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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. Re: Average Price of an acre of land I purchased 160 acres of beautiful land for 800 bucks/acre todd
  2. Re: Okie Roll Call!!!!! NW OKC Hunt in Cleveland County and Lincoln County
  3. Ok, I just sighted in my muzzleloader--shot 4 shots thru it. Should I take it apart and clean it real well or just take out the breech and run a patch or just leave it alone?--season starts saturday.-----I got it shooting perfect and want that first shot to count. thanks todd
  4. Re: Big Buck question the toughest part of the morning hunt is spooking him while going to your stand. Can you get to your stand without entering the field? If so--you might be able to get him going back to his bedding area. Just remember--he didn't get big being stupid. About the only time they start to get stupid is when the girls get hot. best of luck todd
  5. Re: Question about Stealth Cam. yea--put it on test and hit the rewind button. My guess would be that the film had already been rewinded since you got an E after it reset it self. If the film hadn't rewinded then it should have reset to zero. todd
  6. Re: Big Buck question i think your best bet is to move the stand just a little deeper in the wood lot. todd
  7. dogdoc

    Fair Chase?

    Re: Fair Chase? is this the same guy who used to argue over the ethics of hunting food plots????? JK
  8. Re: My buddys 151\" bow kill that IS an awesome buck. congrats to your friend todd
  9. dogdoc

    First Bow Kill

    Re: First Bow Kill [ QUOTE ] It did hit the back strap some. Dogdoc, The dog is doing better since I took her to the vet. [/ QUOTE ] glad i could help the local vet---i mean your dog! glad the pooch is doing better todd
  10. Re: i need some answers looks like you figured it out---and your spelling is quite well.
  11. Re: Question about shoulder shots with a bow like bama said--it's all about penetration. not a shot that i would purposely take---but this was discussed a few months ago and a couple guys actually like the shot---I think AJ said he is comfortable taking a shoulder shot with his set-up. todd
  12. Re: Velvet Sans Vlevet 1 if it's the same buck that bow has put on some muscles----really thick neck---his back thighs are also very muscular. In the first pics he looks like a 2 year old--the bottom pic looks like a 3.5 year old buck---i'm definetely not an age on the hoof expert. good luck scoring on that big boy todd
  13. Re: Lost the blood trail did you have any white hair at all? Usually red blood with no bubbles indicates a muscle shot--which will usually give a great blood train at first but peter out within a few minutes. hope you find him. todd
  14. Re: Velvet Sans Vlevet 1 are those taken the same year. the bottom deer looks older. nice pics todd
  15. Re: Oneida man\'s slamming crows...... Ingredients 16 pieces of crow breast meat (no bones) (8 crows) 16 pieces of green pepper 16 cherry tomatoes 8 button mushrooms 8 ears of sweet corn 1 1/2 cups of Teriyaki sauce 1/2 cup melted butter 8 kabob skewers Preparation Cut each piece of crow in half and place in a covered bowl with the Teriyaki sauce over night. Clean and cut each ear of corn into 3 pieces. Cook in boiling salt water for 10 minutes. Alternately put corn (3 pieces), green peppers (3 pieces) and cherry tomatoes (3) along with 4 pieces of crow meat on each skewer. Use 1 mushroom to top each skewer. Brush with melted butter and place on preheated grill for about 4 minutes. Flip, butter again and place back on grill for another 4 minutes. Repeat one last time for a total of 12 minutes or until they appear done. recipes----click here
  16. Re: Hi Ho Hi Ho, Its off to Utah I go. best of luck!
  17. dogdoc

    Just a note....

    Re: Just a note.... i don't hate what i do---but i would rather be sitting in a tree stand right now. todd
  18. My daughter's preschool is spending 2 weeks (4 actual days) on the letter D. So today at preschool they had Donuts with Daddy. All the dad's were invited for a 30 minute breakfast of Krispy Kremes and OJ. I had so much fun just spending time with my daughter in her class. The kids had drawn a picture for their dad and we all enjoyed the food. When it was over all the kids had formed a line to go to art class and the dads said their goodbyes and headed to the exit to go to work. As the kids were walking to art class I hear my daughter happily screaming "Daddy"---then i see my little girl leave the line--run to me and jump in my arms and tell me "Daddy--thanks for coming--I love you so much" Tears filled my eyes as I walked back to my truck. There is nothing like the love of a child---that has to be the way God love's us. That must be why a child's love is talked about in the Bible. todd
  19. dogdoc

    The Flu Shot?!?!

    Re: The Flu Shot?!?! [ QUOTE ] you nailed it about the media. Big deal, people will get sick, some will die, but if the flu kills you i hate to say it but it may be your time to go. [/ QUOTE ] I wonder if you would feel that way if this was your wife, your parents, or even your child
  20. Re: T-Bone here, I AM HOME!! glad your surgery went well t-bone. we probably won't recognize you in the next MB video. i hope your recovery continues to go smooth. God Bless todd
  21. Re: Some Leaf River Digital Pictures those are some great pics. your new digital seems to be working out great for ya. todd
  22. Re: First Cut Expo 100s i have not used the first cut but have used the silver tips--same design but has a trocar tip. they have worked great for me on 1 buck and 1 hog. todd
  23. I am posting a pic for Oneida man---wow--now that is a load of crows:
  24. i guess you're talking about accessories to actually put on your bow???? You need a good rest---i shoot a bodoodle rest. I do think that a whisker biscuit is a good choice for a beginner. A set of sights---fiber optic--you could spend 15 to 150 bucks on sights. A release--unless you are going to shoot fingers---which I wouldn't recommend as a beginner----20 bucks at wally world. Arrows----I recommend carbons---Gold tips to be exact. you need to get a good stabilizer--not a must but they are worth it---even if it is from wal-mart for 15 bucks. string silencers---cheap and worth it limb savers---not a necessity but they work great target that should get you started. todd
  25. dogdoc

    youth bow

    Re: youth bow [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] cheap-skate. [/ QUOTE ] i'm still depressed after the butt kickin' we (OSU) took saturday night---must effect my spending [/ QUOTE ] Don't you mean "affect"? Stupid OSUian [/ QUOTE ] i always get those mixed up