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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Why not Caroline Kennedy? NY put Hillary in office with absolutely NO experience, except for being the Presidents wife. America made BHO the president elect with absolute minimum experience. Qualifications don't matter anymore:rolleyes:. Its not what you know, its who you know.
  2. Welcome to the forums . As Leo said...thats a nice shotgun. Why off it? Most dealers will give a lowball # so they can make $ selling it. Thats capitalism. Car dealers do the same. For $3-400 you can get a Remington/Mossberg pump in 3 1/2" and still have the Beretta. With the new president about to take office , I wouldn't get rid of any guns. Keep EVERYTHING I had, and get more. Look around gun and see what they are going for.
  3. Good Luck with it Shaun. I have a 77V in .308 and it is a tack driver. You will like the Rugers.
  4. its Ohiobucks on the other end... with his usual banter.
  5. Adjam5

    Big storm

    We got just aboot 7" eh?
  6. as he lay, moaning in the snow...
  7. Adjam5

    Oh nice!

    Great grades Ruth...Congrats. Hey maybe it is a ideal time to squeeze Andy for foot/leg rub:D Hope you feel better soon. Merry Christmas to you both:)
  8. God Bless that little girl with what she is going through. Prayers will keep coming William.
  9. Welcome to the forums Buzz. From hot to cold, from the house to the woods, woods to the house over night. Condensation builds up and could contaminate the charge. Thats what I was looking to find out. One of the guns was a breech opening type ML, and the other was a open breech striker fired type. The open breech T/C Thunderhawk is the gun that failed to fire on the 1st primer. Personally have never had a charge not go bang in the field in 23 years. Normally, I would leave my ML in the truck over night, and get it in the am, so condensation could never be an issue. What I found out was that one gun is more sensitive than the other regarding charges staying loaded for 5 days from hot to cold ect.
  10. We won't wear MO... even if we're dead!
  11. checking the chambers so none go bamo!
  12. Those look like inside backstraps(tenderloins) Enjoy Joe!
  13. As he fixed his red and white Christmas hat...
  14. Hope ya feel better Kat, back pain really bites.
  15. He said...Andrea will be hitting 15000 posts in a little while...
  16. The one with he did with David Bowie?
  17. Still praying for her and you guys William.
  18. and Kathleen taking pics...all getting ready for a visit from St.Nick.
  19. Good song and very catchy too. I love the line. " I thank God for my life,and for the stars and stripes, may freedom forever fly, let it ring. Salute the ones who die,the ones that give their lives, so we don't have to sacrifice, all things we love..., like our chicken fried..." Simple...but true. The lyrics.
  20. Right back at ya! Merry Christmas to you and yours Finn.
  21. Don't go away...stick around a while:) I have, and you will too; learn a incredible amount of hunting knowledge on this board. Realtree has Guru's from A-Z... just ask. Good Luck with your hunt! Again Welcome to Realtree, and we hope you stick around a while.
  22. My boys are salivating...waiting for the snow. They make a few $$$ shoveling snow for others. I could care less about the storm. The deal is they shovel here 1st before they go off:D
  23. Congrats on your 1st! You did it all by yourself also;) A BIG congrats to Dad and the guy with the BIG heart ...Tink:)