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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Congrats to the both of ya;) Many Many more years together.
  2. That totally got me by surprise... Thanks for sharing it.
  3. Mr Jordan has my vote! Good luck Bill!
  4. Very Cool:cool: Congrats to your son and you too Kevin;). That sounds like a good time waiting to happen. The BEST times I have ever had afield have been with my sons. Good Luck and get good one.
  5. Happy belated Birthday pal. Many Many more Chris;)
  6. I'm sorry for your loss Jeramie. Grandmas in a better place.
  7. Thats a nice buck Craig! Congrats! Jeramie I really like the palmation of that rack too. Congrats. I shot another doe on a drive Tuesday. I got her to freeze with the old "baaa" and pow! Easy drag downhill too:) I don't think does help us with the points, but it is all I have been seeing. That and small bucks which I can't/won't shoot. This is deer #5 in this house this year. My son Joe took 3 and I took 2. We are gonna need a 3rd freezer soon:D I came home today to get some clean clothes...make sure I was still married:rolleyes: she loves me and lets me hunt as much as I want. What a gal! I'll stay home tonight and when the boys get out of school tomorrow, off we go back to deer camp! Yippie! I still have a buck tag and 2 muzzleloading tags come 2 weeks. Good Luck everyone! Anthony
  8. Congrats Jeramie! I love the palmation of the rack. Good Buck.
  9. I pray that this all works out William and Mrswtnhunt. I will keep her and you guys in my prayers.
  10. Had a good weekend regardless of the weather. My son Joe dropped a spike opening day, and my son AJ held out for horns. I had a doe tag for him if he wanted, but he wanted horns. This is deer #4 for this family this year. Joe wacked 3( 2 with the bow) and I got one with the bow. Our freezer is filled to the brim. What a problem to have huh:D. The rain was wicked Saturday afternoon, we were on a tornado watch in Sullivan cty.
  11. Hey team quick update here. My oldest son Joe shot a spike and my 14 year old son AJ, passed up about 2 dozen does holding out for horns:rolleyes: I told him "its your its a doe... big deal...No Dad...I want horns." OK son your call, but remember I have a doe tag in my pocket if you want to shoot one". I had a great weekend, weather was a bit crappy and we didn't hear a bunch of shots in the area. The kids have to go to school tomorrow, so I drove them home from camp and I'm going back up tonight! It is only a hour away from home. I'll be at it again tomorrow morning! I am out of work, so I might as well stock the freezer! Good Luck team! Anthony
  12. The House looks great. Its all coming together nicely.
  13. I'm sure Pops is a tough cookie... he'll get some prayers. Hope he gets better soon. Don't give your father a hard time... do as he says...go hunting and good luck!
  14. Oh wow...You and your family will be in our prayers here. God Bless her.
  15. I'm pacing the house, with the truck packed and waiting for my sons to come home from school and off we go...The weather forecast says rain all day Saturday in our area, but Sunday we might wake up to snow...which will be the perfect backdrop for hunting. Good Luck again everyone! Hunt safe!
  16. This man has obviously not met a OTPG member yet:D. Good shot John ...meat in the freezer.
  17. Adjam5


    I've known for a while pesi promotes a lib/rainbow agenda. Its always been Coke for me.
  18. Cool site and a great article too. You do beautiful work.
  19. Wonderful pics Kathleen. The good times just keep piling up:). Whats hunting camp without some ribbing?
  20. Adjam5


    Heavy Electrical construction in NYC.
  21. The good thing, if any; about rain and the rut is that scrapes and rubs will have to be freshened up. Hunt 'em. Sending and receiving Pee mail is essential this time of year:D. I gun hunt in a wonderful dry heated ground blind sitting on a old barstool. Rain don't scare me.
  22. I know completely what you are talking about. How about coming home empty from turkey hunting and seeing this in your yard? Or coming home from deer hunting, getting undressed and seeing this out the window. Yes thats the same gate as the turkeys walked through. Love that rut is right:)
  23. Cody, you have killed deer are quite capable. Like Mrswtnhunt said...don't be so hard on yourself. As long as your out will happen. Saturday is our deer gun opener. I will be sitting with my 14 year old son AJ, who will be on his 1st deer hunt. He will be the shooter and is exempt from antler restrictions in area, he is under 17. My son Joe who is 16 now, has 10 days to be exempt from AR's, he was born Nov 25th. Then he has to play like the rest of us, 3 on one side. But I am excited to have 2 of my sons at deer camp and in 2 more years it will be 3, when my little guy turns 14. I've dreamed about these coming moments, when I thought about my future years ago. Hunting with my kids someday. Now... I'm thinking about hunting with my grandkids:D I think I'm getting old. I want to wish our team luck this weekend and hunt safe. Anthony
  24. Adjam5


    Cody get her a wisker bisquit. A good rest for a 1st timer. About $40