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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER


    What a week

    I feel your pain..nothing worse than having sick little ones.Hope it's all straightened out by the weekend.
  2. I'm planting dwarf essex rape,turnips,and austrian winter peas along with a bag of Secret Spot.I limed and fertilized last week,and am shooting for about the first weekend in September as long as we get some rain in the forecast.It hasn't rained here in over 3 weeks and it's been right around 100 for about 2 weeks.Hopefully that changes soon.
  3. That's terrible news.My thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family.
  4. The only thing I can smell is our graphics designers perfume.She definately puts on two strong coats of the stuff.
  5. Sounds like a great place!Congrats on the purchase.
  6. Hey RackBlaster,where did you get your King Kutter from,and do you have any pics of it?I'm trying to talk a buddy of mine into going in on one,which would only end up costing us under $300 each.Also,how many times do you have to go over the ground with it before it's ready?

    State laws!

    Totally illegal to feed any wild deer at any time of year here in Illinois.I use to put corn out in late winter after season was over into spring to help the deer recoop from the season,but that's against the rules now. Baiting doesn't bother me much,as long as it's legal in that state.I could take it or leave it.It should give the hunter time to look the animal over better and make sure it's what they want to take,and also give them time to make a good shot and not rush it and wound an animal.On the other hand it does seem to make things a little easier for the hunter.
  8. Happy belated birthday Craig!Hope you had a good one!
  9. I'm going to lime and fertilize for my fall plot tonight after work.Tommorow I'm headed to St. Charles MO for the Bass Pro fall sale to pick up a new trail cam,some shotgun slugs,and maybe a 3-d target.Sunday I'm hanging cabinets in our laundry room and doind some landscaping in the front yard if it's not too hot.
  10. I pack the track...that's about it.LOL.I pit for a buddies Larry Shaw modified, and worked on another buddies super late model for a few years.I use to want my own race car,but now knowing how much work,time,and money is involved I just as soon work on a car once a week and go pit one night a weekend.U.M.P. baby....King of Dirt!
  11. Yep,I did see thew King Kutter on the Tractor Supply website for about the same money,and it looked pretty decent.It looks like the Kutter and Plot Mule Flip Disc are pretty comparable in function and price.Both are over 300lbs. and have notched discs so that sounds like plenty of weight to dig.I'll probably only be planting 1 or 2 acres in the fall and spring,so it won't get a ton of use.
  12. Just wondering what everyone is using behind their ATV to work their fields up.I've definately been doing things the hard way and am looking at getting a disc next spring.My father in law has a spreader and sprayer so this should be all I need.I've been looking at the flip discs in perticular.The Summit Plot Mule flip disc looks good for around $550,but I want to here some real world experiences.I thought about getting a cheapy agri-fab for under $200,but they look pretty wimpy,and I want something that's going to last.
  13. Great pics!Looks like an awesome time.
  14. Sharp looking truck!That should last you a while.What tires are you planning on throwing on?
  15. Yep,been dry here in south central Illinois.It's probably been 3 weeks since we seen a rain drop.Hopefully that changes so I can get my seed in the ground in the next month.
  16. Do a search and you'll find some like them,some don't.I have some and have had no problems with them.In fact shooting through my whisker biscuit they seem to hold up better than glue on fletchings.This is just my experience,but others have had no luck with them.The only way to find out is to try them for yourself.
  17. I don't know Spydee...J.J. hasn't lit the world on fire.I like Gibbs,Hamlin,and Stewart,but I'm sure no fan of Gomer Kyle.
  18. That's awesome news!Drury sure does seem to give back to the hunting community...another reason I like them so much.I won a Dream season suit from them last year. I think the last few years it has gotten a little easier for NR to draw tags here.
  19. The hog turned out awesome!110 pounder...we started her about 6:30 in the morning and took it off at about 4:30.It was domesticated.My family has been roasting hogs like this since before I was around.It's a blast,and talk about tasty!We stuff the inside with garlic,onions,apples,and pepper, and sew it up,and have an automatic baster dripping salt water on it the whole time.It's a lot of work,so we usually only do it once a year. If anybody is ever going by Rock City,it's pretty cool.It's a trail in the mountains that winds through some canyons and as you can see the views are awesome.
  20. On the way home we stopped at Rock City.I wasn't that excited about it,but it turned out to be well worth the stop.
  21. We went to Georgia for a cousins wedding over the weekend.The wedding was Friday and Saturday my uncle had good old fashion hog roast. Here's the wife,Emma,and me all dreesed up after the wedding.I don't wear a tie too often so it's a rare picture for me.