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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Cool ink. I have over 30 hours of tattoo work myself;). Since you got those tattoos in Okinawa, did they do them the traditional way of using the bamboo hammers? I'd like to get one that way. I have a Chinese Dragon. It was done by Chris Garver of Miami ink fame. When he was working in NY's lower East side back in 1993. I got him before he became famous:D. can't get just one:p
  2. As long as it was a legal kill, I don't care what he shoots. It takes skill to hit a snake with a arrow.
  3. Where are ya Pal??? Ace!...OOOH... AceAr...cher... The silence is deafening. The BHO administration will be one of the MOST damaging to sportsmen and shooters that there have ever been.
  4. Good Luck have a journey ahead of you for sure. Hope you get the job you want.
  5. I started my little guys out with the .22 Crickett. That gun has now become the gun I take with me on my trap line. I would go with the .22 solely on the cost of the ammo. This is a great gun to get a kid started. I think I paid $99 at a gun show for it. He'll like it...what a good brother you are;)
  6. Adjam5

    Sad Day

    Poor guy becomes toast wherever he goes:D. Funny one.
  7. Nice Job Harv...Very festive and unique too.
  8. OK, my last few days of deer hunting are about to get underway. Almost all of NY's deer seasons will be ending Tuesday. Muzzleloading season is underway, and I will be out the next few days trying to shoot a buck. Our tags are either sex, but I think we took enough does(3) in a area that has antler restrictions(3 on one side). So I will ONLY be looking for horns. Which will be rare. Hopin' for a yote. The temps are 10-15 degrees colder at camp than here at home. We have had mondo rain the last few days, and all of that was snow up at camp. So, I have some shoveling to do when I get up there to open the house:rolleyes:. I'm off at noon. Wishing everyone good luck this weekend if yer goin' out and I'll be back...maybe Tuesday. What a great wife I have:D. I HAVE to get her some good gifts this year...I owe her:p BTW...we are currently in 4th place.
  9. Adjam5

    My Son's First

    Kids+ snow= fun.
  10. Yes, the show is geared toward the younger crowd with the music and young personalities. It IS different. I like the intensity he brings to archery shooting and the constant challenging of his skills. Shootin' skeet with a bow, the man does it with ease. Check out the vids. Chris Brackett is a bit of a cowboy...but Hey...ain't we all:D. We all know Howard Hill was a bit of a joke cracker and wise guy, maybe Brackett is the modern Howard Hill, skill wise. I'd love to see a guy like Byron Ferguson shoot with him and maybe even Dwight Shuh for a complete opposite end of the spectrum. Shuh needs to be checked for a pulse, what a personality! NOT. So putting him on a show that shoots to heavy metal would be entertaining.
  11. Good luck with your pooch. I know she means a lot to you.
  12. Kathleen, I think Steve means that all the lobsters will be empty shells in the trash in the morning:). That color blue is amazing. Those are some very big odds capturing one of those, lets call them "color phase" lobsters:D. BUT...with all the lobsters caught every year, can't finding those types of lobsters happen more frequently?
  13. Ya had me, hook line and sinker:D
  14. Thats great Ruth! No cap it all off with a bow kill! Good Luck out there!
  15. Steel is no good for a bullet. It needs to be softer than the rifling in the bore , so it can get the lands and grooves cut on it for the spin stabilization, and expand when it hits the target. Dangerous game bullets for Africa are solids, but copper/ brass alloy or some other hard alloy that will not expand. I wonder if a hunter is allowed to shoot buckshot? Some states allow this, and I can see where 9 .32cal balls can get lost in a deers body cavity. I think outside of slugs, most quality bullets are a hard alloy and have good weight retention to reduce fragmentation. In 23 years hunting I have never come across lead in my food. Well, maybe 2x:D. We went pheasant hunting, and those birds always hold a few BB's. But I have never seen lead in a deer except recovered muzzleloader bullets. Whenever politics plays a role in game management, the hunters and the animals always lose.
  16. How about a bad coil? When they heat up, they can fail and not produce enough spark. That kind of mileage it is possible. Just a thought.
  17. Your right Finn. I like this one. Aiming with both eyes open. What you do with a ACOG optic.
  18. Very nice buck. I too thought of varnish or shellac on his antlers when I saw the pics. Congrats on getting him.
  19. Adjam5

    Its a Girl

    Congrats Eric...Daddy's little girl on the way:)
  20. Ouch...That bites Jeramie. But it does look you knew who's cage to rattle to get another pole. I imagine the pole was on your side of the property line, correct? Thats why you had to replace it. Your lucky you had a electrician in the family. Think about how long it would have taken a worker(s) under those conditions. I'd say you were a bit motivated. No one got hurt...thats the important part. Will your homeowners Ins help out with the truck? Good luck.
  21. Looks like someone is gonna have a sonogram picture on the fridge soon:). Congrats Kyle...the best of times are ahead. I say this to all who have great news like this. "may the 1st child, be a masculine child":D
  22. Good that there are some still around for next year. But, from what I have heard from Tominator... There are NO more big bucks in Ohio:p
  23. 7 years old! Dang thats a granny of a doe:D I believe old does are the smartest deer in the woods. Congrats.
  24. Good shootin'! Congrats! Don't look back from here...