A week ago this past Thursday I went out on a canoe scouting trip with a couple of the counselors from the camp I worked at the last 6 summers and now am volunteering. We actually spent 7 hours on the Genesee river....a little bit more than what the camp director expected. We were looking for a camp site they'd used last year, she thought it wasn't as far down as it was.
Had an awesome day, we were split in a canoe and kayak. Had 5 Bald Eagle sightings. Well into the last 2 hours of the trip, we were exhausted and just wanted to get to the car,lol. A small section of rapids showed up, higher than what we'd been through but looked manageable. Kayak went first and did ok, then the 2 of us went in the canoe. The trick is to keep your canoe pointed downstream. Well we did and somehow the waves caught us and got us turned sideways between the rapids and a boulder. We lean to keep the canoe upright, it stays then the rapids push us, tips and as soon as water got again, we turned right over, fell out. We were ok, just floated right out, dragged the canoe to shore but despite having stuff in bags, everything got wet, such as my cell phone, wallet, Kodak camera, first aid kit, you name it,lol. I also ended up with 2 good bruises on my right hip from getting hit by a rock in the water. We were resourceful and dried our electronics with gauze from the FA kits and set them on shore while we emptied the canoe. Then continued on our merry way but we were burned after that and any questionable rapids we came to we just portaged around. Will post some pics of the Eagles, they were awesome!