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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. Re: Pics... great pics--still have horns here in Oklahoma todd
  2. Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies What a testimony..God works in mysterious ways---Even the JW played a vital role in you finding your way to Christ. You do have to appreciate the hard work and witnessing the JW do. Your testimony brought both chills and tears to me. Thanks for sharing and if just one lost person happens to read your testimony and find Christ it will be worth the finger cramps of typing that long testimony God Bless you and your family todd
  3. Re: Stealth Cam Battery Life doesn't get that cold here I have been getting about 2 to 3 weeks with my batteries in night time temps in 20's to 30's. in the summer I have been getting over a month. todd
  4. took a few minutes to find anything---that is some good hiding! todd
  5. sounds like you had a great season---hats off for sparing the button bucks! The future of hunting. next season will be here before you know it--and spring turkey season is just around the corner. todd
  6. dogdoc

    Plot upkeep

    Re: Plot upkeep another tip for a clover plot is when you fertilize use a nitrogen free fertilizer---the clover fixes it's own nitrogen so putting nitrogen in the soil will only fascilitate the weeds and makes nodules on the roots of the clover that fixes the nitrogen lazy! todd
  7. there are several post emergent grass controlling herbicided--Ornamac is one--whitetail institue makes one called Vantage---controls grass but does not control broadleaf weeds or other plants like clovers. Here is a link to vantage: vantage todd
  8. Re: Coyote Mount Pics looks great to me good job todd
  9. Re: Pete Rose if it takes character to get in the hall of fame then he definetely doesn't belong there---if it just goes on being a great baseball player then no one deserves to be in more than him. there weren't very many players that played the game with the intensity and success that Pete Rose played. I do have mixed feeling about him getting in, and I also think he came clean to promote his book. He was fun to watch and what a great hitter he was. todd
  10. Re: Whitetail Addiction at 2 bucks a bag i would be loading up. I have a small block right here in front of me---Ingredients are sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, mineral oil. 93% salt. yes--it works---it doesn't do much for the deer as far as supplying a balanced mineral supplement but it sure does attract them. todd
  11. Re: Whitetail Addiction I have used it Jim and the deer destroyed it---I think it is just a concentrated salt block---it will dissolve in the soil and probably still be there come deer season if you put it out in the spring. I picked some up on clearance at wally world last year and the deer destroyed it---better than my regular loose minerals. todd
  12. Re: Big Beaver LOL [ QUOTE ] That's a nice lookin Beaver ...Have you ever eaten the tails ? [/ QUOTE ] you've got to be joking todd
  13. dogdoc

    Scent Lock

    Re: Scent Lock jim, i have 2 suits and swear by them--are they 100%--No, but i do think they will decrease the amount of odor and give you a better chance if one does come downwind---I never rely on just the suit as I still hunt what the wind will give me! todd
  14. Re: MOOSIE\'s IN DA HOUSE I think we just need to start over--stop the name calling and just get along----It's Christmas--we may be from different parts of the country--but most of us are from 2 of the greatest countries--USA and Canada-----Let's just forget what was said---and keep those great pics of those big mulies coming! Merry Christmas to all and God Bless! todd
  15. I had to move mine also---have it on an edge of a food plot---I was hunting and watched a small buck walk completely around the camera---moved it over about 20 feet on another tree and the entire roll was taken in a week---they do get smart! todd
  16. Re: MOOSIE\'s IN DA HOUSE [ QUOTE ] BTW...I'm only 30 years old scares the crap outta me that you think I'm "older". [/ QUOTE ] man---your just a pup!
  17. Re: MOOSIE\'s IN DA HOUSE man--those are some great pics of some great animals and beautiful country---don't get to see that here in Oklahoma----Welcome to RT forum--hope to get to see some more pics of that beautiful land! Never have hunted mulies, bear, or elk---just stuck here in Central Oklahoma hunting whitetails and turkeys! Ever want an Okie in camp give me a big call----I can make a mean chili! God Bless and Merry Christmas! todd
  18. Re: Stealth Cam Bucks finally! great pics---first buck looks to be in great shape, is the 2nd buck missing brow tines---man he is wide! todd
  19. dogdoc

    Nov 20th

    Re: Nov 20th happy anniversary
  20. Re: It\'s Official congrats pop! todd
  21. Re: What is this?.......pic...... looks like a lymph node to me. Looks like some yummy roast there. todd
  22. Re: Must be a sign oh man stick with it---sounds like you are covered up with deer! good luck todd
  23. There is only 3 ways to compensate for decrease light on the camera----lower your f-stop, lower you shutter speed, or increase your film speed. Also--the higher the magnification you are shooting the pic at--the less light gathering capabilities the lense has---so if you shoot at lower magnifications it requires less light. Sounds like your only options would be to go up to 800 or 1000 speed film. good luck todd