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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. 1/4 to 1/2 an acre doesn't give beans or peas much of a chance. I think you would have better luck planting in clover and then overseeding later summer with a cereal grain.
  2. Stay positive and hand in there. Prayers your way! todd
  3. dogdoc


    It was not surprising to me at all. While one heck of a player he is a scumbag!!!!
  4. Boston is a play-off team but no doubt James was off. That point guard for Boston had the series of his life--wow!
  5. spelling looks fine to me;)
  6. good question. Before I was a mod there were many times I wish I could have edited a post I made but time expired. Maybe Scott can look into this. Us mods don't have the power to change this for ya!
  7. Happy Birthday partner!!!! todd
  8. I guess getting a degree at ZeroU is better than no degree at all!! congrats! todd
  9. I would at least start your dog on 50 mg of benedryl to help with the swelling. You need to take his temperature (rectally) and if it is above 102 then he needs to get started on some antibiotics.
  10. Most snake bites result in swelling due to reaction to the venom and then a secondary infection from the bacteria in the snakes mouth. When treating a snake bite the dogs get an injection of a steroid, benedryl, and are started on a penicillin based antibiotic. I would recommend a visit to your vet before infection settles in the bite area. todd
  11. nice lookin' piece of land. congrats todd
  12. I plant my brassicas in the fall with a blend. I don't plant them alone. I've been using the same piece of land now for about 6 years and have never had a problem. I know some people will plant for 2 years in a row then rotate a different crop for the 3rd year then back to brassicas for another 2. You could always try overseeding your plot in the fall with a cereal grain and austrian peas. These will provide food all winter.
  13. dogdoc


    I'll take you to lunch on tuesday if you can go. My evenings are tied up with swimming and softball. We might even get gator to go with us. todd
  14. Sounds like fun. Should provide some nice cover.
  15. awesome. i love watching a young plot grow.
  16. If u have the ability to keep your clover plot mowed during the summer it will do just fine and you'll end up with more than 60% this fall.
  17. dogdoc

    Shameless plug

    hang in there-i've been voting daily. todd
  18. yep---i've planted it several times. It won't have near the germination rate as fresh seed grown for planting it wil still give you a good plot. todd
  19. awesome..can't wait to hear about the progress.
  20. I have both the 25-06 and 243. If it was just for you then i'd choose the 25-06 but for your daughter then i'd go with the 243
  21. dogdoc

    Favorite TV show

    I watch a lot of History and Discovery channel but right now my favorite shows are: Lost V Flash Foward and Breaking Bad
  22. i also always get good kill rate at 3oz/gallon