 2 1/2 weeks squirrel and goose season open. Goose won't be too hot then but will be after them squirrels...and I have Sept. 1 off:cool2: Basically 2 months till archery season....freezer is getting low. This is a "shoot anything that walks in front of me" year. Well if it's a buck I'd like a 6 or better but with venison our primary meat source, we need it this year.
  2. We had to take one of the cars in for a repair. Find out the next day it's basically dead. Apparently break line broke, something else with struts. We bought itused like 11 years ago. The last year we couldn't fill the gas tank up all the way because it leaked. The guy at the shop even said it was to recommended to drive. So a new "used" car search is in process. We found this out the same day I found that Black Widow spider on the peach....lol.
  3. Yesterday while in an Aldi's store with my mom and I'm serious, I'm not kidding, it was a Black Widow. I picked up this peach and saw smethign move on the bottom of it where the stem would have been. I set it down then rememebr the stories I've heard of spiders coming in on fruit. Well I looked at it, small, black, couple reddish spots on the top of it's abdomen then it turned enough for me to look and sure enough the red hour glass on the bottom of it's abdoment. I didn't freak, I called my mom over and put it in a plastic bag. We gave it to a guy working there who was pretty non-chaland about it. We even told the cashier. I would think something like this is reportable but I'm emailing the store chain next. I'm scared of touchign fruit now,lol. I even called my sister and confirmed red hour glass = Black Widow. I even looked it up online and am 100% it's a Black Widow. Lord works in mysterious ways, I wasn't going to go in then I did to help my mom, so at least I kept someone from getting bit.
  4. Congrats:) In NY I had to take Hunter safety then Bowhunter Safety....got both my certificates.
  5. Oh my....God be with you Steve and your wife and family....May His will be done whatever it may be...
  6. thanks guys. I know I'm not sure if I should go ATV route or something like a Ranger route. Basically it would be used for hunting...be driven through fields and on trails in the woods..possibly driveway plowing in the winter....Basically an all around outdoor in the fields/woods type of deal...might take my mom/sister on some evening trail rides,lol.
  7. Go to a 3 D course or even better find a shop that has the computerized/digital targets which is live video of animals and you shoot at a screen with special blunt points.
  8. Nothing wrong with tagging any of those bucks IMO. I'd be more than thrilled....those would be huge deer for my state.
  9. Was talking with the friend who came down to goose hunt with me last fall. Got some input on a new goose call to get, etc. Well ended up just ordering online a Buck Gardner Canada Hammer for $25, a dozen Hardcore shell goose decoys for $69, and a simple mesh bag to carrow decoys for $18. In case you guys haven't been there, my friend told me about this place, Rogers Sporting Goods | Gear for the Serious Outdoor Enthusiasts at Rogers Sporting Goods - Hunting, Fishing, Camping They have some super super deals. I got some full body decoys and my blind from them last year. $69 for a dozen shell decoys seemed way to good of a deal. Hope to fill my deer tags early so I can chase the geese:boxing:
  10. just wondering if there is a certain time of year that ATVs are ever discounted in price or you can find better prices? Thinking next year might be the year to get my ATV, figure I should start some reasearch.
  11. I'll be glad to get rid of that odd ball for ya.....
  12. Interesting that all you do is post videos....
  13. We must live in the same state.....lol:-p I'll probably go out but it won't be great until late October into November...
  14. I was over helping with registration at the Dept. of Env. conservation Camp and the none other than BuckNRut brought one of his kids for the 3rd year running! Great to see ya again Art, wish we'd had more time to catch up!
  15. I should get out and do some chuck hunting...Nice job by the way!
  16. You are not alone. At the one end of our property we have several apple trees. Last year the majority of them were loaded except for a few. This year a few are loaded, several have none. Not sure whether it has to do with male/female apple tree, also frost when the trees were blooming and pollination. I noticed we had very high winds when the apple trees started blooming so I think that curbed some of the apples. Also like XT man said, I notice some seem to have apples every other year.
  17. Thoguht we all could share our shooting tips. That time of year, deer season is starting to creep up on us. I personally am looking for any suggestions you guys have in terms of not rushing the shot and following through. That seems to be the thorn in my side.
  18. That motivated you to do something? I just had a dream that I was over at college playing intramurals...which I loved doing when I was there. I woke up and thought why don't I get back into it this fall/winter...not to mention utilize the college's pool and gym. So that's something I might just put on my plate. Anyone else?
  19. Probably only going to have 2 pins on my bow for deer season...Currently have 4 on it but with how my bow shoots, I don't have any shots past 30 yards really and most shots are under 20.
  20. Is like walking into a new job...you feel helpless and everything is different... That is what's happened at work. Manager left, got an interim manager, they are splitting responsibilities between a couple people. Walked in to work today, found out I had an 8 hour inservice lecture to go to. Everything blew up on the floor while I was gone. The last 4 hours I was on the floor to work, it was spent cleaning/catching up. At one point I just wanted to walk out...Praying tomorrow is better. Ugh.
  21. Well....I'm on a roll because a jug of laundry detergent fell off the rack and onto my toe this morning...LOl Sure did hurt initially but I'm still walking....
  22. Make sure you are seated safely...I'd hate for you to get hurt after reading this and falling off the chair laughing... So last night I stopped at the camp to visit, see how this year's camp nurse is doing. I kind of had a rough 36 hours of work this weekend, so I'm tired already. I walk out of the dining hall, step off the sidewalk, my ankle gave out and I flew right into the gravel driveway. Mind you this is the big pointy gravel pieces...:surrender: I came out ok minus a scraped left knee, elbow, and bruises. My ankle was completely fine! No one saw me go down, but a couple counselors did see me on the ground post mid-air flight...I've worked there for 6 summers and the year I'm not is when I finally fall into that dreaded gravel,lol. And I've run plenty across that driveway! I thought you might like this, haven't had any good stories for ya in awhile:hammer2:
  23. I found a nice shady spot and did some shooting yesterday...hot weather isn't going to scare me off...lol
  24. I thought I posted some..maybe not,lol, I'll get some;)