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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Shaun_300

    I am legal now

    Re: I am legal now congrats! it sure doesnt take long to rack up the posts! trust me! up here in Ontario, if there is bone stickin outa a deer's head that is more than 3 inches long, its considered a legal shooting buck!
  2. Re: Happy Easter! LOL! Happy Easter bud!
  3. Re: Daughters 1ST Birthday Happy Birthday to the lil one!
  4. Re: Hi everybody Welcome to the reatree forums Cody!
  5. Re: Show must go on!! Right on! awesome news pastor!
  6. Re: Nice Surprise!!! wow, sounds like nice bows! quick ones too!
  7. Re: great deal congrats on one heck of a deal bronc! man thats a steal! happy reloadin!
  8. Re: Huge North Dakota\'n shed wow, awesome shed! would have loved to find that one!
  9. Re: A couple fresh ones. wow! thats one huge shed! nice find!
  10. Re: BIG Whitetail shed pic awesome sheds Tim, great find!
  11. Re: fish pics nice mounts man! i have two fish mounted... a 9lb 5oz Northern Pike, i caught it through the ice when i was 5, and a 5lb Smallmouth Bass.
  12. Shaun_300

    new fisherman

    Re: new fisherman i agree with the others. a 6lb largemouth up here is BIG! i would definetly get it mounted. i have two fish mounted so far, a northern pike thats 9lbs 5oz and a smallmouth bass thats 5lbs. i never regret gettin them mounted. the pike i caught when i was 5, 13 years ago. both mounts sure bring back memories. i'd say go for it!!
  13. Shaun_300

    Later Folks

    Re: Later Folks enjoy your break Chris! hope ya get your computer up and runnin!
  14. Re: My pick for idiot of the month. geeez... what a bozo! i think he defiently left a few screws at the hardware store
  15. Re: Anyone hear about the baby in D.R.? LOL sounds pretty fishy to me! funny story though!
  16. Re: Stupid Rain... sorry to hear about the crappy weather! we have been lucky here, the weather has been beautiful for the past few weeks. we havent got any march snowstorms yet, and there hasnt been any rain. basically all the snow is gone, and the temperatures are great! highs are up around 50F for the start of the week, which is VERY warm for here in March luckily we only have to cut the grass from May to October!
  17. Re: I am hurting so bad.... dang, thats tough man. all i gotta say is hang in there! maybe both of you will realize that you need eachother, and things may workout and you'll start seeing eachother again. all things are meant to happen for a reason. and if you and Jen are meant to be together, then things will workout. like Jim said, dont do anything stupid! try and sit it out for a while, and things may turn around for ya! Hang in there buddy.
  18. Shaun_300

    Im a spike!

    Re: Im a spike! congrats on the new horns! i've only been here 5 months and i'm already a Monster Buck, its a great forum! you'll be a monster buck before ya know it!
  19. Re: Just got my deer back (pic) awesome buck ranger!!
  20. Re: Diesel Pump Rant he sure would have had a nerve to take it out of my car! man thats really askin for it! some people have no respect these days....
  21. Shaun_300


    Re: Opps! LMAO!!! he'll be whistlin for a while!!
  22. Shaun_300

    Talk to me

    Re: Talk to me welcome to the forums man!
  23. Re: Dream whitetail hunt i'm with kooter, Milk River, Montana. other places i'd go would be Saskatchewan, Iowa, Wyoming, Kansas or Texas.
  24. Re: free hand or not ? i usually never use a rest. when i bear hunt in the treestand, i put my elbow up on the bar in front of me, just to stabalize myself a bit better, but i have a pretty steady hand. also we usually only do chases up here for deer hunting, so when the deer come, they are usually coming quick. no time for screwin around with a rest
  25. Re: Aonther crossbow poll (for gunhunters) crossbows are already legal here in Ontario. i've hunted once with a crossbow and ended up getting a deer i plan on getting a crossbow and a compound bow in the next few years.