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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Thats a great buck and it was earned the old fashion way, sitting and freezing for a week:D Congrats Charlie and to you too Randy for making all this come together.
  2. This is exactly what I am talking about. There are much bigger fish to fry? Let me tell you something my friend, that IS one of the fish they want to fry. For losing the Lawful firearms commerce act( where you can't sue gun makers over crimes committed with guns), for the sunset of the Clinton assault weapon bill, for so MANY states,38! that have enacted the right to carry. The recent Heller VS. DC also. Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton, Kennedy Read up on these people. See what their record is? These are who BHO surrounds himself with. Many think BHO has a magic wand and he will fix everything...see he already lowered the gas prices:rolleyes:....PUHLEEESE. So go read his voting record on guns. A liberal senator from a big city with lots of crime. Matter of fact, there has never been a minority politician who has not backed gun control or anti hunting measures. They come from big cities and do not have the hunting/shooting/military heritage that many do here in The USA. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
  3. Do you have pair of lucky socks? Do you wear them? I am NOT superstitious at all. I too have been hunting hard to and not seeing much, and as I think about it. This happens every year a week or so after opening day. The big lull in the woods, no deer activity during the day. If anything I do find that helps is, to switch up your tree stands and pay BIG attention to the wind. I believe deer can pattern hunters to a extent. Our breath alone is enough to alert deer to our presence. If it is gonna happen it will, I believe it is all timing. You gotta be in the woods for it to happen. The best buck I ever shot, I never knew was around.
  4. It has been ho hum for me, and good for my oldest son so far. My son has taken 3 deer so far(button,spike,doe), 2 with the bow and his 1st with the gun. I have taken 2 doe, one with the bow and one with the gun. There is a LOT of venison in this house presently:D. We still have 3 weeks of deer season left here in NY, so I still have hope for some horns. I will be heading back up to deer camp after the Turkey dinner:) Good luck to you and Don this season and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  5. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Lets keep in our minds, hearts and prayers our Brave men and women defending this great country who cannot be with their families on this truly American Holiday.
  6. I purchased this rifle a few years ago because I didn't have a .243 and it was the right price;). I always thought that it was based on a Mauser action, but now the more I look at it, I think this could this be based on a Enfield action? After all, this rifle was made in England. There are proof marks all over it. Any help/info appreciated. Thanks, Anthony
  7. Do you get any Javelina out there also? They are considered game where as hogs are pests...correct?
  8. Update on the Bear.... 421lbs and skull green scored at taxidermists 21 1/16" !!! Larger than what was originally thought. It looks like someone is making the Boone& Crocket club:D Congrats my friend and a Heros Welcome home:)
  9. That little Johnnie's a smart one:D
  10. I have 6 brand new 28" Easton Jazz arrows. 1716 Lite They have white and blue feather fletch. Fixed field tips. These were purchased with a Mathews Genisis about 5 years ago for my youngest and were never shot. $25 shipped Easton link
  11. Tim, the live hunt stuff is COOL and thanks for taking us through it. Glad you got a good one. Have a Happy NY Thanksgiving!
  12. Adjam5

    My new truck.

    My thoughts exactly:D Good Luck with it.
  13. Pretty common procedure Shaun. She'll get those prayers anyway:)
  14. We hunt the Fallsburg/Liberty area. Thats where our land is. I sent you a PM Brudaman.
  15. Congrats on the does...I can't stop shootin' the freezer fillers either:D
  16. Hmmm... that is weird Kathleen how his pic didn't come up in your post. The link is good, because the pic I posted is still up. Believe me, the boy is not shy:D.
  17. My pal Chad, who just got back from that great big sandbox in Iraq, after his 2nd tour with the Army got to get back home and wack a giant of a bear. It was approx 442 lbs and the skull green scored some where in the 16-17" range! This is him fishing in one of Saddam's ponds at the Palace I am extremely happy that my friend made it home safely and was able to get on some good deer and bear while he came home to NY. He is down at Fort Stewart,GA doing his last few months in the military. He even stopped here on his way up to his Moms WAY up in NY, in good ole Rockland county and bowhunted a morning with us here. Good to see him and glad to call him my friend:) Thought I'd share his success.
  18. Welcome to the forums Ed . CVA makes a spray type cleaner called barrel blaster. You plug the breach and fill up the barrel. let it sit a bit and then its clean. Give that try for $5 or so. I like using T/C's bore butter also as a protector for the black powder guns. Lapping the barrel is also a possibility. Midway has all you need for this. BTW, congrats on your little girl, sure is a doll.
  19. Lookie what I found... When Joe got started, 4 years old here.
  20. Adjam5

    A bad day

    I'm feeling it too Kevin. I've been out since Oct 3. When the cold weather comes, construction slows to a crawl in NYC. I'm waitin' on a call from the hall...all I can do at this point. Could be worse... I could be out of work when there is nothing to hunt. Are you looking for work in the same field? One door closes another opens. Lets see what the future brings. Good Luck.
  21. Like jjl said, I leave the gut pile for the yotes and birds. I'll stick to just the meat.
  22. Gonna git me one of those magazines...VERY cool:cool:.
  23. Tough little girl there William. Glad everything is getting better. Continued prayers for her recovery.
  24. Good Buck Tim Congrats! I like all that nubbly stuff around the bases.
  25. Do any ranch owners trap them to relocate them on high fence ranchs? Or do most ranchers just eliminate them when you get the chance?