There were a bunch of 1sts that happened with this hunt.
Weds afternoon I get up to my deer camp in Sullivan county. I go out the next morning and freeze my cha chas off. It was 20 degrees I sat until 9am and went in. Didn't see a thing. I came back out at 2pm.
At 5pm I hear rustling and 2 fawns come out to eat apples. 12 minutes later...2 mature doe step out and take the long way to the apple tree. I see them, I draw sitting down, searching with my lip for the kisser button through my mask... and I hold... waiting for them to get in my sight picture. They take the long way......15 yards...20 yards... they stop at 30 and start grooming themselves...I'm holding...I'm holding...One goes over to the fawns...I get a bead on the doe thats all alone. (I know she is a hair over 30 yards, I hit that spot with my rangefinder before... when I got set.) I settle my 30 yard pin on her chest...exhale, aim and let fly...She jumped the string a bit, but I hit her good and the arrow drove right up into her chest( she was slightly quartering while grooming) and she took off into the brush with the arrow buried to the fletch.
I waited 20 minutes and it got dark on me. I came back the next morning with a neighbor. All I thought about was the coyotes in the area. We picked up the blood trail again the next moring, found my arrow and her intact. She ran uphill instead of left or right. Weird...
This was a special deer to me and I have shot a bunch of doe with my bow... Why?...
I consider a Sullivan county deer, as opposed to a Rockland county deer(where I live), to be a honest deer. They are less tolerant of human odor and intrusions. Know what it is like to be pursued by predators and really forage for a meal. Not have lush landscaping to hold them over in the harsh winter food periods and peoples yards to hide out in. This was the 1st time I ever had to leave a deer lay over night and recover it the next day...1st deer I killed in this stand also.
It was the longest shot I EVER killed anything with my bow. 33 yards.
A big mature doe.
There has been a lot of talk about Rage heads and the holes they make...Well take a look at the entrance Hole a 100gr Spitfire did.
I'm sticking with my Spitfires:)